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New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created

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  • Memphis: "Sacks of Pebbles aren't Good Enough!!"

    "The Nomarch is not happy, no not a bit - not happy AT ALL!" The young slave bustled about the room, a worried look clouding his face, versions of the same refrain repeated again and again, his head shaking back and forth all the while. After two seasons of this behavior, Merneptah scarcely even notices - his old head instead pondering the problem set before him. The Nomarch was correct - the old methods for recording information simply didn't work any more. When Memphis was a small village, it was fine to use a sack of pebbles to represent an equivalent number of wheat sheaves. But the system quickly broke down when applied to the incoming harvests from multiple towns. And you still had to account for jars of beer, racks of dried fish, stacks of pottery - the list went on and on. Even harder to conceive, the Nomarch also wanted to track last summer's produce, and the harvests preceding even THAT! It was enough to make an old man long for simpler times, that was for sure!

    But even as the thought arrived, Merneptah banished it. Yes, there was little to keep him busy in those days, but also less reason for the village to keep him alive. One bad harvest and the eldest and infirm could expect to be sacrificed. Oh, there wouldn't be sharp weapons involved, but slow starvation was just as effective. And a house of his own? With a slave - clucking hen though is? No, all things considered, life under the Nomarch was infinitely superior to the "good old days".

    "Bah!!" Merneptah spoke aloud, surprising his slave and even himself, "That's enough backward-gazing old man! Think on this matter, think!" Ignoring the strange look from his suddenly silent servant, Merneptah's eyes wandered, as they always did, to his lovely young wife. There before him sat the greatest benefit of the Nomarch's new order. Her family had demanded a stiff bride price, but it was one Merneptah could afford and was glad to pay. No longer did a man have to be young and robust to earn a living, and for that Merneptah gave thanks to the Gods for the thousandth time. She was quite an artist, that little one. Look how she had beaten the wet papyrus into a mat, dried it in the sun, and now drew upon it using a palette of brightly colored clays and charcoal. The lifelike palms appeared to grow beneath her brush, the birds to take wing, even the wheat seemed to wave in the truly looked like.....WHEAT!

    Stunned, Merneptah let the idea wash over him like a great wave. Every hair on his arms stood on end, while a warm hum rose up and down his spine. OF COURSE! That was the answer. Who needed sacks of pebbles when one could draw the very likeness of the object to be counted! "Five Sheaves of Wheat, Six Jars of Beer, Seven Racks of Fish!" With a great cry Merneptah leaped to his feet, snatched the mat from the grasp of his stunned wife and raced out the door. Ahead lay the palace and Merneptah bounded toward it, his feet moving like those of a man forty summers younger, waving the papyrus like a wild man and all the while shouting joyfully at the top of his lungs, "PICTOGRAPHS! Yes! The answer is PICTOGRAPHS!"
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    Last edited by Kull; November 21, 2002, 18:43.
    To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

    From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


    • Did Stefan forget to post the game again?


      • Um... please think of the time factor. I came home about two hours ago, and it's technically impossible for me to be online all day.

        Meanwhile, Ahura Mazda means well for the Persians. Wealth -in form of 50 gold pieces- is pouring over Persia, and a new tribe joined the empire of the Shahan Shah immediately, handing over their capital, Nush-i Jan with joy.
        Attached Files
        Follow the masses!
        30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


        • No big deal, Stefan, I just wondered if you were able to download okay. But then again, between light and darkness, who knows what time you are on.


          • I'm on CET (Allemagne). I also assure you that the delay before was a mental malfunction that's not gonna happen again.
            Follow the masses!
            30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


            • The City of Sparta has now trained a gaggle of Spearmen to defend its city against the ravages of sheep gone mad. Meanwhile, a camp of Swordmen was caught with their tunics down and were shamed into joining our fledging civilization.
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              • An expedition discovers a new island to the North.
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                Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


                • Looks like the world is advancing without the Hatte!

                  Still just two cities.
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                  I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
                  i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG


                  • anyd around we go.
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                    Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                    • City found
                      City founded

                      Barb found
                      Killed Barb

                      Assyria enters the Copper Age
                      Attached Files
                      "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                      "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller


                      • Nile Delta: The Great Ocean

                        It was literally inconceivable - that was Ra's honest truth. Sekmut and his men had heard tales of the great Northern Ocean, but the smooth lakes and placid rivers of their experience could not prepare the desert-dwelling Memphians for the reality of this enormous liquid world. Before them - reaching to the horizon - stretched a vast alien vision filled with turbulent clashing waters. Yet even in this chaos Sekmut discerned a pattern, for like giant ripples from some massive stone, the grey waters rolled unceasingly toward shore, there to spend themselves in great explosions of sound and spray. It was deeply humbling, to be sure. But then this entire journey had been a revelation.

                        At the Commander's Council, Sekmut's orders were explicit - he was to lead the raw troops of the 2nd Skirmishers into the Nile Delta. Somewhere in the steamy lowlands lay the cities of the Red-Crowned King, and their mission was to seek him out. "The time for war is not yet upon us Sekmut", the Nomarch had been quite clear on that. "First we must know every creek, swamp, and hillock in the Delta. Look also for those who would ally with us, and gather information on the peoples and beasts which populate that strange land". Compared with the 1st Skirmishers' mission to Dahshur, this didn't sound too difficult - and at first it wasn't.

                        The initial journey followed the merchant trail northeast from Memphis, along the east bank of a large branch of the Nile. Here, far from the city, the sights and sounds were typical of those Sekmut had known all his life. A few small, extended-family landholdings dotted the peaceful river valley. Alongside the waters, songbirds darted from reed to bush while herons and ibis stalked invisible amphibious prey. Domestic animals could be seen grazing here and there, but more numerous by far were the wild creatures - predominantly herds of gazelle and wildebeest, and the tawny forms of those who hunted them. The edge of the Delta was just visible in the blue distance across the river, and though the landscape was different - thin forest interspersed with swamp - from here the change seemed gradual. Mind you, Sekmut wasn't doing much sightseeing. His first task - the search for river crossings - had proven frustratingly fruitless. Time and again the wading skirmishers found shallows leading out from the east bank, but none led completely across the Nile. During the last such search Sekmut noticed that across the river a series of nets had been deployed to catch waterfowl. Interest piqued, he focused harder and soon spotted their owner, a young hunter nervously watching the armed men from a hiding spot in the reeds. Hoping for information, Sekmut called him out and soon there began a long distance negotiation - involving a great deal of shouting and the waving of glinting gold - until finally a deal was struck. Swiftly packing his nets into a small satchel, the young man led them along from across the river until at last, on the seventh sun following their departure from Memphis, the 2nd Skirmishers arrived at a spot where the Nile shallowed to a fordable crossing.

                        In the ensuing face-to-face meeting the young hunter happily accepted a small gold nugget and - greedy for more - offered to guide the troops deeper into the riverine lowlands. Recognizing the importance of local knowledge, Sekmut agreed, whereupon the 2nd Skirmishers entered the Delta and followed their guide northwest along a shallow creek. But within a few hours the real difference between desert valley and swampy delta became apparent. The foliage rose up on all sides, and soon the men were hemmed in by woods and dense thickets of brush. Adding to their misery, insects swarmed up in great stinging clouds, forcing the men to stop and apply a thick coat of mud to their tormented flesh. Travel quickly slowed to a crawl as the soldiers laboriously traversed the sucking mud that led them from one marsh to another. By nightfall the men were exhausted, and their leader knew that something had to be done. In discussion with the young fowler, Sekmut learned that most of those who dwelt in the Delta traveled by means of small papyrus watercraft. Fortunately their guide knew how to construct these boats and it was knowledge he would happily share - for a fee!

                        "This birdman will take every speck of gold from my pouch before we're through with this accursed place!", thought Sekmut - but ever the pragmatist, he agreed to the terms. Given the ever-present stands of papyrus, building materials were readily available and the next day was spent in the construction of a small fleet of twin-prowed boats. Propelled down the creek by standing men with long poles, the rafts traveled slowly at first as it took a while to master this new skill. But soon the 2nd Skirmishers realized they'd discovered the key to travel in the Delta, as the little boats enabled them to cover 10 times the first day's distance in but a single sun. Also significant - and more immediately dangerous - was the discovery that their small rafts were a target for crocodiles and angry hippopotami. Several men were lost in confrontations with these creatures until Sekmut slowed the pace of their journey and added archers and spearmen to the lead craft. It was near the end of the second day's travel that they exited the mouth of a small river and faced the stupendous sight of the Great Ocean.

                        There was something hypnotic about the vision, and pulling back from his reverie Sekmut saw that all his men were subject to the spell. Even the fowler stared slack-jawed, as if the surging sea were molten gold. Smiling at this little jest, Sekmut roused his men with a shout, and directed them to pole across the inlet toward the mouth of another creek. The sea was magnificent, but they had yet to find a trace of their quarry - and it was time to resume the search. Perhaps it was an omen, though, for as they left the ocean behind and traveled through a narrow stretch of the new river, soldiers in the lead boat soon spotted a small village surrounded entirely by marsh. It seemed quiet - perhaps even deserted - but Sekmut was wary about the approach since they'd have to leave their boats and advance slowly through the mud. Surprise would not be possible and he could only pray that the inhabitants were friendly. Still, what choice was there?
                        Attached Files
                        To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                        From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                        • Nothing to report from Persia.
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                          Last edited by Stefan Härtel; November 26, 2002, 16:45.
                          Follow the masses!
                          30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


                          • In place for some events in the next two turns.
                            Attached Files


                            • Nothing happened...
                              Attached Files
                              Alexandr Yopov, Commander of the Murmansk front in the Red Front democracy game. Fighting for the glory of our marchal and the Rodina.


                              • Bump for the Hatte
                                "post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
                                "I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller

