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Modified scenarios workshop

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  • New units for Spanish Civil War by Pablostuka:

    I created new mods and adjustments, but there is unitys that goes beyond my ability... if anyone is encouraged to adapt what is missing or improve on what I think would be better there.
    Salud y República,
    Attached Files


    • Recently I gave Curt's "Kaiser" scenario a facelift:

      The scenario, complete with new graphics
      The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
      2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


      • It's very well GhostOfDisco!


        • hello all,

          I send my units adaptation of medieval scenario of Eivind. There are changes made by ¿DAFTPANZER?, but I know his symbol ...

          And if someone can answer the following questions:

          I'm adapting to changing rusrev TOT, and in this process I doubt arises: can move units within a city as permitted by fw ally?

          I also tried to adapt to change TOT Bonapart me but in the first round breaks down ... Is there a tool to locate the error?


          Attached Files


          • Does anyone know the answer? Wait a few weeks and then I'll assume that you can not.

            I will send the new graphics for the TOT version of one of my favorite scenarios: DAROAE.

            I have also completed the final version of Mexico in MGE and TOT have begun. Sending the beginning of the graphics in TOT.

            Attached Files


            • Originally posted by gapetit View Post
              hello all,

              I also tried to adapt to change TOT Bonapart me but in the first round breaks down ... Is there a tool to locate the error?
              I don't understand your question. Do you want to convert John Ellys Bonapart scn? There is already a conversion.


              • Yes MacGalleo, Catfish transformed the scenario to TOT, and it´s very well, but I had made changes over the original to MGE, and since there are other different units, and the Fairline range of units in the Age of Napoleon is big, I thought of turning it into TOT, but the conversion does not work ... and not know the reason.


                • two solutions :
                  - you make again changes over the catfish's conversion
                  - or you need to hexedit your converted scn file as catfish explain it on his site


                  • For the second solution, here's the link to the guide "Converting FW/MGE Scenarios to the ToT Format" :


                    Have a look at the part 5 : "The Converted Scenario Crashes the Game"


                    • Thank you very much MacGalleo, but I explained very poorly: is a Catfish and magnificent instructions whom I continued to make the scenarios, the problem is that I do not understand how to get and what to change at that point 5 in hexeditor... I've moved to spanish and see if I explain better this time. I think at that point Catfish should put some screenshots as using Command Prompt window.
                      The first point MacGalleois a good possibility, but in many scenarios there is no version by Catfish, and I would learn to make good conversions of any scenario.

                      On another matter, I realized that of Carolus, but to put units Fairline, I saw I had more units: is there a version for Carolus TOT?

                      Thanks again for your help MacGalleo.


                      • En este acercamiento que estoy realizando a TOT, me acabo de pegar un batacazo... Con el rusrev he empezado la adaptación con los ucranianos aliados de los alemanes y parece que la cosa va bien, pero la adaptación de Carolus ha tropezado con algo que no veo como resolver: vuelve el problema de las ciudades "barbaras" que no dejan pasar las unidades como en FW, y la cosa estropea bastante el juego... Voy a mandar lo que más o menos había adaptado por si a alguien le puede interesar.

                        In this approach TOT I'm doing, I just hit a bump ... In rusrev I started adapting the Ukrainian allies of the Germans and it seems that things are going well; but the adaptation of Carolus has stumbled onto something I do not see how to solve: the problem again of cities "barbarians" which stop units as in FW, and the thing breaks down the game enough ... I will send what had more or less adapted in case anyone may be interested.
                        Attached Files


                        • On another thing: how to create events with the TOT? I have no editor, and I find no information on the case.


                          • With ToT you have to edit the events file directly with notepad. I think this is a good policy for MGE scenarios too as I believe the editor is quite buggy (at least it was when I used to try and edit the rules file many years ago). The language barrier shouldn't impede you too much as it is mostly numbers, yes & no values and the unit names come from the rules file.

                            I don't quite understand the RusRev problem. Is the game crashing?
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                            • I played Gapetit's RusRev scenario, so I understand what he is saying. (Everyone should try it btw. It's all in Spanish, but still quite fun...). He modified the scenario in such a way that the barbarians (Ukrainians) were allied with some of the regular civs (such as Germans). In the FW/MGE version, he succeeded in placing immobile German units within barbarian (Ukrainian) cities. Thus, when the Bolsheviks would capture Ukrainian cities, they would inevitably attack a German diplomat stationed there.

                              I guess he is trying to adapt that approach to TOT, but the game crashes whenever he places other civs' units within barbarian cities. (However, he was at least able to form alliances between these civs and the barbarians).

                              So... the question is this: How can Gapetit put immobile units in allied barbarian cities? Unfortunately, I have no experience with TOT. Perhaps some of the veteran designers can help??


                              • Thank you very much for your views and information McMonkey and Minipow. I'm glad you liked the version, Minipow, and if you decide to have a free hand to translate in English or a language you want. I already pretty shattering the language of Shakespeare, and I feel much more comfortable with Cervantes.
                                I on the other side to try to explain better to problems with the scenarios in TOT:
                                I have no serious problems with rusrev, as if I have the version of Carolus TOT. In both games had a feature used in FW (not MGE), which was that placing an ambassador in a city "barbaric", allowed the movement of units by her own: in Carolus this is essential because it is the way to go Spanish troops from Italy to the Netherlands. In rusrev made the game more interesting, because the Germans could threaten Moscow, but has no more problems, because the version of alliance between Germany and the Barbarians is feasible. The change to TOT at least not so far fails, fails or skips. For that reason and if I can send the scene shortly. To see if you like and give me more ideas for improvement.

                                Then the other day that said, the scenarios that fail from the start I do not know how to solve it: andalus or Bonaparte are in this situation, and explanations of Catfish are too complex for me.


