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Hall of Fame voting

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  • Hall of Fame voting

    In case anyone doesn't read the other threads, I thought I'd mention that voting is underway for the latest Hall of Fame entries.

    Fill me with the old familiar juice

  • #2
    Something is very wrong with the new Administration. Civ2-General is listed in the "Rules" as a place where voting is to take place. But, for whatever reason, DC has decided to skip over us this time. We don't even rate a blurb about the voting in the latest news update at the top, like other fora.

    Perhaps this an effort to dilute the "Civ2" block voting. Who knows?? Civ2 is the legacy of this entire site. We should always have a polling site.

    Don't you agree??

    so long and thanks for all the fish


    • #3
      I do find it a bit odd that there is no polling booth in the Civ 2 general forum, particularly since in recent voting, roughly as many people have voted here as in the Civ 4 general forum. However, there seems to have been a lot of voting from the Civ 2 scenario community so we will not be completely unrepresented.

      Fill me with the old familiar juice


      • #4
        Oh, I see now. This way DC can say Civ2 is represented but that is not a main destination for most of us. If the the Civ2 folk do not know there is a vote going--and why would they??--then the block vote is broken.

        There is more than one polling place in the Civ4 group, but Civ2-General is snubbed, even though it is listed as a polling place in the announcement post.

        Everyone seems to have moved on, past Civ2. I cannot; don't have a choice. It really is true that old dogs struggle with learning new games. I don't have a box that handles Civ4 anyway. I am a fossil I guess. If Apolyton no longer supports Civ2, I have to wonder why I should support Apolyton.

        so long and thanks for all the fish


        • #5
          I don't consider the case so serious ... as far as somebody detects any new voting and announce it here in time

          But we should agree where we will post our votes (so that inspection of the block voting and subseqent punishment works effectively ): I guess it will be the Apolyton/Communty thread:
          Last edited by SlowThinker; December 14, 2007, 21:05.
          Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


          • #6
            Originally posted by Bloody Monk
            This way DC can say Civ2 is represented but that is not a main destination for most of us.
            Not for those of you only visiting the General/Help forum, certainly. But I'll have you know that the Creation forum is far more active than this one, and it was skipped over last time resulting in at least two prominent creators losing their votes.

            But I'm not complaining, because I visit enough of the (sub)forums to know what's happening...

            I just think it's sad to know that, as small as the Civ2 community is right now, it's still so fragmented among different groups that don't seem to know (or want to know) anything about each other (with the exception of the odd few civers who do "cross over").

            It's the Apolyton Hall of Fame, not the Civ2 Hall of Fame. It's your own personal responsibility to keep up with it. You should be glad they're posting it outside the Apolyton/Community forum at all.

            Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


            • #7

              Do you need a hug, today?? Why else do you feel the need to make things up and go all pi$$y on me?? I didn't say anything that isn't the truth and I certainly never called for a "Civ2 Hall of Fame." You decry the fragmentation of the Community as you throw stones. Why??

              Before I got too sick to play regularly, I frequented the SL subforum a lot, looking for new scens to play. But even then, I found most of the discussion too complicated for me to follow. Consequently, I do not go there regularly. That doesn't mean I ever felt anything but admiration for you folk who produce so much cool stuff. Most of the time, I need help reading these pages and posting, so I don't get to many fora any more (it's all I can do to keep up with General and AC/Com). Still, you are right; it is my responsibility to keep up.

              It's not right though, as you say, "You should be glad they're posting it outside the Apolyton/Community forum at all." Not if the rules of the game are followed, that is. Civ2/General is the official, listed polling site, not the SL subforum.

              As for this tidbit...
              But I'll have you know that the Creation forum is far more active than this one, and it was skipped over last time resulting in at least two prominent creators losing their votes.
              If two folk did not get votes that is indeed sad. But you SL'ers could have voted for them in the regular Civ2 voting place. So don't blame that on anyone but yourselves. The SL subforum has had an additional polling place on occassion, it's true. But maybe, just maybe, Mercator, it was skipped over in September because only a few folk bothered to vote there in June.

              The SL subforum does currently have more more posting activity than General. But does it have more lurkers?? I ask that because you folk have only had 8 voters this time (in the first week). The low-activity General forum had 13 votes in the same time frame last time. Is it possible that more folk look in on the General forum on a regular basis?? Btw, at least one of those voting (rjm) this time in the SL is a regular voter in the General. I could be real snarky here and congratulate you on upholding the Civ2 voting tradition...but that would might be construed as fragmentation. I don't blame you for the low voter turnout in SL, rather, I have been questioning DC's choice to leave General off the polling list.

              I'm not against SL having a polling place. All I said was that the General forum should definitely have one. And it is fundamentally wrong that it does not this time. If that sticks in your craw, sorry my friend, but, that's on you.

              In an effort to bury the hatchet, may I ask you to give us the names and a brief nomination statement for the "two prominent creators" who lost their votes last time. I will consider voting for them.

              so long and thanks for all the fish


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                Do you need a hug, today?? Why else do you feel the need to make things up and go all pi$$y on me??

                My reaction was mostly triggered by "Oh, I see now. This way DC can say Civ2 is represented but that is not a main destination for most of us." which sounded accusatory toward DC and disdainful toward the SL to me.

                I was just making some clarifications and observations. I don't think this is a serious issue at all, so I apologise if I came across as being pissy. I suppose I misunderstood the tone in your earlier posts as well.

                You seemed to talk as if there was some conspiracy going on to keep the Civ2 people out. I don't think there was any bad intent.

                (...) I certainly never called for a "Civ2 Hall of Fame."

                I might just be projecting and hoping that it was, because I seem to bring that up all the time.

                It's not right though, as you say, "You should be glad they're posting it outside the Apolyton/Community forum at all." Not if the rules of the game are followed, that is. Civ2/General is the official, listed polling site, not the SL subforum.

                Well, that was a bit of hyperbole. But I just think DC and the others are doing a fine job and it's my responsibility to make sure I vote, not theirs. I'd be happy with just a thread in the A/C forum.

                I don't think terms like "rules" and "official" apply to the Hall of Fame to begin with. I think it's lots of fun, and I'll be mighty please if I'm inducted, but I wouldn't miss it if it was gone tomorrow either.

                If two folk did not get votes that is indeed sad. But you SL'ers could have voted for them in the regular Civ2 voting place. So don't blame that on anyone but yourselves.
                Absolutely. I'm not blaming anyone but the SL community itself (and possibly me for not telling like I could've done as this thread does here). The reason they didn't get any votes was because most people in there only visit the SL forum and not the Off-Topic, Apolyton/Community or even the Civ2-General forums where they could easily have found out the vote was going on.

                I assumed that by saying you felt the Civ2 General forum was snubbed this time, you thought that Civ2 players wouldn't know there was a vote.

                That's why I mentioned the bit about the Civ2 community being fragmented. Because it seems as if most people in the 3 Civ2 subforums stick to their own subforum and don't even visit the other two enough to be able to see the Hallf of Fame voting thread being posted there.

                (...) I have been questioning DC's choice to leave General off the polling list.

                He probably just forgot, or maybe he thought the forum was dead and posted in the more active SL forum instead. He obviously can't determine the number of lurkers.

                In an effort to bury the hatchet (...)

                No need to bury anything. I don't think I even dug it up.

                (...) may I ask you to give us the names and a brief nomination statement for the "two prominent creators" who lost their votes last time. I will consider voting for them.

                curtsibling and fairline.

                Curtsibling is a veteran scenario maker and artist. He churns out top-notch scenarios, ranging from imaginative fantasy to accurate history, doing a lot of the scenarios' graphics as well.
                He's also one of the current moderators of the SL subforum and has been interviewed on PolyCast in episodes 5 and 6.

                fairline has been the Royal Scenario League Supplier of Unit Art for the past several years. He's a master artist and seems to be doing practically all unit art (and then some) for all scenarios made by members of the Scenario League community.
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9
                  Anyway: I didn't see many votes of Civ2ers, vote before they close it
                  Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                  • #10
                    related to the topic:
                    Hall of Fame reminders
                    Civ2 "Great Library Index": direct download, Apolyton attachment


                    • #11
                      I voted in the community thread, for:
                      Eyes of Night
                      Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                      RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                        Oh, I see now. This way DC can say Civ2 is represented but that is not a main destination for most of us. If the the Civ2 folk do not know there is a vote going--and why would they??--then the block vote is broken.

                        There is more than one polling place in the Civ4 group, but Civ2-General is snubbed, even though it is listed as a polling place in the announcement post.

                        Everyone seems to have moved on, past Civ2. I cannot; don't have a choice. It really is true that old dogs struggle with learning new games. I don't have a box that handles Civ4 anyway. I am a fossil I guess. If Apolyton no longer supports Civ2, I have to wonder why I should support Apolyton.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bloody Monk
                          Something is very wrong with the new Administration. Civ2-General is listed in the "Rules" as a place where voting is to take place. But, for whatever reason, DC has decided to skip over us this time. We don't even rate a blurb about the voting in the latest news update at the top, like other fora.

                          Perhaps this an effort to dilute the "Civ2" block voting. Who knows?? Civ2 is the legacy of this entire site. We should always have a polling site.

                          Don't you agree??

                          DanQ you bastard


                          • #14
                            I don't think there is any ill intent towards Civ2ers - it's probably just an oversight as there are a lot of forums to post the thread in. One quick PM to DC would suffice I'm sure.

                            Nice to see you guys are still playing though. Long live Civ2.


                            • #15

                              As Mercator stated and as I stated in my PMs to you before you posted in this thread, Bloody Monk-

                              He probably just forgot, or maybe he thought the forum was dead and posted in the more active SL forum instead. He obviously can't determine the number of lurkers.
                              * After your first PM, I realized I hadn't even posted a voting thread in any civ II section. I immediately rectified this, and felt very sad about forgetting to add civ II to the other 8-12 threads I created for the Hall- civ II has always been included and will continue to be included if it experiences activity.

                              * The civ II general forum had one, possibly 3 threads posted in in the past 3 months. The Civ II-Creation section simply seemed much more popular.

                              * One major oversight I apologize for is I did not make a news announcement site-wide until today. That was a mistake.

                              If you would like to discuss something else, or discuss this issue in detail, please feel free to PM. Otherwise, I think that the issue is done.

                              -->Visit CGN!
                              -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

