I disagree. CivII is not obsolete. That's like saying Chess is obsolete because someone has invented the X-Box! If everyone took that attitude then CivII would have been abandoned long ago and we would all be playing CivIV
I think there are still new things that can be achieved with MGE (at least for me). What I meant by a challenge was that I like to squeeze as much out of the available events space as I can by making every event count. Obviously a larger memory capacity would be nice but you work with what you are given.
I do agree that ToT has greater potential for a talented designer like yourself and I hope to make a ToT version of all my games at some point. Scenarios like Operation Market Garden and Lost Legions are pushing the boundaries forward.
Personally I do not like working with ToT, though I hope I will get used to it. I don't like the look or feel of it and there is no potential for multiplayer games which is also a turn off. I do like the extra units and events space and some other features like impassable terrain but for me MGE is the one I love
I disagree. CivII is not obsolete. That's like saying Chess is obsolete because someone has invented the X-Box! If everyone took that attitude then CivII would have been abandoned long ago and we would all be playing CivIV
I think there are still new things that can be achieved with MGE (at least for me). What I meant by a challenge was that I like to squeeze as much out of the available events space as I can by making every event count. Obviously a larger memory capacity would be nice but you work with what you are given.
I do agree that ToT has greater potential for a talented designer like yourself and I hope to make a ToT version of all my games at some point. Scenarios like Operation Market Garden and Lost Legions are pushing the boundaries forward.
Personally I do not like working with ToT, though I hope I will get used to it. I don't like the look or feel of it and there is no potential for multiplayer games which is also a turn off. I do like the extra units and events space and some other features like impassable terrain but for me MGE is the one I love
ToT was specifically designed with scenarios in mind, incorporating all the things that scenario makers had tried to do with MGE, but couldn't. Beyond the vastly more powerful events structure, such things as impassible terrain, unbribable units, multiple maps and invisibile units were all things scenario designers had asked for.
MGE elements that had hamstrung and frustrated scenario makers for years were eliminated in ToT, eg: the crappy, limited GIF palette and the rigid sound slots that severely constrain unit mix.
The release of ToT was unfortunately accelerated by the sale of Microprose to Hasbro, leading to ugly initial art. But most of us haven't used that art for years. There's lots of alternate terrain and unit art available that not only fix the problem, but improve considerably on the look of MGE.
ToT IS Civ2, and has the same feel. I'm not sure what you mean by no multiplayer capability - I've played (and made) PBEM ToT scenarios.
The MGE editors are about the only advantage it has, and I can see the attraction for new designers. But once you get used to a very few programs such as Paintshop Pro, you won't miss the editors at all. All they do is slow you down.
MGE is obsolete. For ambitous new scenario designers, it will only hold you back.