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  • #16
    I recall leafing through that book a few years ago (my brother had it.) It is rather well done, having some nice charts & was better than the "actual" civ II manual.

    However, it's strategy level tops out at about Prince/King level. More advanced information such as use of a SSC or the tremendous advantages of trade are captured here & at CFC. So both the time & $$ is better spent here.
    Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments


    • #17
      That was a phenomenal bump!

      To be honest, I doubt that an official guide would recommend either an SSC or ICS, because they might feel that these strategies made the game too easy and that some players may become bored of it quicker than if they had worked out the strategies themselves.


      • #18
        I doubt that an official guide would recommend SCC or ICS because the books were written prior to players completely disecting the game. I read parts of it a long time ago, and it had some good stuff but it would be well outdated and probably kind of funny today.

        The man hours put into discovering every little thing about Civ since that book was written would probably be unbelievable.

        Yes quite a bump.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #19
          Originally posted by Lars-E
          Don't know.

          I just got the book!
          It could be quite entertaining for all of us if you post some of the "ideas and tips" from the guide. This could be screamingly funny. Ideas like, "The game will become hopeless if you let the AI build the Great Library!!", are what I have in mind.

          So, your mission, if you choose to accept it....

          so long and thanks for all the fish


          • #20
            Ok, I was a bit hesitant because I don't want to make fun of the author, but heck we've all believed in stuff like you quoted.

            After we found Apolyton none of us ever searched other places again.

            I suggest you quote any source you want with "interesting" ideas.

            Here's my quote:

            "The Great Library....absolutely essential if you want to go after Leonardo's Workshop.", Rymaszewski (1996).

            That's "the funniest" I could find just browsing quickly.

            Anyways I find the tips in "How to win" section in the chapter about CiC-scenarios very lacking.

