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Dainichi Sekai Taisen version 3

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  • #31
    Great work, Koby!

    As ever, your attention to detail and excellent readme support is top class!
    I'm going to heat up MGE and give this a shot...Might inspire me to finally
    finish the new version of events for the Japanese civ in Eurasian Wars!


    • #32
      Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
      Pretty tough land grab. I appear to have stalled outside Singapore and I have not even begun on Java or Burma. The problem is the British ships off the west coast of Malaysia that keep on taking out my troops in Kuala Lumpur. I have redirected the majority of my forces to this theatre to finish off the job quickly before the attrition on my Infantry and Marines really puts my defensive strategy in jeopardy.

      At sea too the Allies are wearing down my Naval forces in the Western theatre. I have very few Subs or Cruisers left and I am desperately trying to produce replacements in Japan. I would consider myself an average-experienced player and this level of difficulty is just about right for me! I even watched Tora Tora Tora last night whilst playing until 2am. I'm definitely hooked

      Sounds about right, although in your case maybe Admiral Tom Thumb did not sail up the East Coast to his doom. The Japs pulled off some spectacular early victories which will be hard to replicate, so good luck.

      2 hints


      two my own playing skill is far from expert level as well, but I believe the historical weakenss of the Japanese was in research and the economy and the game has been designed as such. Converting some workers to scientists and bankers (from 1937) may be helpful. I'm doubtful there is a purely military solution.
      Last edited by kobayashi; May 27, 2009, 00:37.
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      • #33
        The USMC invasion fleets are starting to kick in now. I managed to finish off the Dutch who were proving a real nuisance, take Singapore by siege, push into Burma and capture Rangoon and Mandalay. Port Blair also had to be captured to stop the air raids on Kuala Lumpur that were wasting lots of my precious Infantry. The USMC recaptured several Islands including Rabaul which I am planning to attack next turn (early 1943). I have somehow assembled a task force to attack Attu but I'm not sure if I will be able to take Pearl Harbour. There are lots of US Battleships about. I may be able to have a crack at Calcutta though. Still loving this 100%

        Will give a full month by month report when finished.


        • #34
          Finished the game last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to all WWII scenario fans. Here is my report from Pearl Harbour onwards:

          DECEMBER 1941

          Pearl Harbour attacked by Carrier Group (Battleship Row sunk). Garrison of Midway destroyed. Wake Island captured after bombardment by Yamato. Guam captured after bombardment from Nagato. Tarawa captured by Marines after Old Battleship was lost. Naval battle SW of Munda results in seven enemy ships being sunk. Guadalcanal captured after bombardment by Kongo class. Marines land and take over Henderson Airfield. Rabaul captured. In the Philippines Manila is captured and troops make landings on Mindanao. Japanese artillery moves into positions outside Hong Kong. heavy fighting on Borneo. Balikpapan captured. Naval battles around Malaysia. Bangkok captured by troops from Indochina. Kuala Lumpur captured by Marines embarking from Saigon.

          JANUARY 1942

          Battleship lost near Singapore. Mindanao invasion force repulsed. Lots of Cruisers and Destroyers lost. Midway occupied. Tulagi captured. Cebu captured. Brunei and Kuching captured. George V Battleships sunk off Singapore.

          FEBRUARY 1942

          More Cruisers and Destroyers lost. Dutch fleet sunk SE of Borneo. British Old Battleship torpedoed off Kuala Lumpur. Lae captured. Hong Kong captured after brief artillery barrage. Yorktown sunk in Davao Harbor by Japanese Bombers. Davao falls.

          MARCH 1942

          Illustrious and three other allied units sunk off Kuala Lumpur. Independent Carrier and two other units sunk. My offensive seems to be stalling!

          APRIL 1942

          Another Independent Carrier sunk. Fiji attacked. Essex class Carrier and escorts sunk off coast of New Guinea. Manus bombarded. George Town captured.

          MAY 1942

          Manus captured. Tawi Tawi attacked. Fiji captured.

          JUNE 1942

          Tawi Tawi captured. Hollandia captured. Bitung captured. Things are getting back on track.

          JULY 1942

          Macassar and Staring Bay captured. South Dakota class Battleship sunk near Midway. Several loaded transports intercepted and sunk.

          AUGUST 1942

          The Dutch resistance still very tough. Should have gone in with more forces to finish them quickly. Could have used less force in east! Lost my Paratroopers ; ( Ceram falls. SINGAPORE FALLS! Reinforcements from eastern theatre on way to capture Java, Sumatra and Timor. Independent class Carrier sunk.

          SEPTEMBER 1942

          US attack on Hollandia repulsed. Dili captured.

          OCTOBER 1942

          USMC recaptures Ceram. Pangkalam captured. Ligga captured. South Dakota class Battleship sunk.

          NOVEMBER 1942

          Big Naval battle SE of Dili. Port Moresby captured. My forces are now very thinly spread. Surabaya and Batavia captured.

          DECEMBER 1942

          Tokyo attacked by suicide Battleship raid! Rangoon captured as push into Burma begins. Palembang and Oosthaven finally captured. Dutch Civ destroyed.

          JANUARY 1943

          OBJECTIVES: Port Blair, Mandalay, Imphal, Calcutta, Chungking, Pearl Harbour, Attu, FORTIFY!

          FEBRUARY 1943

          Singapore does not have enough food. Mandalay captured and Burma road closed.

          MARCH 1943

          Rabaul recaptured by USMC. South Dakota class sunk at cost of Nagano class south of Rabaul. Iowa class Battleship sunk near Pearl Harbour.

          APRIL 1943

          Manus lost. Invasion fleet torpedoed south of Midway. South Dakota class sunk near Pearl Harbour. Port Blair captured to end the attentional air raids on Kuala Lumpur. Ceram recaptured. More large Naval battles around New Guinea. Aircraft detect Amphibious group near Tarawa. Invasion fleet north of Truk sunk with a Transport, nothing else available in area, very lucky!!!

          MAY 1943

          Allied attacks light. Rabaul recaptured and garrisoned with reinforcements arriving from the east. Invasion fleet sunk east of Port Moresby. Heavy fighting around Mandalay. Iowa class BB sunk.

          JUNE 1943

          Manus recaptured. Invasion fleet sunk near Tarawa. Intensive air patrols begin.

          JULY 1943

          New Caledonia bombed by new Liberator Bomber and liberated by Allies. The push on Imphal begins in earnest.

          AUGUST 1943

          Imphal captured. Plans for invasion of India stepped up.

          SEPTEMBER 1943

          First B-17 raid in China. South Dakota class BB sunk off Guadalcanal.

          OCTOBER 1943

          Allied Torpedo Bomber sneaks through and attacks a Transport ship off the coast of Saigon which is carrying two vital resource shipments In China the number of attacks by the Nationalists increases. The Number of Flying Tiger P-40 squadrons is alarming enough for all spare Zero squadrons to be diverted to that front. The garrison of Attu is destroyed by Battleship bombardment.

          NOVEMBER 1943

          Widespread US air raids. Japanese troops land on bleak Attu and occupy the outpost island. Submarine sinks Iowa class BB SE of Wake Island. Akagi class Carrier launches air attack on US Task Force. Iowa class BB and Independent class Carrier sunk. Have done lots of reading (Thumbs up)!

          DECEMBER 1943

          Dhaka in India captured. Kiska captured after bombardment by Battleship. Calcutta bombed.

          JANUARY 1944

          Port Moresby attacked by Allies but they are repulsed on the beaches. Massive air and artillery bombardment of Calcutta. Some bombers and artillery lost.
          Invasion fleet south of Midway sunk.

          FEBRUARY 1944

          Invasion fleet near Tarawa destroyed. Air raids on Calcutta continue. Three bombers and two artillery lost (ouch!). One badly damaged Indian Infantry regiment holds out against the odds.

          MARCH 1944

          Dutch Harbour captured. Attack force to take Pearl Harbour begins assembling. Final attack on Calcutta. Three artillery lost but the city falls. The Lend Lease wonder is cool! New Caledonia recaptured.

