Those red men around the bonfire were cannibals, all our horsemenwere eaten! This turn our armies found another bonfire, again with red men inside. This time we attacked without hesitation and all red soldiers were killed!
No announcement yet.
New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created
Assyrian cities grow steadily, and measures need to be taken to prevent unrest in the most crowded ones.
Persian incursions near Karkemish have brought great disstress among the citizens and farmers, and an envoy has been send to Ecbatana with an official protest. Another envoy is send to Memphis, with renewed instructions for their scouts.
Meanwhile, Assyrian Charioteers pay tribute to the Minoan settlement of Amnisos, far west of the Hittite Kingdom.
A stand-off is building on the island of Iatana (Cyprus): Minoan forces claim the island in its entirety. Locals loyal to Assyria challange that claim, but do not deny to Minos the establishment of a colony on the island. A proposal to share the rich lands equally between our nations has not been answered yet by King Minos. As it is, Minoan forces have not been able to move into northern Cyprus, as they (physicly) cannot deny joint Assyrian and Local (Barbarian) Zones of Control. An agreement on the division of the island is still desired by the Assyrian King, and a new envoy has been dispatched to seek a solution.
The Assyrian fleet has doubled in size to accomodate for swift transportation to and from the island.
edit: never mindAttached FilesLast edited by germanos; May 29, 2004, 13:18."post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Upon the distant northern banks of the mighty Euphrates river - within sight of the very walls of Karkemish itself - the men of Egypt came upon a sight more wondrous still, the cavalry of Persia! But the meeting was brief, as our forces immediately withdrew south at the request of Assyria.
Envoys have been dispatched to the Persian capital of Ecbatana bearing gifts and offers of goodwill. (Should the Great King of Persia be willing, he is invited to conclude a formal Peace between our two peoples using the AI diplomacy next turn).
Elsewhere, Hittite charioteers have camped astride the Great Petra road, and are invited to move off it as soon as possible. Egypt is not unwilling that others should use this boon to commerce and exploration, but coordination with our forces ahead of time will allow us to remove the military checkpoints, thus ensuring swift passage for travelers - keeping in mind that entry into the Nile heartland is limited to caravans and a select few others.
Dangerous Barbarians have been encountered in the Dunelands of the East, and Egyptian forces are now arrayed for battle. May the Sons of Horus smite the enemy and drive him before us like blowing sand!Attached FilesTo La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise
The men of the legendary land of Mudraya have been received enthusiastically by the residents of Ecbatana.
Seven days of ongoing festivities have celebrated the begin of diplomatic relations between these two ancient empires.
The highlights of the festivities included a parade held in honour of Mudraya; apart from the envoy having to point out that Mudrayans do not have scaled tails, there were no complications and everybody was happy.
Another highlight was when the elephants the Mudrayans brought went berzerk in Ecbatana, killing more than 50 people in the process; all spectators agreed that this was the most entertaining event in Ecbatana since the firestorm over the leper-infested quarters nearly 25 years ago.
A slight misunderstanding occured when the Persians found they had no use for the giraffes the envoys brought along and simply roasted and ate them. According to wild gesturing by the envoys, giraffes seem to be served as omeletts in their homelands. But once the royal cook served his famous stewed camel, everybody was happy again.
In other news, Persian cavalry has retreated from the outskirts of Karkemish. The hazarapatish himself has met the troops, and instructed them that raping Assyrian women is not a nice thing to do. In an official statement, the hazarapatish said that the troops were punished to the extent that they will never be able to rape a woman againAttached FilesFollow the masses!
30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!
Uuuuhhh.... The great Minoan King is very tired...
(It is 4.25 AM real time here and now)
I hope you guys appreciate this enthusiasm, LOL
Nothing new in greek land!
Attached Files
Minos wonders whether other nations are facing the aggressivity of the greedy Assyrian conqueror: one Assyrian chariot is stationed close to a Minoan city and (much worse IMO) another one is fortified on the island of Cyprus past the dividing line designed by Harsu himself and accepted by Minos.
A message has been sent, asking politely those troops to be removed, but peace really seems to be fragile.Attached FilesAux bords mystérieux du monde occidental
Sorry my chariot was in your parking space, O Rameses; it is now removed. Some Assyrian units may have noted changes in city names last turn. The Regent had named a city in the West "Tarsus," which now goes by the more fitting Ortakoy. The coastal city founded as "New Tarsis" is now "Tarsus."Attached Files(\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
(='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
(")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)
Little has happened. Some say this has been the most boring decade since times long passed.
But at the Royal Court, far away from the talk of the street, things have been all but quiet. King Harsu is under heavy critisism for some foreign policies, and rumours have it that he is being laughed at behind his back…
Domesticly, things have been going downhill as well, as the citizens of Nimrud are revolting in the streets. Flames can be seen rising up from the outskirts of this huge city, and great losses are reported in resources while royal taxcollectors have been robbed on the way to the capital.
Harsu knows the power of the local kings must be kept in check, but he lacks the funds to set up his own gouvernours in the Assyrian city-states. Resources and taxes will have to be diverted if Harsu is going to keep his empire fully under control.
Contrary to Minos' claims, Assyrian troops on Iatana have withdrawn behind the border at the first opportunity at hand, as agreed. On the mainland, other charioteers have moved west from the Minoan city of Amnisos. They now roam lands where the goatherders sell their milk and yoghurt to Gotta, but the city itself has not been located.
To the Minoan King we ask: if Assyrian forces enter your city radii, please let us know at the first opportunaty, and not decades later. Doing so could prevent the rise of tensions and ease your citizens' nerves.Attached Files"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Great rejoicing fills the streets of Egypt as word arrives telling of the Great Victory in distant East. Though initially surprised by the sudden onslaught of the numberless Desert Barbarians, the wily veterans of Sais held firm and cut them down as wheat falls before the scythe!
Elsewhere, exploration and economic development continue - most notably the construction of granaries in almost all the cities of Egypt. With hunger and starvation seemingly a thing of the past, the people rejoice in their great good fortune and Pharoah's popularity soars to new heights.
(As Merneptah would say, "it's all about the grain, foolish one!")Attached FilesTo La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise
Apologies to king Straybow for the city names, with the exception of New Tarsus the royal advisers were allowed to pick those names until the king returned to his throne.
New Tarsus was named so to honor those lost in the original settlement of Tarsus that was destroyed.
Glad to see that things are progressing well, but a little sad to see no barbarian hordes have appeared. In my SP game I was facing my second wave of probably 100 strong at the gates of hatta.attacks like that could make this game REALY Interesting.
Wizards sixth rule:
"The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason."
Can't keep me down, I will CIV on.