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New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created
"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Last week I saw them live
Would you beleive my ears are still ringing? Can't get them out of my head"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Great Rock bands from Canada
Pat Travers
Maybe you can recommend some more?"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
bab 2900
An international incident
Although you know we are an extremely peaceful nation, oriented on trade, we keep one test range (among Kish, Larsa and famous Babylon, i.e. deeply inside our territory) where our soldiers (not very numerous) are trying to become veterans (with no success so far). Today they trained a volley throw of spears after a hill. After one mass throw they heard a mass scream. They were very surprised when they found a group of slaughtered (and armed!) Assyrian horsemen! Nobody survived!
We express a hearty regret with a needless death of brave Assyrian soldiers. Wives of our soldiers started a fund-raising campaign and collected 1 ounce of gold, which is offered to Assyrian widows and orphans.
We are sending an official protest to Assyria and we are asking for an explanation why an armed group of Assyrian soldiers walked deeply in our territory. We remind a valid treaty between Babylon and Assyria guaranteening a border which may be passed over only after a written agreement (so called 'visas').
We also remind that recently we explicitly articulated a disagreement with any entrance of Assyrian army units in our territory.
Before the misadventure happened our counter-intelligence reported a possible presence of undefined Assyrian soldiers in our territory. Therefore we warned the Assyrian ambassador in Ur. He was clearly intoxicated and only laughed! We are expelling him back to Assyria and asking for an ambassador that would not be so inclined to booze.
We hope that this intrusion and strange behaviour of Assyrian ambassador doesn't indicate the Assyrian warlike faction (dreaming to gain a control of all the world- we remember this faction was very strong a century ago when Hittite lands were attacked) is getting more influence after Harsu announced his resignation.
A civil Assyrian boat (with no valid visas) was found in Babylonian territory (on a river near Lagash). We demand it immediately turns back.Attached FilesLast edited by SlowThinker; October 9, 2004, 21:37.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Originally posted by germanos
I'm also pretty worried that Stephan has not shown up yet. He has for ages been the slowest/most absent participant, but this is stretching it. If he fails to meet his next turn, I think we should start looking for a replacement.
But I prefer a temporary replacement first, like with Straybow.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Didanu has ascended the Throne.
Foreign Affairs:
scouting parties
The Minoan town of Psychro has been spotted by our scouts, and we do apologize to the Minoans for once again staying so close to the city limits. We will do our best to move away from the city as soon as possible.
Northern Babylonia
Assyria is saddened by the events that transpired in the fields near Kish. The gesture made by the wives of Babylonian Armed Forces is appreciated, but respectfully declined. The Assyrian Empire takes well care for widows and orphans of those who fall in the service of the King. The sons will have full access to training in the Empire’s Barracks, while the daughters and wives will have privileged stalls in the Marketplaces in Assyria’s finest cities. Any widow and eldest daughter to marry will be bestowed with a fine dowry, leaving no doubt they will live a wealthy life.
It is a most unfortunate event that our scouts on horseback, on a mission to seek out trade-opportunities, has met with such an untimely fate. However, these faithful men have provided excellent service for their King and country, and they will remembered well. A small shrine will be erected in their barracks, and many offerings will be brought for their journey into the afterlife.
The Assyrian ambassador to Ur has arrived in Nineveh. He is lucky not to have been beheaded, a fate bestowed upon one of his predecessors not too long ago.
His report fully confirms the Babylonian one, and Didanu had a few good laughs as well as the story progressed on the various visits Babylonian officials paid to the ambassador. He is staying at the Palace, sharing quarters with the court’s jester, awaiting his return.
Department of Interior
Hittite scouts
Assyria shares the Hittite regret for the crowded roads near Ish-Mandaroun, and we will do everything possible to ensure a save and quick passage for the Hittite scouts south of the port. It will be a difficult operation though, as the ZOC of the city practically blocks the passage to Tarsus all by itself. We suggest that the swordsmen will follow the road east of them when they break up their camp. Assyria would like to know if the scouts are indeed heading for Tarsus, or if they have a more eastern destination. Providing directions will ensure swift passage.