          APRIL 1944

          Iowa class BB sunk west of Midway.

          MAY 1944

          Eniwetok garrison killed by US Sub Hunter!?! US Invasion fleet sunk east of Tarawa. Two Essex class carriers east of Kwajalein attacked by carrier aircraft. One sunk and one badly damaged. Two dive bombers lost. US Invasion fleet sunk SE of Port Moresby.

          JUNE 1944

          South Dakota class BB sunk east of Midway.

          JULY 1944

          Dili attacked by Allies.

          AUGUST 1944

          A bit of a lull in the action.

          SEPTEMBER 1944

          Attack on Pearl Harbour begins. Successful attack on New Zealand.

          OCTOBER 1944

          Naval battle east of Pearl Harbour. Both sides sustain heavy casualties. Attack is faltering. I blame this on the ad-hoc nature of the force and the massive US air power.

          NOVEMBER 1944

          Plans for invasion of Australia begin. US counterattack at Dutch Harbour.

          DECEMBER 1944

          Dili under heavy air attack. Garrison of Kiska wiped out by B29 raid.

          JANUARY 1945

          US air power threat getting serious. Luckily my undefended Pearl Harbour Invasion fleet is not sunk.

          FEBRUARY 1945

          No action worth reporting.

          MARCH 1945

          Disaster! The Pearl Harbour invasion force is completely wiped out. USMC recaptured Tawi Tawi upsetting my Australian invasion plans.

          APRIL 1945

          Nothing to report

          MAY 1945

          Second Pearl Harbour attack sets off. Chungking invested by 15 plus artillery pieces.

          JUNE 1945

          Chungking captured after massive artillery bombardment.

          JULY 45

          Chengtu captured. Pearl Harbour captured!

          AUGUST 1945

          DECISIVE VICTORY 35/36 Tojo the Mighty

          Excellent scenario. I enjoyed every minute! The last quarter became a bit of a formality but the AI did continue to fight back and often caught me off guard. I think the AI units could have slightly tougher stats later in the game but I think you have got things about right. The US invasion fleets worked well but I think several appearing at once would have caused me more problems than individual ones. Air patrols are very effective in countering these invasion fleets!


          • #35
            Ever thought about a ToT conversion Kobayashi? I did a quick and dirty one for LOTOR some time ago.


            • #36
              Originally posted by fairline View Post
              Ever thought about a ToT conversion Kobayashi? I did a quick and dirty one for LOTOR some time ago.
              I never had ToT so its out of the question for me.
              If you'd like to attempt the conversion, please by all means.
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              • #37
                Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
                Finished the game last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it and would recommend it to all WWII scenario fans. ...
                DECISIVE VICTORY 35/36 Tojo the Mighty

                Excellent scenario. I enjoyed every minute! The last quarter became a bit of a formality but the AI did continue to fight back and often caught me off guard. I think the AI units could have slightly tougher stats later in the game but I think you have got things about right. The US invasion fleets worked well but I think several appearing at once would have caused me more problems than individual ones. Air patrols are very effective in countering these invasion fleets!
                Glad you enjoyed it. I was just did the fleet building pan out for you. You didn't mention new weapon designs or new capital ships built. I don't think you tried to minimize attrition too much (my style) so was it an all out production (using resource units) of older designs at the expense of research and growth. Or did you go for the new stuff. What about wonders?
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                • #38
                  The economic situation for Japan is hard but I tried to keep science research at a good level. I did not get the most up to date fighter or Dive bomber and I did not get to the Blindfire Radar tech before the end of the scenario. During my second attack on Pearl Harbour (March 45) one of my Battleships was sunk by enemy aircraft and I lost the effect of the Long Lance wonder. This did make things extremely difficult and as I could not build the Blindfire wonder there was no way to remedy the situation. I was lucky this wonder cancelling event did not occur earlier in the scenario!

