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Questions about editing the default ww2 scenario

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  • Questions about editing the default ww2 scenario

    Lately I've been playing around with Civ2's default world war II scenario, for nostalgic reasons
    (yes, I know that there are probably loads of better custom ww2 scenarios out there)

    Among other tweaks, I'm trying to somewhat confine the AI empires - rounding off their realms is OK, but I do not want them to found too much cities or expand too far.

    To that end, I changed grassland/plains to desert/hills/etc. in some areas.
    However, the AI still settled there.

    So I downloaded Mapcopy 1.2 and used the "calcall" parameter to recalculate the fertility for the whole map.
    However, the AI still settled on "unsuitable" terrain, such as forest, hills, mountains or desert.
    Now they even settled in areas they'd never have colonized in vanilla ww2, for example in the middle of the giant eastern mountain massive or in the middle of the Egyptian desert.

    So here's what I want to ask:

    1. Is there a way to prevent the AI from settling on terrain other than grassland and plains?
    (I don't want to set the fertility to zero for *all* squares; the AI should still settle here and there)

    2. By default, the Manhattan Project can be built, while SETI, CfC and Apollo are not available. Is there a way to change this, e.g. allow CfC?

  • #2
    1. Try using CALC instead of CALCALL. The latter calculates fertility values for all terrain types based on the standard Civ2 terrain values, which will make probably every terrain type except Glacier at least somewhat desirable; the former only does so for Grassland and Plains.

    I'm not sure if you have to ZERO all fertility first before re-CALCíng to set Grassland/Plains values to non-zero.

    2. Hmmm, are they unbuidable even when their prerequisite techs have been discovered? If so, I imagine it's all part of the mysterious "Special WWII AI" hidden in teh Cheat menu.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      1. Many thanks, I'll try zero-ing the fertility for all squares and then recalculating it for grassland and plains only

      Tested it, and it works great.
      Thank you very much

      2. Disabling the special ww2 AI did not make any wonders available.
      I've now tried disabling "wonders as objectives", and the remaining wonders became available

      Still it's odd that Manhattan is always buildable o.O
      Last edited by BortaS; October 3, 2007, 06:47.


      • #4
        Well, that's only realistic considering the historical circumstances.

        Disabling the special WWII AI also makes the Manhattan Project unavailable.
        Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

