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  • #16
    Are you saving gifs as 24-bit bmp, don't you?

    you just have to open your image with Microsoft Paint (for example) and select "save As..." from File menu.
    Then you have to select 24-bit bmp as file type.

    CivConverter works well with pre-FW scenarios, are FW scenarios which sometimes create problems (first turn bug etc..)

    "If it works, it's obsolete."
    -- Marshall McLuhan


    • #17
      that was a little above me. but i have never tried saving a gif as a bmp...

      also, i know that tot can use gif's, but i dont know where to put them without replacing the main game gifs, this therefore screws up the whole thing.
      eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


      • #18
        they go in the scenario directory but you have to disable the .spr and .bmp files in 'orginal' first because ToT tries to use them in this order: .spr, .bmp, .gif

        If that doesnt work then i dont know how to do it because that works for me.


        • #19
          tried it just now, result:

          a totally screwed up version of civ2, (the menus have lost the grey bit etc etc), and the secn still dont work
          eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


          • #20
            which gif files are you replacing?

            anyway, it sounds like the gifs are not civ-2 compatible if they are messing up the graphics.


            • #21
              i would have thought that files that came with a civ2 scen, with gifs that depict civ2 units, would be a civ 2 compatibnle thingy.

              gifs i have trouples with, ALL except title.
              eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


              • #22
                hmm...well i have only tested units, terrainx and city.gif with scenarios.

                1> Are the terrain.gif files in the 2+2 (old style) or 3+2 (TOT style) because ToT requires 3 terrain tiles + 2 special tiles whereas the older games use 2 terrain tiles + 2 special tiles.

                2> Does Units.gif contain all of the required unit slots because ToT has all of the ones up to the 'extra air' and then an extra 26.

                Other than that, i dont know.


                • #23
                  somehopw i get the feeling, that it may be easier for me to just send some one the scens i want to wrok, and see if the can get them to work, and then thwey send me back the working one so i have a working thing to see if it is just me.
                  eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                  • #24
                    zip one and email it to me. if i can get it to work, i will send it back.

                    email me here


                    • #25
                      its on its way, thx
                      eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                      • #26
                        stupid e-mail thign returned it. i will send again
                        eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                        • #27
                          got the file, checking it now


                          • #28
                            The error seems to be in civ convertor. Even if i just use the converted .scn file and a 'clean' install of the original files, the scenario crashes as soon as it loads.


                            • #29
                              i have actually got it to work!!!
                              I think i will pay more attention to what is ritte, you have to savwe the gif as bmp, AND save the bmp as a 24 bit (i forgot this part).

                              I just have one problem left, my PC is manky manky manky, and so, whenever i goto save as, or open, my computer tends to freeze - it was fluke i got the ww2 one to work. stupid ,anky pc. They shouldn't have burnt my pc instead of witches grrrr.
                              eimi men anthropos pollon logon, mikras de sophias


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by The Andy-Man
                                i have actually got it to work!!!
                                I think i will pay more attention to what is ritte, you have to savwe the gif as bmp, AND save the bmp as a 24 bit (i forgot this part).

                                I just have one problem left, my PC is manky manky manky, and so, whenever i goto save as, or open, my computer tends to freeze - it was fluke i got the ww2 one to work. stupid ,anky pc. They shouldn't have burnt my pc instead of witches grrrr.
                                yup, thats the trick. go to paint program, open the gifs, save as *24 bit* bmp and it works just fine. DO it enough times and its second nature.

                                your PC freezes when you do a save as in paint? that IS a problem

                                "A person cannot approach the divine by reaching beyond the human. To become human, is what this individual person, has been created for.” Martin Buber

