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Moros y Cristianos

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  • Moros y Cristianos

    McMonkey and I have had some preliminary discussions about developing a new scenario of the Christian Reconquista of Spain.

    There is already a rather good one developed by Jesus Balsinde called “Al-Andalus: Trail of the Sun” which can be found here:

    This was developed way back in the 90s and is quite good as a single player game. However as a multi-player game, the civilizations are not evenly matched, such that a Moorish human player could easily overrun the Christian players.

    I was thinking it would be fun to develop a new version specifically designed for multi-player PBEM, using some of the innovative new techniques developed by McMonkey such a stackable terrain, etc.

    The game will center on the struggles over the Iberian peninsula in the late Medieval period between Moors and Christians. The goal of the game is simple: dominate the Iberian Peninsula. Each player (Moor or Christian) needs to amass the greatest number of objective cities, whoever that is wins, this will allow plenty of tension between each of the Christian factions and allow for plenty of historically accurate in-fighting between them.

    To balance the sides, I think it would be best to start the game sometime in the period between 1060 -1160 AD. This is the period when the Christian nations were beginning to get their act together and really challenge the Moors in Spain.

    I am not entirely sure whether an early start (1050) or a late start (1150) would be best and would like some input from others on this matter.

    This interactive map that I made will help to understand the political situations at the mid 11th and 12th centuries:

    Click on the option for 1036 AD and 1162 AD to see the political situation at these two times. FYI you can also click on the cities and battles and stuff to see wikipedia links.

    Early Start – circa 1050 AD

    The disadvantage of the early start (1050) is that in this period the Moors were divided into many small independent Taifa kingdoms. It would be a little lame to simply lump all these independent political entities into a single human player slot called “The Moors”.

    Furthermore, the Christian Kingdoms were divided in a way that would not last long, Catalonia was still an independent Kingdom rather than simply a County of Aragon, Aragon was tiny and not of much importance, and Portugal did not even exist yet.

    The advantage of the early start is that this is the time of the campaigns of El CID, which would be interesting. El CID could be an event created special unit with exceedingly strong attack and defense.

    To simulate that El CID historically fought for many factions (Aragon, Castile, and even the Moors against Christians) during his long career, this unit could be bribed, or perhaps its destruction would trigger a newly created “El Cid” in the capital city of the civ that killed the old “El Cid” unit.

    Late Start – circa 1150 AD

    The main advantage of the late start is that all the main players of the Reconquista have already been formed by this time. Portugal is already an independent and powerful entity and the Kingdom of Aragon is also already a major player, having annexed all of Catalonia and conquered Zaragosa. This means you have 7 rather evenly matched possible human players: 5 Christian (Portugal, Leon, Castile, Navarre, and Aragon) and 2 Islamic (the Almohads and the Taifa of Murcia).*

    The main disadvantage of this time is that El Cid is long deceased, but maybe it would be difficult to simulate the campaigns of El Cid in an exciting and yet fair way for all human players anyway. Besides, some preliminary research has yielded a number of appropriate “hero units” for the 12th century as well.

    *Well, not quite, you will note when looking at the map that Navarre is considerably weaker than the other factions and to top it off, they do not share a border with a Moorish nation and thus cannot easily team up with a stronger Christian nation for the Re-conquest. Therefore it might be better to leave Navarre as a non-playable civ, or simply Barbarian. Which would leave on extra slot open??

    Any advice and ideas will be warmly welcomed.

  • #2
    Thanks for the comment about "inovative techniques developed by McMonkey" but I'm afraid it stackable terrain was not my idea. Most of the techniques I use in my scenarios are borrowed from others. Nowadays it is pretty difficult to come up with anything completely new

    Anyway, you have a sound concept already. What could be simpler than world domination. For a multiplayer game thats perfect.

    If the Spanish and Portuguese Civs start with quite well developed cities and armies I would start with the later date. If they start off fairly basic then I would go with the early date and give them time to build before they really start the Reconquest. I would suggest the later date as the nations are more clearly defined and I think it would be hard to represent El Cid in a multiplayer game without unbalancing everything.

    You need to strike a balance between historical accuracy and gameplay. I believe it is less important to have events triggering at an exact date than it is to give the players a real feel for the struggles going on in the period. If you want to educate as well as entertain I would argue that gameplay is key. If the scenario is fun to play and the key cities become the focus of the struggle then players may well be inspired to read the history and their gameplaying experience will give them a deeper understanding of the history

    I have copied the PM you sent me from Civ Webring as other members may be able to help with the answers!

    1, What is the total maximum number of unit types permissible in a scenario?
    You can use all the slots bar the one in the bottom left corner which is for the Barbarian Leader. The Knight and Musketeer slots can be problematic if not carefully planned out. With MGE the sound slots depend on unit placement. A few of the slots have text pop ups. A few of the slots (Spy, Freight for example) have additional abilities. There are a few good guides which I will try and track down links for.

    2, Can you have as many diplomat style units as you like? Or are you limited to having just 2? Also can you give a strong attacking unit diplomat abilities as well, i.e. a diplomat with 10 attack or something like that. I was thinking of giving some of the 'hero' units diplomat abilities.
    You can have as many diplomat type units as you like but only one unit can go in the Spy slot and have their extra abilities. Diplomats cannot attack!

    3, Is it relatively easy to have some units that only a certain set of civs can build? I.e. say only Castile AND Leon can build unit A, and only Castile AND Aragon can build unit B. Or will that get simply too complicated?
    It is possible in MGE. You make the unit obsolete with a tech called for example NON ARAGON and then give that tech to every nation bar the Aragonese. You then make that tech unsearchable and nonexchangeable (no,no in rules). You could also have a tech called NON ARAGON-CASTILLE etc...

    4, The invisibility attribute of a submarine, can that be applied to land units as well as sea units?
    AFAIK this only works with sea units as land units generate a ZOC. Maybe someone could explain this better?


    • #3
      This post is just a place to compile all of the info from PM's and e-mails from Alcibaides/Salaambo about this project. It is mainly intended for my own reference but feel free to read through and comment! I have not included all our correspondence, just the parts we might need to look back at.

      All from Salaambo to McMonkey:

      This one would be specifically designed as a multi-player game with all 7 civ slots as playable: Leon, Castile, Aragon, Navarre, Portugal, Almohads, Islamic Taifa of Murcia.

      Attached is a map of the political situation in 1162 AD.

      Hmm, do we need seperate resource squares for trade and shields. If the desired effect is to simply make certain cities extra strong and rich, why can't we just have a single "urban" resource square that has a load of food/trade/ & shields? That would free up one more square which would allow us to have 3 different types of plains (grassland, plain, and Meseta), or for asthetics, we could have some mountains with snow and some without. This is just an idea I am throwing out, feel free to disregard it if you do not agree...

      I noticed in RoD that not all the squares are stackable. We could do something similar with this, i.e. we could make certain mountain passes extra important because they are the only stackable route between one city and another, and then we could place immobile castle units along these strategic routes, just another idea to think about.....

      I will have a look at the tech trees and wonders in the existing reconquista scenarios and send you some preliminary ideas, we could perhaps have each civ starting with 1 wonder and the rest will be buildable.

      I def. think we should have totally seperate tech trees for the Christian and Muslim civs. This will mean that wonders and some city improvements will only be buildable by one religion type (stop the Christians building mosques and the Muslims building Cathedrals, etc.)

      There were some obvious wonders that had to be included from the start, in some instances, more than 1 of them would naturally be in the hands of a single civ (i.e. both the Mezquita and Madina Al-Zahra in Cordoba). For this reason I decided to start each civ with 2 wonders. This meant I was grasping to think of 2 appropriate ones for Portugal and Murcia, but I managed, here they are:

      -Romanesque Cathedral in Santiago de Compostela (Oracle)
      -Pilgrims Way in Santiago de Compostela (Richard’s Crusade)

      -Madinat Al Zahra in Cordoba (Pyramids)
      -Umayyad Mezquita in Cordoba (Mike’s Chapel)

      -Alfajeria in Zaragosa (Shakes Theatre)
      -Abizanda watchtower in Sobrabe (?not sure which???)

      Taifa of Murcia
      -Alcazar of Monteagudo in Murcia (?not sure which???)
      -Islamic Artisanship in Cuenca (Murcia) (Colossus)

      -Paulus Oroseus’ works in Braga (Bachs)
      -The Castle of São Jorge in Lisbon (Sun Tzu)

      -El Cid’s Campaigns in Burgos (Great Wall)
      -Synagogue of El Transito in Toledo (Adam Smith)

      In addition I thought of 8 more buildable wonders (4 for the Christians and 4 for the Muslims):

      Islamic Wonders
      -The Alhambra Palace (Hanging Gardens)
      -Torre de Oro (?not sure which???)
      -La Giralda (King Richard’s Crusade)
      -The shelter of Averroes (Isaac Newton’s College)

      Christian Wonders
      -Christian University (Seti Program)
      -Poblet Monastery (Cure for Cancer)
      -Overseas Empire (Lighthouse)
      -Las Huelgas Monastery (Leos Workshop)

      I think it would be possible to have one tree with separate branches coming off for specific Christian and non Christian techs for things like Mosques and Cathedrals. Should work if we make these techs second prerequisite be a technology that only the Christians or the Moors have.
      If you think that is the best way to do it then that's fine with me. I think the tech tree from Seize the Crown is excellent by the way, perhaps we can borrow considerably from that. In the meantime, here are the Christian only techs that I have thought of so far:

      Papal Approval (allows Chivalric Code)

      Chivalry (allows Chivalric Code)

      Chivalric code (Allows Order of Alcantara, Calatrava, Templar)

      Order of Calatrava (Allows Order of Santiago)

      Order of Alcantara (Allows Order of Santiago)

      Templar Order

      Order of Santiago

      Christian Fervor (allows Christian solidarity)

      Christian Solidarity (allows French volunteers to be generated by events)

      Romanesque Architecture (allows Gothic Architecture)

      Gothic Architecture (allows Mudejar Architecture)

      Religious Tolerance (allows Mudejar Architecture, Jewish Immigration)

      Mudejar Architecture

      Jewish Immigration

      Originally Posted by McMonkey
      Good work! I would beware the SETI Program as it effectively doubles the holding nations science rate.
      Yes, well it could either be only available near the end of the tech tree, or it could have an expiration technology.

      Originally Posted by McMonkey
      Also Sun Tzu's will make Portugal a potent military force, it this what you intended?
      I had not really intended that, if anyone should be the potent military force it should be Castile or the Almohads.

      "El Cid's campaigns" in Burgos (Castile) could also be Sun Tzu's, and then Sao Jorge Castle could then take the Great Wall slot instead. I had originally thought that Great Wall was a very valuable wonder, but if we design the scenario the way you design yours (with city walls costing virtually nothing to build and barracks not even buildable at all), then Sun Tzu's is indeed much better than the Great Wall.

      My hunch would be to give Sun Tzu's to the Almohads as the Christians are bound to gang up on the Muslims!
      You bring up an excellent point, and a tricky situation. One perspective would be to make all 6 playable civs more or less equal, beacuse theoretically there is nothing barring any one civ from attacking any other. However, as you say the Christians are bound to gang up on the Mulsims, therefore it may make some sense to make the Almohads at least twice as strong as any other single civ (in number of cities, resources, etc.)

      The more I think about it, the more I am believing that the Almohads should be made super strong.

      On another note, if we are going to spend considerable effort on this scenario, we may aswell make 3 versions:

      1) Multi-player version with 6 playable civs and stackable terrain.

      2) Single player version for the Christians (with the events file heavily favouring the Almohads through the creation of units) and no stackable terrain.

      3) Single player version for the Almohads (with the events file heavily favouring the Christians through the creation of knights late in the game) and no stackable terrain.

      I can take care of the single player versions after the multi-player version is done (if you can show me how to automatically remove all the stackable terrain)

      In parting, here is a good summary of the reconquest that I found online:

      I think the next step is the tech tree. That would be your department primarily. I already sent you my ideas for techs (I think I even included some pre-requesites for certain techs so that should be a starting point). I think the tech tree for Seize the Crown is rather good. So we could start with using that and make the neccesary additions and modifications I sent you.


      • #4
        Salaambo, do you mind if I call you Alcibaides here too. It gets confusing knowing you by three different names and we already have a Gareth. I just checked and there was an Alcibaides registered in 2001 who posted twice. Maybe the admins could change your name to Alcibaides* or something like that. Or perhaps your not bothered

        I hope you don't mind me posting parts of our correspondence here, it just makes life a lot easier. I think we should use this thread for all further discussion rather than PM's or e-mails!

        You mentioned sending me some ideas about the tech tree. I have looked but can't find that message. Would it be possible to post it here. Also, have you started adding cities to the map yet? If so I would be interested to see a copy of the save.



        • #5
          I would be happy to have the Admins change the name to Alcibaides if that is possible. But I am not the Alcibaides that posted back in 2001 though.

          Many of my ideas for the tech tree you already included in your previous post. Not really a tech tree but just some ideas for techs.

          Some other techs are mentioned as pre-requisites for the Wonders listed.

          Also I sent you a word document with unit ideas and many of those units I specified a prerequisite tech. So there may be some more techs there too.

          If you like I will gather together all of the techs that I have written about and post them here.


          • #6
            Ok here is my input for the tech tree:

            I think we should start with the tech tree from "Seize the Crown" and simply add and delete techs where neccesary.

            The following techs should be added as Christian only techs:

            Early Techs

            Christian Fervor (allows Christian solidarity and papal approval)

            Papal Approval (allows Chivalric Code)

            Chivalry (allows Chivalric Code, Martyrdom)

            Chivalric code (Allows Order of Alcantara, Calatrava, Templars Order)

            Romanesque Architecture (allows Gothic Architecture)

            Gothic Architecture (allows Mudejar Architecture)

            Middle Techs

            Christian Solidarity (allows French volunteers to be generated by events)


            Order of Calatrava (Allows Order of Santiago)

            Order of Alcántara (Allows Order of Santiago)

            Templars Order

            Religious Tolerance (allows Mudejar Architecture, Jewish Immigration)

            Mudejar Architecture

            Jewish Immigration

            Late Techs

            Order of Santiago

            We also need some specific Muslim only techs that would allow the Muslim special wonders and units. I have not thought of many of these yet. Here are a few ideas:

            Secular Arts

            Classical Philosophy

            Hashshashin Order (Allows the Assassin unit)


            • #7
              A list of tech names and where abouts you want them on the tree would be great (IE Start, Middle, End). You can link the units, improvements and wonders to a tech later on and easily alter their position. I will then make a start on putting it together and you can let me know what needs swapping about. The tricky part will be the nation specific branches, but there should be enough spare tech spaces to accomplish this.

              I did recieve and look through the units document and I have been tracking down good ones to fill the slots. I even made some nation specific unit shields when I was bored at work. There not perfect but they will do for now.

              I will PM the admins about your name change. They changed mine from Werd100 to McMonkey so I'm sure it will be possible.


              • #8
                Re: cities on the map

                I have not added cities to the map yet.

                I thought that we would need to finalize the map (with regards to location of special resources, etc.) before we actually open it in Civ2 and start adding cities......

                I have already responded about the techs (see post above)


                • #9
                  The shields:

                  Edit: They are not finished yet. I think the one for Castille is just one I pinched from the Byzantines!
                  Attached Files
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                  • #10
                    Wow! Those are very cool!

                    Here are some thoughts:

                    For Castile: The shield should simply be a yellow castle on a red background. (The checkered red and white pattern is actually the flag of the unified kingdoms of Castile and Leon)

                    For Almohads:

                    I think the one with the star is more authentic than the checkered pattern, but can the start be within a circle? That might make it look a little less like the Star of David.

                    For Portugal:

                    The Medieval flag of Portugal was actually a blue cross on a white background:

                    The red and green were not actually adopted until the Twentieth Century.


                    • #11
                      No problems. All those changes are easy enough to make.
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                      • #12
                        Hey McMonkey, I have changed my mind about the tech tree, I took a closer look at Seize the Crown, and there are many techs that simply dont apply. So we can't simply adapt that tech tree.

                        I am now working on a draft of the universal (i.e. all civs) techs needed and I will post it here. Note that I already posted the Christian only techs earlier today (above).


                        • #13
                          More info on Techs

                          Ok, first off, we need to save some tech slots to allow for civ specific techs. There are some units that only Christian civs can build and some units that only Muslim civs can build. Furthermore, most of the playable civs have their own special units aswell.

                          I have developed some ideas for the basic tech tree (researchable by all civs):

                          Early techs
                          Craftmanship (allows carpentry and engineering)
                          Carpentry (allows crossbow, longbow and carpenters guild)
                          Overland Trade
                          Royal Mint (Allows Moneylending, free companies)
                          Engineering (allows plumbing, windmills and castle building)
                          Medicine (allows chemsitry)

                          Middle Techs
                          Carpenters Guild (allows windmills)
                          Castle Building (allows seige warfare)
                          Free Companies (allows amphibious warfare)
                          Seige Warfare (allows Ferrous Metallurgy)
                          Chemistry (allows gunpowder)
                          Ferrous Metallurgy (allows gunpowder)

                          Late Techs

                          More just Christian Techs
                          Fanaticism (requires Christian Fervour, allows inquisition)

                          More Islamic Techs

                          Where you see 2 allows for a single tech, this means that both techs are pre-requisites.


                          • #14
                            I note from the rules file that there appear to be 100 tech slots available. I have posted 41 sugggested techs so far. We may need about 15 civ specific tech slots, so we are well within the maximum. (56 so far)


                            • #15
                              Excellent. I will start planning it out. I begin with plan on a white board which I can easily alter. Once the plan on the board is roughly sound I transfer it to the rules and usually to a PNG image for player reference too.
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