Just completed my first Extended Game (Deity)
Conquered all Earth civs just before landing on AC. As the Gazpichi were displaying no hostility towards me, and my scientific research was still proceeding rapidly, I decided to take John P's advice in his strategy guide and go for a science win by getting Transcendence.
When I finally got Transcendence about 10 turns later I was distinctly underwhelmed by the game's response, or lack of it ! As far as the game was concerned I had just got another routine advance - so what ! I was under the impression I had won the game, and expected some acknowledgement of same.
Have I got it all wrong about the science win ? Is there something else needed ?
Because I feel so unsatisfied about this science "win", I have decided to go back to the Landing savegame and go for a conquest win.
Just to digress slightly to a related point about the Extended Game.... I feel that there is too much overlap between the range of units available to the Earth civs and to the Aliens. I think its a bit daft to see alien races tooling around in familiar cruisers, helicopters, etc., while at the same time the earth civs are doing the same in thingies from horror movies !
Conquered all Earth civs just before landing on AC. As the Gazpichi were displaying no hostility towards me, and my scientific research was still proceeding rapidly, I decided to take John P's advice in his strategy guide and go for a science win by getting Transcendence.
When I finally got Transcendence about 10 turns later I was distinctly underwhelmed by the game's response, or lack of it ! As far as the game was concerned I had just got another routine advance - so what ! I was under the impression I had won the game, and expected some acknowledgement of same.
Have I got it all wrong about the science win ? Is there something else needed ?
Because I feel so unsatisfied about this science "win", I have decided to go back to the Landing savegame and go for a conquest win.
Just to digress slightly to a related point about the Extended Game.... I feel that there is too much overlap between the range of units available to the Earth civs and to the Aliens. I think its a bit daft to see alien races tooling around in familiar cruisers, helicopters, etc., while at the same time the earth civs are doing the same in thingies from horror movies !