Indigenous rebels fortified in the hills and mountains of Iatana have been successfully assaulted with the use of battering rams. Enormous efforts were made to drag the equipment up the hillside after they were shipped in from the mainland. The copper to be found on the island is now save to be extracted and the successful operation has been cheered by the new King. The rebels now serve slave-labor near Nineveh.
The Moabites who choose not return to nomadic life had travelled to the Kingdom of Ammon and resettled there. Their stories of life in the Assyrian Empire has led the Ammonite King to seek the Assyrian court and he has offered us tribute. King Didanu proudly accepted the tribute and extended his protection over the Ammonites lands in return. Egyptian charioteers, present in vast numbers in Canaan will find themselves close to the Ammonite Kingdom shall they travel further northeast. The sentry once stationed in Canaan has taken position on the city’s limits.Attached Files"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Originally posted by Didanu
It is a most unfortunate event that our scouts on horseback, on a mission to seek out trade-opportunities, has met with such an untimely fate.
Or is it a symptom of an imperialistic thinking, proceeding from the fact you are a strong and large empire and you can do anything?
Before the incident your traders were clearly informed about demands in our cities and entrance of your scouting units was distinctly rejected.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Storm clouds gather over Canaan!
[i]Didanu has ascended the Throne.[i]
Normally Pharoah would send warm blessings to his northern brother, but nay, not on this most inauspicious day. As ye well know, Didanu, your forefather's signed a treaty which acknowledges Egypt's exclusive right to all the lands of Canaan south and west of the Litani and Jordan rivers. As part of this agreement, both Egypt and Assyria swore to never build cities IN the river valleys!!
But what do we find astride the Jordan? To be sure, nothing less than treachery!!
[i]The Moabites who choose not return to nomadic life had travelled to the Kingdom of Ammon and resettled there. Their stories of life in the Assyrian Empire has led the Ammonite King to seek the Assyrian court and he has offered us tribute. King Didanu proudly accepted the tribute and extended his protection over the Ammonites lands in return.[i]
Know ye this Didanu, thy overweening pride has brought thee but one of two choices:
1) Immediate acknowledgement that this settlement is in violation of the treaty and an agreement to root these trespassers out by 2890 B.C. (Pharoah will stay his hand and await the posting of a new Save File in which Assyria Rush Buys a settler in the city). On the same date, the Skirmisher fortified in the valley must be removed as his presence is interfering with the movement of Egyptian forces. As an additional gesture of acceptance, in 2890 the Assyrian caravan presently entering Egypt must move one square to the north and fortify, as all trade is forbidden until this matter is resolved.
2) If Assyria refuses these just demands, Egyptian Charioteers (who are stationed nearby in "vast numbers") will immediately destroy the skirmisher, the caravan, and the city.
Perhaps with another nation Pharoah's terms would be less harsh, but Assyria has shown a recurring willingness to tread upon it's other neighbors - Hatti, Minos, and now Babylon - and assuredly Egypt will tolerate nothing of the kind.
Pharoah's Chariots await thy reply!
(NOTE: No Egyptian forces have yet moved - we were able to identify the presence of the new city by the telltale "road" present in 84,64)Last edited by Kull; October 10, 2004, 20:16.To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise
Procedural Note: I'll be on travel until next Saturday, and can't guarantee that internet access will be available. Accordingly, I formally request an extension of the normal 72 hour limit until my return (especially given the sudden rise in diplomatic temperature currently affecting our hitherto sleepy little game!)To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise
No way I'm going to post a new save"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Originally posted by Kull
Procedural Note: I'll be on travel until next Saturday, and can't guarantee that internet access will be available. Accordingly, I formally request an extension of the normal 72 hour limit until my return (especially given the sudden rise in diplomatic temperature currently affecting our hitherto sleepy little game!)
This game is doomed
Edit: I hope everybody is awake nowLast edited by germanos; October 11, 2004, 04:25."post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Envoy send to Memphis."post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller