I am trying to make a game/scenario in TOT where the earth is split into 4 seperate maps. I relised though, that simply walking off the edge of one map and appearing in the next one does not work. So what I am asking is, Is it possible to create this type of world? And if so, how is it possible? I want to have it so normal units, like tanks and marines can just travel from map to map. Basically I want just one gigantic map. Is this possible?
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ToT and linked maps, is it possible to......
The question has been considered in great detail by some of the best minds to be found on Apolyton. I hope that one or more of them posts in response to your question so that you will get a more indepth explaination then I can offer you. My interperation of their feelings on the topic is that it is possible to do, but doing so is so cumbersome as to make it not worth doing.
For an atlernative to four maps that fit together I suggest you read the SLeague tip on Map Transport Relationships. You can find this tip and many more in the SLeague Design Tips Section.
Basically I want just one gigantic map. Is this possible?
If what you want is one gigantic map then why don't you just make one gigantic map?
Yes it is possible. The problem comes in defining the map transport relionships thought. Since a unit moves from map to map
on the same coordinate it may well move from say the middle of russia to some where in england. The way around it is by just using starports to trans port units from map to map
and maybe giving ships native teleport ability sounds like an awful lot of work though.