                  I did build about five or six Yamato class BB during the game as I found them very effective island garrison killers. Nagato class BB were also useful and I produced several of them too. Before the Pearl Harbour attack of 41 I did produce some carriers but half of them spent the war in port. I found I only needed about six to cover the eastern theatre. In the west there was no reason to use them as the islands are so close together. Also I could see little difference between the different types. Maybe if there was a limit to the number of aircraft carried on each type it may make a difference.

                  I found the Betty bomber very useful for Maritime Patrol and then my carrier aircraft and Battleships useful for killing what they located. I really liked the idea of event generated Infantry. Finding enough to go around was always challenging, especially with the attritional battles in the Dutch East Indies. I did not realise the true value of tanks as supplementary infantry until later in the war as the amount of territory that needed holding grew.

                  One small criticism would be about city sizes. I don't think it effected game-play too much but it was strange that small anchorages I have never heard of grew bigger than major cities like Manila and Bangkok. I do know a way to fix this if you ever decide to make a updated version.

                  BTW You should try and pick up a copy of ToT on E-Bay or wherever. You don't have to start building ToT scenarios but if you have never played scenarios like Operation Market Garden, for example, you are missing out on some of the finest Civ2 scenarios ever made. IMHO of course
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                  • #39
                    Now that you mention that you didn't loose a battleship until the end, it all meakes sense to me. It is quite advantageous for the japs that the carrier age didn't begin. Maybe I should have forced it to happen automatically in mid 43 if no battleships are sunk.

                    On the anchorages, I added those as an after thought after all the main testing, to give the AI more options when. Their high rate of growth is entirely an oversight. Could be fixed easily in the next version but I don't think there will be a next version. I don't dare to fiddle with it anymore as it is precariously balanced right now for the optimal AI behavior. I suppose you could manually edit the cities yourself after starting a game.
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                    • #40
                      As I said, the large anchorage cities don't effect the gameplay negatively so I wouldn't worry about it. Is the Carrier Age event triggered when a battleship is lost or just when one is lost to aircraft?
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                      • #41
                        Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
                        As I said, the large anchorage cities don't effect the gameplay negatively so I wouldn't worry about it. Is the Carrier Age event triggered when a battleship is lost or just when one is lost to aircraft?
                        as long as one is destroyed, doesn't matter by what kind of unit.

                        I think you were very lucky. From full health they need to be attacked maybe 3 times to sink. But because they get weakened by doing bombardment, and you seem to have a lot of BBs doing that, if an enemy sub or plane comes along, its very easy for the battleship to be sunk. If you stack BBs and always keep one at full health in each stack you might be able to avoid carrier age. but that would require double the number of BBs to do the same thing.
                        Last edited by kobayashi; June 4, 2009, 00:02.
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                        • #42
                          For small island cities that you want to keep small, why not edit them with CivCity so they can't build harbors, and adjust food accordingly to create a static growth situation?
                          Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by techumseh View Post
                            For small island cities that you want to keep small, why not edit them with CivCity so they can't build harbors, and adjust food accordingly to create a static growth situation?


                            perhaps you could just list out which are the achorages where there is an overpropensity for reproduction.
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                            • #44
                              Tawi Tawi - 5
                              Ceram- 5
                              Munda - 5

                              Compared with:

                              Singapore - 5 (Not enough food available, even with Harbour)
                              Bangkok -4
                              Manila - 6

                              As I said, these over sized cities did not spoil my enjoyment of the scenario in any way, I'm just nit picking. Unless you plan an updated version I would not worry about them!

                              I was lucky on several occasions. I could have lost a BB much earlier. The AI seemed to take out a lot of my Destroyers and Cruisers but somehow my damaged BB's always managed to limp back to port. On one occasion I managed to defeat a USMC Invasion fleet with one of my Transports...just!
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                              • #45
                                Congratulations Kobayashi your scenario is great: complex, educational and very fun.
                                McMonkey I like your compilation. A time ago tries to adapt units for the scenenario of kobayashi but the quantity of aircraft carrier was such that I was not capable of advancing ... you have solved the problem very well, and the choice of the ships is excellent. Sending some units that might be added, and a doubt on the last plane that I had never seen ... is it of Fairline and which is?
                                Attached Files

