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CivConverter: starting new version

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  • CivConverter: starting new version

    Hi all,
    finally i've got some free time so i'm ready to update CivConverter,
    Don't expect great things from the new version; i'll correct minor bugs (like Rules.txt and game.txt routines) and probably will add support for MGE scenarios but i can't do nothing for the major problems (First turn problem and Reinassance age bug):
    1)First turn problem: this problem is caused by major objectives flags, but flags are not working in TOT up to now! i've asked info on this topic to tech support but i'm still waiting, so no news on this front 'till support's answer.
    2)Reinassance Bug: Here the problem is different, i simply don't know what to do!
    if you have any suggestion to solve them please type it here because this problem is simple to understand but very very very difficult to remove.
    This kind of bugs are described in Readme.txt of CivConverter.
    P.S. during the wait for the new version of CivConverter what about examining a little program i've done to automate the annoying procedure of installing MODS?
    (Look at "MODManager V1.0" Topic)

    [This message has been edited by Angelo Scotto (edited February 27, 2000).]
    "If it works, it's obsolete."
    -- Marshall McLuhan

  • #2
    Is the Renaissance Bug really a bug. I figured it was just a feature. You know, when you discover invention, the city style changes; then when you discover industrialism , it changes again. Now if a scenario designer uses Invention in a way such that it is already discovered or is early in the tech tree when the scenario begins, that COULD be a problem if you wanted different city styles. I think its just something scenario designers and converters need to work around.
    "Cease fire! Please! Cease fire. What a dreadful waste of ammunition!" -- General Horatio Herbert Kitchener


    • #3
      Actually, the reinassance bug is a bug of Civconverter; i mean that the converter cannot do exact copies of scenario for Tot from FW if some civilization has discovered Invention without Industrialization in the scenario;
      because of this problem i call it bug: a feature of Tot but a bug (ok, it's better say problem but it's a longer word ) for CivConverter.

      "If it works, it's obsolete."
      -- Marshall McLuhan


      • #4
        So hows the update going. Was that site I gave you any help.
        Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


        • #5
          He needs me to do some examples for him, which I should get around to today.


          • #6
            Hi all,
            Unfortunately the page is a bit old so informations about MGE are incomplete (this is why you were not able to convert the scenario to FW by hand), it lists correctly differences between CIC & FW (and i've re-discovered them with V1.3 version; i wish i knew the link at that time) but says that the only difference between FW and MGE is the Ah byte which value change from 28h to 2Ch and this is not true!
            However don't worry because i think (i'm waiting a scenario from DarthVeda to be sure) i've discovered all differences between FW->MGE myself (with the help of Miner) so i've only to teach them to CivConverter.
            I've completely redone Rules.txt conversion routines (they're now smaller,simpler and smarter) and i think that now they can convert every Rules.txt without problems.
            I'm trying to implement libungif library of Gershon Elber into the program making so CivConverter able to convert automatically gif->24-bit bmp.
            I've to say that the work (up to now...) is proceding well and, without bad surprises, the next version of CivConverter should be ready in one (max two) weeks.

            "If it works, it's obsolete."
            -- Marshall McLuhan


            • #7
              DarthVeda, i'm sorry to bother you but...where are files?
              I'm still waiting them, pleeeease send.

              "If it works, it's obsolete."
              -- Marshall McLuhan


              • #8
                I'm a lazy bum!!

                I'll tie a knot to my finger and get you them thursday


                • #9
                  Does anyone here wear a pocket-protector?
                  Das Wasser soll dein Spiegel sein
                  Erst wenn es glatt ist, wirst du sehen
                  Wieviel Märchen dir noch bleibt
                  und um Erlösung wirst du flehen.

                  The water shall be your mirror
                  Only when it's smooth you will see
                  How much fairy-tale is left for you
                  And you will beg for deliverance.

                  'Alter Mann', RAMMSTEIN.


                  • #10
                    What is exactly a pocket-protector? i'm afraid to know... well, nevermind.
                    I've almost finished the V1.4 of CivConverter.
                    I've successfully fixed a lot of minor bugs present in V1.31 (for example .spr problem).
                    I've implemented a routine to copy exact civ & city names colours.
                    And .... I've added MGE support! (well, it seems to work)
                    Unfortunately i've not been able to implement libungif (i need more time but since i know that you want the new version ASAP i decided to implement it into the next version).
                    Expect the new version in 2-3 days.
                    (I'll warn you )

                    "If it works, it's obsolete."
                    -- Marshall McLuhan


                    • #11
                      3 days and counting. Cool...
                      Civfan (Warriorsoflight)


                      • #12
                        I came into this thread late, so bear with me for not knowing what I'm talking about (yet again )...

                        We did make a slight change from Civ2 to add the Renaissance city style change to ToT. Could that be the bug we're talking about?


                        • #13
                          Ok,ok execute me for calling it a bug...
                          More seriously, the Renaissance PROBLEM is caused by the new city style added with ToT which makes difficult to make the right city style conversion in some scenarios.
                          John, the city design of a civilization is controlled by a single byte or (like i sadly think) Tot checks the city style examining techs owned/not owned?
                          The new version of CivConverter can be found at (thanks to William Keenan for uploading the Converter so quickly)
                          "If it works, it's obsolete."
                          -- Marshall McLuhan


                          • #14
                            Your Welcome Angelo.

                            CivConverter 1.4, get it at the The Cradle of Civilization.

                            We're giving it away for free while supplies last.

