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The Eurasian Wars!

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  • I reckon most if not all, of those condition can be met...!

    Let me know how you get on with the UN/democracy test, and that will determine where we can go with the Allies.


    • UPDATE!

      I have the German new events and tweaks all done! Just wanting to know from AGRICOLA
      if it is wise to go ahead with moving the UN to London, calling it 'British Parliament' -
      I will rename the Women's Suff as the 'War Ministry' or somesuch.

      Very much wanting to move ahead for endgame with this, so if anyone wants to put up
      a quick bullet list of major tweaks needed, as a reminder for me, I will check through it!

      Once I get the rules/events/etc done for one civ, I can quickly replicate for all...


      • I'm playing Feb 1942.

        Yes, the Allies need the UN. Otherwise, they have no freedom of action to pursue their interests. Something like the historical American occupation of Iceland is impossible. In my game, the Italians got into Spain and, without the UN, the Allies could not have responded by preemptively capturing the three remaining Neutral Iberian cities.

        I love receiving the excellent US Army units, but, like the Soviet Guards, Mv=2 and all terrain may be a bit much.

        At start of the game I made the following changes:
        - Ended the massive spawning of German units for Barbarossa by taking technology 94 from them at the end of turn 9. It appears that the Germans will advance approximately as far as they did historically.
        - Made the Partisan tech unreachable but gave it to the Russians and Chinese and took it away from the Germans and Italians.
        - Changed events to spawn 2 Allied Engineers per turn. Frankly, I wish that they were buildable. Rather than the 28 I currently have, I would have twice as many because founding and developing Military Cities will eventually use up ~20.
        - Gave everybody the RR tech.

        I forgot to get rid of the airfield in Guiyang until the Allies captured the city.
        Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

        Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
        Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


        • Before you put this scen to bed, here's a minor problem that is unique to playing the Allies. The tech for the Lancaster is a precursor to the tech for the B-17, yet the Lancaster is a more powerful a/c than the B-17.

          Lancaster A/D/HP/FP/Mv = 24/3/9/1/12
          B-17 A/D/HP/FP/Mv = 18/2/8/1/10

          I can see why you have the present tech sequence for when the AI plays the Allies, but there seems to be no good reason why a human player would waste time and resources researching the B-17 tech after he can build Lancasters.

          Perhaps, for the Allied version of the scen, the prerequisite techs could be interchanged in RULES so that the B-17 has to be researched before the Lancaster.
          Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

          Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
          Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


          • No problem, Agricola! And more good ideas from you...Cheers!

            What I could do make the Engineer buildable to the player, and not the AI.
            An easy tweak for me to do! And saves some event space...

            The idea for the Barbarossa and Partisan techs are implemented too...

            About the Lancaster and B-17 situation, I will follow your suggestion...
            The Fortress was intended as a more pumped-up version of the generic bomber.
            So by that it could come first, the other option is to make it super-long range...



            • I started a game as the allies on the recomended level (forgot what it's called). I'm in december 1941. I managed to kick the axis troops out of north africa. But I really underestimated the japanese storm in SE asia. In one turn they took nearly all my asian cities. It will take me a while to take them back from my Mandalay base.

              The Germans seem to be rather tame. The Russians were the first to strike in eastern Europe and seem to have the upper hand. Warsaw and Bucharest are under heavy siege. I guess they are waiting for me to start my landing in France. But I plan to go through Italy and greece. And if I have enough buildup of forces in Britain, maybe a quick strike against Hamburg.

              The Senate is indeed a pain in the ass. Not being able to wage war to whomever I want is a nuissance. Are there any updates available for play with the new settings?


              • Updates coming soon, dude!

                I'm just doing a final rework of the Stalingrad event, to make it more logical.
                Sadly, the UN wonder move would require a new game, unless you just use
                CIVCITY to tweak the wonder from Madrid to London...I wont tell anyone!



                • Funny thing happened. I was strolling around the Iberian Peninsula, looking for stray Italian units, when the Neutrals ordered me out or else. When i choose for the 'or else' option, I was at war with the neutrals. I gave me a chance to capture the madrid and Stockholm wonders. But it also meant that my government fell so I was facing revolts in all my cities. After a few turns I had to choose a new type of government: despotism, monarchy or democracy. I thought monarchy would give me more freedom to fight wars. But i still can't make contact with the russians, so even though they are swamping my european area, I can't kick them out. So choosing monarchy wasn't that clever, since it also leaves me with a big budget deficit every turn.

                  The game in itself is interesting, ironically because of the lack of war mongering options. I find myself practicing quite a bit of realpolitik. Like I said earlier, the Germans are totally inactive in this game, and the russians were on the upper hand since june '41. To prevent the russians gaining even more ground, I invaded europe via greece, quickly establishing a straight front from Athens to Koningsberg. Having cut off the Russians to the rest of Europe, I cleared the continent from germans and italians.

                  On the Japanese front I retook the cities lost to the japs (including Hong Kong). But after that I choose to sit still while the japanese conquered china. This will allow me to not fight the chinese and just wipe the japanese off the chinese mainland once they capture china.

                  At first I thought this would be a tough fight, but I can sum up the strenght of the allies in one word: Lancaster.


                  • is there at least the possibility of the russians sneak attacking me? They are all of 'my' europe with dozens of units. I'm keeping a large army based in Europe in case they might attack. Or is the game designed to prevent sneak attacks by partners on the allies?


                    • Worry not, old chap!

                      In the new events for Allies, the Germans will have a chance of going to war with the
                      Russians each turn, and with certain conditions, the Russians might attack the Allies!

                      (I'm working on the Allied/Soviet events right now, the German events are complete!)



                      • I'm encountering the maximum numbers of units thingy. I must say that getting the D-Day event even though I captured Berlin eons ago is a bit much. I seriously don't know what to do with all the freebee units I'm getting. Transporting them to the far east is just too tedious, plus the railwayworks are progressing with one or two squares per turn. My fingers are itching to get my hands on the damn russians, but they won't take the bait and sneak attack me.
                        Last edited by PietH; February 16, 2009, 10:25.


                        • Dude, I'll get that Allied events file fixed up ASAP, and it should solve the trouble!



                          • I know, I know. Just venting off some steam.
                            But I guess those rules won't work in a current game, right?


                            • I think the new rules and events should be OK in your current game if you run Delevents.

                              I'll up load the new versions for the Allies very soon!



                              • In the new events, to help kickstart a war with Russia, Berlin should be under Soviet or Allied control.

                                If the Soviets own Berlin, there is a 10% chance each month of an Allied/Soviet war.
                                If the Allies own Berlin, the chance goes up to 50% each month!


