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Arriba! (Spain wins ww2 scenario)

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  • I'm chasing Cliff's record with the Turks and I'm playing with UCC. I have far to go, but I don't think being attacked or not getting tribute have been the problem...

    Yes, in some tries the Russians have attacked me, but soon enough they sign a peace treaty. Tribute is good, no problem.

    So why can't I break it?



    • I haven't given up on this yet...

      Currently in a game as the Turks... It's October 1949 IIRC and this time I skipped Spain and went straight for the Allies with three full transports...

      London, Southhampton, Manchester, Newcastle, Edinburgh, and Belfast are under Turkish rule... I leave Scapa Flow and the Allied city on the Norwegian coast alone as they are not objective cities (well, Belfast isn't either, but it's so close and easy to take)...

      Building lots of howies in the UK to ship over to the European mainland (at least two transports full) to start kicking Axis butt... There's a square near Kiel (it almost always has a fortress) which will be my beachhead for reaching Berlin...

      I've also started conquering Russian cities... Have taken about 7 or 8 of them and I'm near (just south of) Moscow... The problem here is that I haven't been allied with the Russians... So before attacking them I've guided my engineers with a diplo... There isn't enough rail... Will go with airfields from now (if this is not considered a cheat) to avoid stack deaths of engineers...

      The real problem is getting the objective cities far away... The Axis' cities are well connected... But how get Baghdad, NY and Washington (and others whose names I don't recall) in time?



      • Also, this time I play with 2.42 (as opposed to above) and the difference in AI aggressiveness clearly manifests itself... With UCCC the Russians have always attacked me early; not so in this try...

        Yet, once again, the record is probably very safe...



        • Go, Carolus, get them
          Nice to see that you don't give up.
          Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


          • Long in between posts in this thread, but je suis toujours là!

            I started a new attempt as the Turks a couple of weeks back. This time with Civ 2.42.

            Everything went very well in the beginning except for one tiny, but extremely annoying thing... I failed to get Robotics in tribute! Churchill gave me loads of techs in tribute, but not the most important one (I guess?)...

            I tried a different route this time. With only armor I liberated the Spaniards from Franco's rule. Instead of marching (sailing) towards the British Isles I next railroaded North towards France and Germany.

            When I finally had some howies, I took the core German cities including Berlin. The Axis split into Axis and Aztecs (!)... Meanwhile I've had four or five engineers railroading mother Russia...

            It's now August 1952, way past the record of course, and I haven't started the big offensive against Russia and the Allies...

            The Axis' remaining objective cities are St Nazaire, Warzaw, Koningsberg, and Oslo. Five former Axis objective cities are now Aztec (Milan, Venice, Rome, Belgrade, and Bucharest).

            I have the capacity to take maybe 10-12 russian objective cities should I choose to, rolling in from Turkey. This is certainly enough to eliminate them as a threat, but far too tame for any record attempt.

            I don't know what to do. One (minor) problem is that after having tried (and failed!) I don't have the energy to start a new game too soon. Hence, any insights gained tend to get forgotten!

            Oh well...



            • Back to the merry old days

              WW2 as the Russians was the first scenario I ever played, about 9 years ago

              My previous record with the Russians was: victory in june 1944 (all objective cities conquered).

              It is now down to February 1944

              I tried a new strategy: almost no research at all (all techs are going to be stolen, except Espionage that no AI civ seems to be willing to research), early attack with artillery, just don't care about walls (this induces quite high casualties: about 3 artillery units/city conquered, but, as we say in French, "on ne fait pas d'omelette sans casser des oeufs").
              Attached Files
              Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


              • Very nice, La Fayette! Congratulations! I played around with this scenario a little last month. Just enough to understand that Feb 44 is REALLY FAST.


                • Is there any scenario where you're not the record holder, cher La Fayette?

                  That should be this thread's?



                  • A side-note... Sad how the Civ 2 boards slowly fade away...

                    Inevitable, I guess...



                    • I 've been playing only WWII for the last couple months. I did OK with the big three, though not close to the records. But with France and Spain, I just couldn't ever get the big guys to stop warring with me. Even when they'd make peace or ceasefire after taking one of my cities, they'd turn around and sneak attack a turn or two later. Playing 2.42. What am I doing wrong?


                      • Originally posted by debeest
                        Playing 2.42. What am I doing wrong?
                        I don't know what you are doing wrong.
                        Here is a summary of my own experience with Spain and France.
                        1) Spain
                        There are some Allied riflemen wandering around. You just don't care. No one else is going to attack you if you refrain from making contact. Just build up your civ until you feel strong enough to attack the French (in North Afrika and also in France). Artillery (if walls) or Armours (if no walls) are OK. It may be wise to leave a few French cities untouched between you and the Axis, while you prepare the big tech-stealing that will allow you to catch up. Then comes the big battle against the Axis (steal Robotics if they have got it, otherwise Artillery or Armours are OK; don't forget to build several Fighters, since you will lose a number of units to Axis bombers otherwise). If you have come to that point, you are going to win the game, sooner or later.

                        2) France
                        The main difference with Spain is that the Axis is going to take one of your cities now and then. At worst you must be prepared to lose them all (and should therefore be able to conquer Spain and North Afrika before that happens).
                        I have recently improved my record playing the French.
                        I'll check and let you know.
                        Aux bords mystérieux du monde occidental


                        • In the meantime I've developped a way to survive as the neutrals and keep up well. Never managed to destroy any of the big ones anyway...


                          • A final tribute to La Fayette: I took his advice about not making contact with anyone, managed to stay at peace, and expect to conquer (all cities, not just objectives) in December 1956. Along the way I delivered some of the juiciest freights I've ever seen, peaking at maybe 2500 gold. Whee!


                            • It isn't the WW2 scenario, but I have a longstanding game (continuation of one of Kramsib's Juego Progresivo matches) with some huge trades. Here are the top three to date:
                              Attached Files
                              (\__/) Save a bunny, eat more Smurf!
                              (='.'=) Sponsored by the National Smurfmeat Council
                              (")_(") Smurf, the original blue meat! © 1999, patent pending, ® and ™ (except that "Smurf" bit)


                              • If it is a large map you have a potential to get a multi-thousand trade bonus. The usual remaining trick is to drive your own beaker cost up as high as possible, since the Science Cap is 2/3 of current research costs.

