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Comments on "Xin Yu's Red Front 1.4 Strategy"

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  • Comments on "Xin Yu's Red Front 1.4 Strategy"

    Please direct all comments regarding the "Xin Yu's Red Front 1.4 Strategy" article at The Art of War.
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  • #2
    Ahhhh, my Axis PBEM compadre Xin. In the short time that we talked during the game, I came to recognize this guy's game. He plays for real! If there is a weakness to be exploited, Xin'll find it and let tear with no remorse. Badass. Simply great.
    Although I can rarley duplicate his masterful play using his guidlines, he literally presents the best way to win.
    His mind opperates on a different level than mine, and I can only stand in awe at what he can do. Read the story thread from our old PBEM if you have any doubts.
    I may sound corny, but Xin is da man. His RF strat is very precise and, from my experience with the scen...very thorough. Though I could never manage some of the things, like killing off Finland with 'spare' T-34's in the opoening months.



    • #3
      Yes, Xin Yu is a very excellent strategist. I would someday like to play a game with Xin Yu, either as an ally or enemy. No one has played a PBEM game with me yet, though. Soon, though... soon.
      Please Visit:

      And contribute if you can!


      • #4
        There in an error in my strat for RF which I am aware of only after submitting it.

        Refugees should build cities next to a German or Finland city then the city can be disbanded to build a NONE engineer unit. Afterwards transporters can ship them to the back. I forgot to mention it in the strat.


        • #5
          Forgive my ignorance Xin but I can't see what's to stop the Germans from destroying the city before it can produce an engineer.
          STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


          • #6
            During Winter planes have no use and land units' move points drop. Block roads and use natural high move-cost terrain to help you. You'll have a good chance to avoid destruction.

            Caution: If you put down several cities at the same time, they may get closer to one another then to any of the German cities.


            • #7
              I see. Very clever Xin! I've got to give it a go next time I play Red Front!
              STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!

