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Dainichi Sekai Taisen version 3

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  • Dainichi Sekai Taisen version 3

    A while back I worked on a revision to DST 2.0 with a view of fixing the AI sneak attack problem once and for all. But I just got side tracked and never did fully resolve the issue. I think I will just officially 'release' the improvements I have implemented as version 3.0.

    This is still a MGE scenario. I know you guys have mostly moved on to TOT already, but better late than never.

    It might look similar to the the version 2 series but a lot of fine-tuning has gone into version 3. Many techs, spawn events/locations and unit roles have been adjusted to vastly improve AI behavior. Negotiated peace is no longer part of the objectives. In fact negotiations are now not allowed. I also added a game concepts section in the civpedia menu so the intro screen can focus just on the key issues.

    For version 2, one of the key imperfections was the AI's reluctance to load its sea transport vessels. I have fixed this by incorporating a new event algorithm that allows spawning of merchant marine vessels pre-loaded with marines. I was talking about implementing this for ages and it has worked wonders to simulate the Allied island hopping counter-offensive of 1944.

    Added several important Japanese anchorage towns such as TawiTawi, Lingga, Staring Bay and Lae. Other towns that were prominant in WWII battles, like Imphal have also been added. Amchitka was replaced by Kiska.

    The Research Rate has been slowed down by 10 percent. The Betty G4M Bomber and SBD Dauntless have been pushed further back in the tech tree to track history. You won't be able research Kamikaze until the Carrier Era - Kamikaze doesn't make sense if you haven't even lost a single battleship. So its now impossible to get the Blindfire Radar and Long Lance Wonders (i.e. +3 ship movement) at the same time. Helldiver is no longer available to the British as they never used it. But I have added the B-24 Liberator in place of the B-25 Mitchell so the RAF can build a heavy bomber. Sub Hunter (i.e. Destroyer Escourt) has taken over the Buffalo Fighter slot.

    The Lend Lease wonder will now upgrade all out-dated British aircraft to the improved American versions. Blood Bank wonder has been changed to Henderson Airfield and is pre-built on Guadalcanal.

    Last edited by kobayashi; April 21, 2009, 13:16.
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  • #2
    Sounds interesting. Downloading now


    • #3
      Originally posted by kobayashi View Post
      For version 2, one of the key imperfections was the AI's reluctance to load its sea transport vessels. I have fixed this by incorporating a new event algorithm that allows spawning of merchant marine vessels pre-loaded with marines. I was talking about implementing this for ages and it has worked wonders to simulate the Allied island hopping counter-offensive of 1944.

      Sounds absolutely fantastic. This I gotta try.

      This problem has created difficulties in other scens. Perhaps Patine can now take another shot at completing his long dormant Empire of the Rising Sun.
      Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

      Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
      Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


      • #4
        Downloaded it, decided to do a little graphics update for it. It's not finished, but there are better graphics for many of those units (though I have yet to see some for many of those Japanese units.)

        Nevertheless, I intend to check this scenario out!
        Attached Files
        The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
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        • #5
          Just FYI DIsco, I have (had?) a colour coding system for the nose of the airplanes so one could tell which generation (i.e. how advanced) the plane was from without too much of a fuss.
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          • #6
            Originally posted by kobayashi View Post
            For version 2, one of the key imperfections was the AI's reluctance to load its sea transport vessels. I have fixed this by incorporating a new event algorithm that allows spawning of merchant marine vessels pre-loaded with marines.

            How did you do that?

            I never managed to truly event-create land units at sea, even on pre-created ships!
            Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
            Discworld Scenario:
            POMARJ Scenario:
            LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


            • #7
              It's always worked if you spawn land and sea units in a city.
              Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios



              • #8
                Originally posted by techumseh View Post
                It's always worked if you spawn land and sea units in a city.
                OK, but then it's not really at sea!

                In Pomarj I created a ship adjacent to an island, then created land units on the island with a moveunit order to the ship: one unit boarded, and not the others! but at least one got on board! But then again, it's not really at sea and it works only with 1 unit!
                Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                Discworld Scenario:
                POMARJ Scenario:
                LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by techumseh View Post
                  It's always worked if you spawn land and sea units in a city.
                  Thats what I used in version 2 but it doesn't work that well. If you don't use a one tile island, many of the land units will just walk off. If you use a one tile island not all the units get on the ship and very soon the city becomes impregnable with 50 units guarding it.

                  For version 3 I change sea terrain into land, spawn a few land units, change the terrain back to sea (the top land units dies and the rest sleep) and then spawn the ship on the same spot.
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kobayashi View Post
                    For version 3 I change sea terrain into land, spawn a few land units, change the terrain back to sea (the top land units dies and the rest sleep) and then spawn the ship on the same spot.
                    As only 1 unit is destroyed by the terrain change, that is very clever!

                    Thanks, Kobi, I'm pretty sure I'll use this sometimes!
                    Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
                    Discworld Scenario:
                    POMARJ Scenario:
                    LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


                    • #11
                      Great to see you still active, kobayashi!

                      Will be DL-ing this ASAP!



                      • #12
                        anyone tried it yet?
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                        • #13
                          I may get a chance this Wednesday evening if things are quiet at work, if not then next weekend. The news is that we are expecting a long hot summer in the UK (I'm willing to believe that!) so I should have lots of opportunities to catch up on playing Civ as good weather means little work for me

                          I have taken a look at the game and it looks very interesting. At first glance it would appear a very easy proposition for the Japanese player with their large Navy as the Western powers seem very thinly spread (some of their cities have no defending units!). I expect the events will kick in and make it a real challenge though. Looking forward to playing
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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by McMonkey View Post
                            I may get a chance this Wednesday evening if things are quiet at work, if not then next weekend. The news is that we are expecting a long hot summer in the UK (I'm willing to believe that!) so I should have lots of opportunities to catch up on playing Civ as good weather means little work for me

                            I have taken a look at the game and it looks very interesting. At first glance it would appear a very easy proposition for the Japanese player with their large Navy as the Western powers seem very thinly spread (some of their cities have no defending units!). I expect the events will kick in and make it a real challenge though. Looking forward to playing
                            hmmm... isn't looking at the inside of AI cities cheating?
                            This is a link to...The Civilization II Scenario League and this is a link to...My Food Blog


                            • #15
                              I was just taking a quick look at the scenario as a whole. I did not take notes on troop dispositions You can tell the cities with no garrison anyway as there is no flag!

                              One question. Is there supposed to be a Japanese unit in India and California?
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