From what i've concluded, the whole "saving disk space" thing was a lie. I used a cd writing program (Adaptec Easy CD Creater) and it showed that when i copied the contents to it, they only took up 300 megabytes of the average 650 megabyte CD. I also added every single video from the civ2 video directory (Including the high council), and still had 75 megabytes left. The disk space was obviusly not a problem.
Note: I didn't actaully copy the cd. I just used the program to show how much space it took on an average cd.
[This message has been edited by MGamer07 (edited August 08, 2000).]
Note: I didn't actaully copy the cd. I just used the program to show how much space it took on an average cd.
[This message has been edited by MGamer07 (edited August 08, 2000).]