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New Discovery! Extend Game.txt menus!

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  • #16
    Harlan: I included two new barbarian settings, called "Dark Ages" and "Unsafe world". I started a new game with only one opposing civ, a "gigantic" world (which is, as I said, only a normal one), and the Barbarian setting "Unsafe world". I revealed the map to see whether Barbarians appear or not. They didn't by random, but when the Carthaginians entered a village, one barbarian horseman appeared, then the game crashed.

    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong.

    We who grew up tall and proud
    In the shadow of the mushroom cloud
    Convinced our voices can't be heard
    We just want to scream it louder and louder:
    "What the hell are we fighting for?"
    "Just surrender and it won't hurt at all"
    -Brian May (Queen)
    Follow the masses!
    30,000 lemmings can't be wrong!


    • #17
      Krusty, try editing the Cosmic variations in the Rules.txt for "City size for first unhappiness at Chieftain level". The default is 7, which means that Diety is 2, and so logically a "super-Diety" will be 1. Change it to 9 or something?

      Since the default difficulty can be hex-edited in a save game, at offset 44, this might be something for people to play around with.
      "I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."


      • #18
        Please keep up the good work! I'll be unable to do research on this for a while!

        90% of all war casualties are civilians. Join the army!
        90% of all war casualties are civilians. Join the army!


        • #19
          research fully completed, here are the results:

          I now have in addition to the normal Arid, Normal, and Dry, added on Soaked, Downpour, Flooded, Monsoon, and Waterworld.

          Temperature added on top of Cool, Normal, Warm: Hot, Sun Baked, Furnace, Nuclear Furnace, and Fireball.

          Studies show there does not seem to be any limit to how many additional levels can be made, though difference above +5 isn't noticeable.

          Setting it on the Waterworld and Fireball will get you continents covered with Grasslands, yet surprisingly few swamps and jungles. There are no deserts and few plains.

          Setting it on Waterworld and Cool will get you a map that is again mostly grassland, with vast forests covering 30% or more of the land. There are no deserts and few plains. Not too many tundras or glaciers either. In fact, fewer than at Arid/Cool.

          Arid Fireball will get you about 30% plains, 30% desert, and a good number of hills and a sprinkling of grassland and forest near the poles.

          For reference, Arid Cool gets a map with lots of plains and a mix of the other types.

          Practical applications:

          Arid Fireball certainly makes for a more challenging game.

          Increasing wetness increases Grassland, which makes cities build faster and the game go faster. May be good for multiplayer.


          Land mass settings also increasable in similar fashion. Looks like the more land you have the greater % of the land is hills or mountains.

          Land settings above +10 yields a map with a single, um, ocean, running up and down the map, and a polar sea on one of the poles. Highest tested setting +30. Higher settings seem to get more mountains at expense of other land tiles, and also causes contraction of single ocean.

          The number of 1-3 tile lakes increases as the oceans shrivel up, but above land+15 or so, no further increases in landcean ratio.

          Using advanced land settings at Archipelago mode tends to produce game crash. OK to use it at Varied mode, but you might as well use Continent as that is what you're gonna get anyway.

          While we're on that topic, the Land Type setting can also be upped a few notches. Landtype+3 (3 steps above continent) will yield almost all land on one big continent, save a couple of islands.

          Finally, Age can also be increased at least 5 notches, to which point oddities such as jungles surrounded by desert appear.

          Also possible to tamper with Accelerated Startup settings, though even when notched to +4, with game starting at 800AD, neither your civ nor the other civs are any more advanced than the original 2000BC accel start.

          Further monkeying around somehow got me a 5000BC accelerated start when I selected normal startup. This was not reproducible. Also was able to add an "other" category to the male/female selection, with the result of the game reading one line over. (so when I'm in despotism, it displays my country as a "kingdom".) Since took it out.

          Finally, also added two new levels of competition. 2 and 1 civilizations. 2 gives a one-on-one duel, 1 works but aint much fun, 0 causes a crash, no surprise here.

          For those who don't remember the original deity+ levels and barbarians+ levels, those are also included in the file.
          You can have up to five notches above Deity, any higher and for some reason you automatically conquer the world at 4000BC.

          Barbarians can only go up one more notch before you get a "Divide by 0" game crash due to the way the barbarian factor is calculated. Set it up three notches though, and you get a even bigger bonus... and there are never any barbarians except for those that come out of huts. Further notching up of barbarian modifier likely to have similar effect
          Attached Files
          Visit First Cultural Industries
          There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
          Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd

