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Civ II on Facebook

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  • Civ II on Facebook

    I searched and there are three Civ2 pages on facebook, none of them related to scenario making, with the largest of the three having a few hundred members. Maybe our illustrious leader (whoever that might be at the moment) can launch a

    Civilization 2 Secenario League Facebook page

    where we can generate a new audience. Cause from they way these guys are posting, they are still playing the plain vanilla Civ 2 but oblivious to Apolyton or Civfanatics.
    This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog

  • #2
    I don't know if our moderators (Curt & Eivind) are on Facebook. I say that if no one chimes in then one should be set up. I believe administrators can be changed if need be.


    • #3
      Sounds like a plan. All publicity is good publicity!


      • #4
        Kobayashi and Harry Tuttle are now friends on facebook
        This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


        • #5
          Koby, has the new Trek come out yet in your part of the woods?


          • #6
            Unfortunately no. I'm based in HK now, and China is a nation of fake DVDs. Everything comes to HK last, if it even comes at all. Have been eagerly awaiting it for six months now.

            My pals in Singapore (where you get caning for graffiti) however get it around the same time as in the U.S.
            This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


            • #7
              I don't do social networking, but it would be awesome if someone here started a Poly CIV2 scenario facebook presence!

              It would mostly likely bring some new blood here...And while we are at it...How about a Poly CIV2 news blog?

              It would be easier to update than the clunky Poly news system, and I could sticky a links thread on the main page!



              • #8
                I'm not a Facebook user either, but I think this is a good plan. Would anyone be willing to volunteer to set up such a page?


                • #9
                  I've facebook ^^ So "Scenario League" is an ok name?

                  edit: Civilization 2 Scenario League it is!

                  edit2: now all I need is a good description...

                  edit3: yeah, I think I can manage it with help from other users here that actually have Facebook. We can probably use the introduction text that will be in the new sticky thread by McMonkey (great job with that btw!).
                  Last edited by Arthedain; May 14, 2009, 16:06.
                  "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                  It can only be achieved by understanding"


                  • #10
                    Cool. Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly does a Facebook page consist of? Do you have a link?

                    I am reluctant to get involved in social networking as I'm actually quite antisocial. I tried MSN for a while but I could not hack the smalltalk. I hear about twitter and I just don't get it. If I was having a wild time partying 24/7 then I might want to tell everyone about it. I can't imagine anyone being interested in what I get up to on a day to day basis! Maybe I shouldn't knock it until I have tried it though!

                    What I was trying to say is: How does a Facebook page work and how would it bring in visitors? I guess people link to it through other peoples profiles or can they find it by Google search? God I'm a dinosaur

                    EDIT: Partial cross post, but nothing drastic!
                    SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                    SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                    SL INFORMATION THREAD


                    • #11
                      Well I use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, both new and old. Sure, there's a lot of small talk, but you also find people you haven't talked to in years.

                      A facebook page for Scenario league, or rather a Facebook group, will consist (when done) of a presentation of what the Scenario League is. It will be free for all to join. It will contain all important links (already added links to the forum and the wiki site) and people can ask all kinds on questions there, both on the "wall" and by creating threads..

                      I need a good (but small) picture to use for the group! It may not sound important, but this picture is what cathes the eye of the surfer..

                      Group is here:

                      Edit: Started a thread for displaying your user names on the forums

                      Edit2: Forgot to mention the most important thing about a Facebook group. It's already been mentioned, but it is free publicity, especially since so many people uses Facebook.
                      Last edited by Arthedain; May 14, 2009, 16:24.
                      "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                      It can only be achieved by understanding"


                      • #12
                        Just realize that we can market the group with an ad. Though I could probably need some help with that.
                        Last edited by Arthedain; May 14, 2009, 17:01. Reason: spelling
                        "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                        It can only be achieved by understanding"


                        • #13
                          Excellent stuff! I would be worried about who might track me down on Facebook. I wouldn't want any previously unknown offspring looking me up Seriously though, I may have to bite the bullet and join up.

                          The link has given me a much better idea of what it is all about. Any publicity is good for our community and also for Apolyton in general, especially on such a huge site. I would suggest the well known "Sid Meier's Civilization II" wording or the equally familiar Pyramid and Globe icon for the group picture. I doubt Civ2 is capturing the imaginations of that many new players but I bet there are loads of people out there who owned a copy ten years ago and would instantly recognize the icon!
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE FORUM
                          SCENARIO LEAGUE WIKI SITE
                          SL INFORMATION THREAD
                          CIV WEBRING MULTIPLAYER FORUM


                          • #14
                            You know, you can change who will have access to your site. Take mine for an example, you have to be a friend of mine (on facebook) to acces my page. So there's really no worries.

                            I'm a bit too tired atm to work on the group page, but feel free to join it. And please, post your nicknames in the discussion so we all know who you are.
                            "Peace cannot be kept by force.
                            It can only be achieved by understanding"


                            • #15
                              I'll take a stab at making the icon for facebook. I'll report back in a while

                              a few hours of work later....
                              Believe me it wasn't easy to clean out the original words and reshade the background. It doesn't look that 'clean' but don't worry, the actual on screen logo will be smaller and thus look sharper.

                              Last edited by kobayashi; May 15, 2009, 04:06.
                              This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog

