Originally posted by Mr Art
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Don't worry about the batch, it is easy to use...It just copies the nation-
specific rules/events over the normal one in the Eurasian Wars folder...
But if you want to do things the old way, what is best is to create a new
folder for each nation, and copy their specific rules and events into each.
(All nation-specific events are in the 'Events' folder)
Then in each folder, rename the events and rules into the normal name...
EG: Rules_Allied to just Rules, and Events_Allied to merely Events.
To make it work:
For example: Copy the data from the Allied folder and paste into the main folder...
The rules and events will now reflect the Allied version...

I would just use the batch though, it cuts out the hassle.
If you are having trouble running it, CHOICE is MS-DOS program that helps.
