Zedd, an e-mail is an useful thing. For example it is only way how to obtain a recent DiploSystem info (a collection of secret information about other civilizations) from Babylon.
No announcement yet.
New "Ancient Empires" PBEM created
Originally posted by germanos
Despite of the blames flying around, I have acted in the interest of the game (IMO) to exactly do what I would have done if I had not decided to leave.
And I believe the status of 'beeing insulted' depends by 95% on the 'injured party'. In other words it depends on you if you want to feel insulted or not (IMHO).
Anyway I enjoyed the game very much with you as my neighbour. In both friendly and unfriendly periods. I will really miss you.(There were lot of events and diplomacy between us, and for me it is little bit like to be divorced
(BTW do you still play any Civ2 PBEM? I noticed the Bonaparte here at Apolyton had been moved (and you don't continue there)...)
I have an idea that after the game finishes we could publish some brief/less brief logs/annals of the game so that we see what happened in other civs, how were plans and thinking of other leaders. For me it would be very interesting to read (and debate) these annals after the game finishes.
germanos, maybe you could prepare such a log before you forget the game?Last edited by SlowThinker; March 13, 2005, 08:50.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Originally posted by SlowThinker
Just wondering: since you are leaving definitely: will you open the save and look on the world?
(BTW do you still play any Civ2 PBEM? I noticed the Bonaparte here at Apolyton had been moved (and you don't continue there)...)
And no, I don't play any PBEM anymore. There aren't any at Apolyton, and I left CFC after the game I played there simply died.
Regarding the insults: if you feel that it's my problem I feel insulted, why do you bother to apoligize? If apologies aren't sincere, then spare me your pity, I can live without.
I'll be happy with this divorce, even though the prize I will pay (leaving a game I have put a lot of effort in for two and a half years) is a significant one.
But these are the times I have to take my losses and go. I'll be happier when I have left it behind.
Turn up within the hour, I'm writing my report for both the thread and Zedd.Last edited by germanos; March 13, 2005, 14:56."post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
I am just curious.
(And therefore I would do it in your situation.)Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Originally posted by SlowThinker
I am just curious.
(And therefore I would do it in your situation.)"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Minoan caravan captured.
Assyria is not going to sit idle while Minoan traders finances the Babylonian army. Minos can talk pretty that Assyria is such an agressive nation etc. etc. but the truth is that from the moment we met Minos has taken a hostile attitude towards Assyria. A friendly division of Cyprus was rejected: for some reason Minos claims it Minoan even though no settlement had been build on the island nor was there any other indication of a prolonged Minoan presence visible. Similarly Minos has spread words that Assyrians where wandering in Minoan lands in Anatolia. Never has Minos warned us we were in Minoan lands, only if we found ourselves near Minoan cities. It is certain that Minos could have give us ample warning and instructions not to move in any given direction, but they choose not to do so.
Therefore we conclude that Minos was never interested in a peacefull cohabitation with Assyria, and the constant withdrawing from any trade-agreement has only strengthened our feeling. While at first setting out import taxes for Assyrian traders, as soon as the caravans where build further restrictions followed etc. etc.
Babylon has been able to bribe quite a lot of Assyrian units, and this is a serious setback for the Assyrian campaign . No doubt this operation was financed by Minos and others. Minos has expressed clearly it would finance Babylons war, and thus we will bring the war to the Minoans as well. Minos will need all his money to protect himself from the Assyrian hordes.
War declared by Hatta
Following our capture of the Minoan Caravan we received a message that the Hittite declared war on us. This came as no surprise, as Hittite Swordsman had already started to cross the Seyhan river west of Ish-Mandaroun. This is in violation of the Hittite-Assyrian border treaty signed by both the current Assyrian and Hittite Kings. Previous statements by the Hittite king made it likely they would finance Babylon as well, and they were being Minos’ lapdog in all matters. The incursion of Assyrian territory was likely to be just a first step.
Swift action was taken against Hittite forces both inside Assyria as well as in Anatolia. A handful of units was destroyed, not the least of them a caravan that was due to deliver goods to Nimrud.
War declared by Greece!
Following the attack on Hittite traitors, Greece announced it’s allegiance to Hatta and decalred war on Assyria. This decalaration has been accepted, and Greece can look forward to a nice encounter.
This declaration comes to no surprise to Assyria, as we have witnessed the transfer of a Hittite settler to Greece. Subsequent Hittete statements on creepy Greeks inside Hatta have been discarded as propaganda, as the Assyrian intelligence knew better..
No further action was taken against the greeks as they are simply off our radar.
Tripple alliance a bad thing? Things can be worse!
So, Assyria is faced with Babylon financed by the triple alliance of Greece-Minos-Hatta in an attempt to bleed the Assyrians dry. Is that the only threat Assyria faces? No. The Persians have been non-cooperative, to say the least. And they have pledged they would assist Babylon in any possible way, given their lack of finances. Thus we have destroyed their scouts approaching on Karkemish and forces have been send to their undefended cities. If Assyria has to guard its Persian border because of the Persian banter, we might as well guard it on the Persian side of it.
Babylonian Front:
Little action since most of our offensive units have defected to the Babylonian side. Assyria must settle for the meagre destruction of an early chariot.
War with Egypt?
So far, Egypt has not been involved in any action, but Assyria expects that they will want their piece of the pie as well. No offensive action has been taken against them, but as there are currently 5 civs banging up on Assyria, we have little faith they will stay out, especially given their strong words about ‘destroying the balance’. Assyrian commanders fear that this signals an Egyptian invasion: either we are victorious over Babylon, which will destroy the balance. Or we will loose and the allies each take Assyrian territory: an equally disruption of the ‘balance’
We can however only muster a limited amount of troops, so we wait for their inevitable assault. Our defences are strong, and that is all we need.
Assyria dwarfed:
Word has been out that Assyria is the strongest civilization on Earth.
Many priests warn that Assyrians themselves will believe such rumours. The Minoan-Hittite-Greek-Babylonian civ, soon to merge in full when the quadruple Kingdom will effectively turn into a federation with a rotating King presiding over the four federate states (4 times per turn), will slay us, unless the Gods are benevolent and will grant us victory. Persia appears to be lost, as they have tied their fate to Babylon, and little help is expected of Egypt, whose primary objective would appears to be to grab as much Assyrian lands before the Allied gets any of it.
Assyrians! Don’t despair! We are strong and numerous and wealthy. Productive and skilled. Fertile and healthy. There is yet still a great future ahead of us.Attached Files"post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
I will unsubscribe from the thread. If any of you need to contact me, use a PM. I will not receive e-mail notifications if people post here. (but I will if I get PM's). Offcourse, you can mail me directly as well.
The Assyrian Civ has never been passworded.
Farewell."post reported"Winston, on the barricades for freedom of speech
"I don't like laws all over the world. Doesn't mean I am going to do anything but post about it."Jon Miller
Originally posted by germanos
Many priests warn that Assyrians themselves will believe such rumours. The Minoan-Hittite-Greek-Babylonian civ, soon to merge in full when the quadruple Kingdom will effectively turn into a federation with a rotating King presiding over the four federate states (4 times per turn), will slay us, unless the Gods are benevolent and will grant us victory. Persia appears to be lost, as they have tied their fate to Babylon, and little help is expected of EgyptIt looks it is Assyria who was attacked and is the victim of this war ...
I think the young Assyrian King should tell us his stance, is he so pugnacious as his father?
(Babylon is prepared to send any old diplomatic document between Babylon-Assyria that is missing in the Assyrian libraries.)Last edited by SlowThinker; March 13, 2005, 19:12.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Originally posted by germanos
What are you refering to? The Bonaparte? Was I ever in such a game? Still, if I left that game, I must have left a message saying so in the game thread.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Just for the record: only one unit of Chariot II defected to our side. Assyrian soldiers report about appalling situation in Assyrian cities: there is not enough of bread for civilians, all people must work weapons for the army. Civilians are very dissatisfied with the warlike and diplomaticaly incompetent leader, I suppose the Assyrian cities could be bribed easily now.
We suposed Kish would be attacked (since Assyrian built a strong fort nearby), but it looks Assyrian soldiers are sissies and shudder in the fort. They can sneak-attack caravans and scouts only.Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment
Originally posted by SlowThinker
No, it was my mistake: I meant Imperialism. Several months ago Imperialism and SoG were last PBEMs going at Apolyton.
I started playing in that one over 4 years ago @550 BC and it is now @780 AD (I think).
It may soon be considered dead, and we have not actively posted updates in this forum, but I would still consider it an active game at Apolyton.
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
An Open Letter of Thanks & Farewell to Germanos
Hi Germanos,
When it comes to our PBEM and all the recent events, keep in mind my earlier comment - "it's only a game"! To varying degrees, each player is modeling the behaviour of absolute rulers from a time long gone. Therefore any threats and tough talk should be viewed in that light - it's not the kind of behaviour any of us practice at home or with our friends - so please don't allow two years of great experiences to be ruined by a few months worth of nasty virtual power politics!
Anyway, it's been great having you onboard from the very beginning - you own the 4th post in this thread and are the last of the original players. Personally I always found you to be a friendly and knowledgeable guy, and leave open a permanent invitation to "come on down" to old El Paso, Texas for some cold beers and hot chile! Take good care of yourself in Syria in these coming months, and my prayers go with you - it's a tough part of the world.
May the bright Rays of Ra ever lighten thy path,
PaulTo La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise
Pharoah requests a temporary "pause" in his 72 hour limit until offline negotiations are completed.To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton
From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise