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MicroProse, can you release the source code for the *.scn format (MGE & TOT)?

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  • MicroProse, can you release the source code for the *.scn format (MGE & TOT)?

    I'm certain that we have some C programmers among us. Since you aren't going to do it, why not let us try; that is make a converting utility for MGE scenarios to TOT!

    All that would be required for the converter is to rearrange the old code to the new format, and set any unknown variables (new code) to their default value, this would much benifit us scenario builders.

    After all TOT is just an upgrade to MGE, with Civ3 on the way, would not Backwards Compatiblity help, especially since nothing too drastic changed?

    If you want not to be too limited by Backwards Compatibilty, then don't be, but at least allow for a partial conversion utility!

    Also, please release a updated scenario and map editor for TOT (in a patch perhaps), or at least give us the source code for the map editor.

    Thank You!


  • #2
    BTW, why make things in such odd formats?

    I'm noticing complaints of people being unable to edit or even view the animation files (from master Scen. designers even), do you have a utility in mind for us to be able to use? Come on MicroProse you're better than this, don't start acting like ACTivision now!


    • #3
      I can bring it up, but the decision to release that sort of information isn't in the team's hands--permission would have to come from higher up, and you know corporate execs tend to be.

      As for the .spr file format, we just came up with what worked well in the context of the code we had to work with and was as small as we could reasonably make it; there was no intentional effort to make the format obscure.


      • #4
        Please do...its not like TOT is an entirely new game...

        By the way, I appreciate the response, MicroProse still has class; unlike a certain ACTiVision...


        • #5
          Now, now...

          The nice folks at Activision work hard, and over the years they've put out a lot of good games. You shouldn't blame the whole company for what was probably a decision made by one or two thoughtless (overpaid) individuals (suits).

          Jeez, I'm starting to sound like my parents...

