Yes, air freight is meant to be disbanded. When it is created, a text box pops up and says something like "freight is to be sold (disbanded) toward the war effort." I hoped players would take the "(disbanded)" hint.
Yes. Seeing that the RC Guardian is significantly cheaper than a Behemoth when it could be built, it should actually be easier to build 2 Guardians per city for D. When I tested, to some point things actually went a little faster, since with 6 turns prep I could destroy 2 manufacturing units, yielding a Raptor and Behemoth apiece. I really like this, as there is no boredom in raiding, and once done raiding the factories you can go on a quick blitz, and then go back to planning and preparing for more raids. 
Indeed, these should be buildable.
Darwin's Voyage I deliberately sliced out, since the human player (I think) shouldn't bother with science.
While I fix these bugs, I might as well make a readme.txt too...thanks for taking a look Agricola!
I suspect that this will lengthen the defensive buildup phase. Is that what you want?

Power Plant
Manufacturing Plant
Manufacturing Plant

While I fix these bugs, I might as well make a readme.txt too...thanks for taking a look Agricola!
