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CivConverter V1.3

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  • CivConverter V1.3

    All right, i've updated CivConverter to new 1.3 version.
    This version contains a partial support for FW scenarios: this means that i have still first turn problem with some scenarios but not with the majority of FW scenarios.
    Plus i've successfully corrected a lot of bugs of V1.2 (i hope you didn't notice them ).
    You can find it at (pickup a file -> CivConverter -> and i'm also sending a copy to all sites who requested previous version.
    Consider it my Christmas gift

    Merry Christmas and happy new year!
    "If it works, it's obsolete."
    -- Marshall McLuhan

  • #2
    BTW: Please post here all bugs or problems you'll find in this version of CivConverter and let me know about scenarios in which you find the "first turn problem".

    "If it works, it's obsolete."
    -- Marshall McLuhan


    • #3
      Well, when I try it, it always gives me "illegal operation" stuff


      • #4
        You left me wordless
        I tested it on a great number of scenarios random selected at SLeague and it worked!
        (holywar, granada, charlemagne, barron, liortage, revwar, etc...).
        I'm playing converted Barron right now!
        Please i need to know a bit more about this problem to solve it:
        When the error came out? (during conversion phase or after, when ToT uses converted scenario).
        Which scenarios give you the problem and if the problem happened during the conversion phase can you tell me what was civconverter doing ? (i bet it was caused by rules.txt conversion routines, i hate them!).
        BTW: can you try to convert one of scenarios i cited above and tell me if you succeded ?

        "If it works, it's obsolete."
        -- Marshall McLuhan


        • #5
          Well, I've only tried FW scenarios.

          I opened DOS prompt and changed the directory to D:\CivConverter then went "CivConverter D:\games\mps\civ2\scenario\ACW'99v2\ACW'99v2.scn" and it gave me the illegal operation message

 - Click here if you want, I'm not spamming
 - Click here if you want, I'm not spamming.

          "And well might we say 'may God save the Queen because nothing will save the governor general'"
          Gough Whitlam - November 11 1975 on Parliament House steps.


          • #6
            I also kept getting an illegal operation as well but only for one scenario, USCW2001 (Dracon should be familiar with it!). The scenario was created with CIC, I'm pretty sure, so I was boggled as to why it might return an illegal operation. However, I tried my other two FW scenarios (Dungeon V.2 and Underdark) and it converted perfectly right down to the "T". No one's told me how to use the the BMP files for graphics instead of the TOT graphics so I'm still stumped with that one. I was wondering, why did CivConverter create a terrain2.bmp file for USCW2001 when it originally never had one? Anyways, if you want, I'll e-mail the scenario to you. Great program though! My stomach hurts at the mere thought of having to wait for future versions!


            • #7
              why angello, if you're submiting your file to our civ2 db, please see this page first


              • #8
                Okay, everything was working perfectly pretty much as I was able to convert Harlan's Pacific War scenario and Blackclove's Dungeon. However, things got wierd when I tried converting Darthveda's Wing Commander scenario. It converted okay but I wasn't able to turn enable the "Turn off .spr" option that came with the patch. For some reason, deleting the game.txt file fixed this and allowed me to access those options again. Any ideas why?


                • #9
                  I downloaded the "Iran" and "Homeric Age" scenarios from the CSC. Iran converted fine but when the conversion got to the rules.txt in Homeric Age it said there was an illegal operation.


                  • #10
                    Just an update:
                    Dracon, i've checked scenario you told me and i've found the error (i was right,it's the damned rules.txt routine and this also explains why a CiC scenario is also affected); i'm going to fix it right now.

                    For USCW2001 the problem is another, i've discovered it and i'm working to fix this one also.

                    For Homeric Age the problem is worse and to fix this one i shall rewrite completely the rules.txt routines (so we can retalk about it after holidays...) luckily you can solve this kind of problem by hand: The problem is that CivConverter expects rules.txt with all sections (@TERRAIN, @UNITS, etc...) but in Homeric Age Rules.txt the @CIVILIZE section is missing! so, if you want the converter to work you have to add (with cut & paste) the @CIVILIZE section from CivConverter rules.txt file to original homeric rules.txt (just after @COSMIC and before @IMPROVE)and then launch CivConverter and the problem should be solved.

                    Another thing: it seems confirmed that the first turn problem (which seems to happen in some scenarios on the second or third turn...) is caused (like i wrote into the readme) by Major objectives so "stay away" from scenarios with Major Objectives !
                    ( BTW may someone else confirm this one? )

                    To SixArmedMan(Terrain2.bmp): You're right, it's a bit strange, and really V1.2 converted only files present into the original scenario directory but this caused a problem when converting a scenario with Terrain1 and not Terrain2 because ToT used Terrain2 standard (which is darker) mixed with converted Terrain1 (which, coming from Civ2 is brighter) this created a fuzzy effect on graphic, with sea and coastal tiles darker than ground tiles, so in this version if CivConverter find a Terrain1 without a Terrain2 it creates a Terrain2 using the Civ2 standard Terrain2 trying to make a more correct graphic conversion.

                    To SixArmedMan(game.txt):Yes, in the hurry to finish a complete version (with game.txt support and others txt files) before holidays i made a game.txt routine a bit "brutal": it simply attach game.txt from original scenario and adds sections exclusive of ToT; this make the scenario conversion good but has an evident side effect: since in game.txt are written all texts of menu, windows, etc... you can get menu labels from old civilization (so without "turn off .spr" and so on) luckily the problem is only apparent because (like you said) if you remove (you can just move it to another directory) game.txt only the time for setting new options and then move it into converted directory again you can riddle of this problem.
                    After holidays probably i'll create a more "smart" routine able to convert menu and windows messagges correctly but for now you must keep it just like it is.

                    I hope to put on Click2Send a patch and an updated version tomorrow (it will be V1.31) able to fix problems with USCW2001 and ACW'992v scenarios (and other scenarios with the same problems)and to send it to all sites i've sent the 1.3 version.

                    To MarkG: Well, i sent CivConverter V1.3 to Apolyton 19 December but don't worry, i read the submit rules and created a txt files with all information requested (Only i didn't join all in a whole zip file, is this a problem ?)

                    [This message has been edited by Angelo Scotto (edited December 22, 1999).]
                    "If it works, it's obsolete."
                    -- Marshall McLuhan


                    • #11
                      Thanks man


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the help with "Homeric Age", it converted fine after I added the @civilize (haven't played it yet though). But then I dowloaded "The End Of The Bronze Age" scenario from CSC and that also stopped converting when it got to rules.txt, this one does have a @civilize. Please work your magic again and sorry to bother you.
                        [This message has been edited by IG-88 (edited December 23, 1999).]


                        • #13
                          Will you eventually make a "windows" version of it?
                          "Compromises are not always good things. If one guy wants to drill a five-inch hole in the bottom of your life boat, and the other person doesn't, a compromise of a two-inch hole is still stupid." - chegitz guevara
                          "Bill3000: The United Demesos? Boy, I was young and stupid back then.
                          Jasonian22: Bill, you are STILL young and stupid."

                          "is it normal to imaginne dartrh vader and myself in a tjhreee way with some hot chick? i'ts always been my fantasy" - Dis


                          • #14
                            Ok, i've updated files at click2send and i've sent mail.

                            IG-88:I've examined "The end of the bronze age" scenario and i've found that the problem was the same of acw99v2 so it should be fixed now with the V1.31
                            Don't worry about bother me: i can't try all scenarios so your help is very useful.

                            Bill3000: Sure, but first i have to make the "engine" more stable, once fixed all this problems i'll make a GUI version for windows

                            "If it works, it's obsolete."
                            -- Marshall McLuhan


                            • #15
                              Sorry but there is yet another problem. I updated Civconverter and the End of the Bronze Age scenario converted perfectly, but then when I tried to convert a different scenario (Persian Empire), it got to Rules.txt and said "error in converting txt file! unable to continue, exiting..." It didn't crash or anything just stopped! I must be bad luck.

