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How exactly do civ2 palettes work?

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  • How exactly do civ2 palettes work?

    I am using civ2 gold, and i cannot understand how they work. They seem to need a massive part of them set to 000000, then a following part set to 00ffff, and then the final line has a set colour progression.
    Now this, apart from being pathetic (in civ3 you only need to keep the last two colours as 00ff00 and ff00ff) makes it very hard to have varried cities in the gif file.

    So i was wondering if you could help me with making a working civ2gold cities gif, or if someone could turn this into a working gif file:

    (furthermore i would like to ask if things are better in regards to colours in civ2 tot)
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Yes, Civ2 palettes have a lot of unusable colors at the end. I believe you can only really use the first 216 colors. The palettes for the different GIFs aren't all exactly the same either.

    ToT is much better. You get ~32767 colors rather than 216.
    Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


    • #3
      Varwnos, you need to load the civ2 256 (actually 216, as Merc points out) colour palette into the city file. In PSP 7 this is done through the menu option 'colours --- load palette'
      Attached Files

