Are there any set in the post-invasion phase?
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Modern Iraq scenario?
I did see some units in the modern unit forum but I am not aware of any scenarios.
This would be a very hard game to create. The invasion would be fairly straight forward, but the horrific civil war going on now is extremely complex and I do not think the civ game engine could adequately represent it. The first Gulf War would be easier and it could represent what might have happened if Scwarzkopf had carried on to Baghdad!
Also it is a pretty touchy subject for a lot of people as they have relitives serving there. Anyone attempting to make this could be opening a can of worms!
My initial reaction is to shy away from this but that seems odd as I would happily play a game representing other horrific eras, such as Stalingrad or Vlad the Impaler!
This is what I would envision:
-Definite civs: US, Sunni, Shi'a, Kurds. Other possibilities? Coalition, Iran, Arab, Turks....
-Quick destruction of the Iraqi army (represented by barbarian units and Airport and Palace "cities" in Baghdad;
-Barbarians eventually become terrorist/Al-Qaida units, including some disguised as civilians;
-The three native Iraqi civs start allied with eachother and the Americans, but gradually end these alliances and, in the case of Sunni & Shi'a declare war on each other and possibly the US;
-As a house rule, the US player wins by subverting native cities with diplomats to reform Iraq;
-US player can only build weak, immobile defensive units and the aforementioned diplomats. One offshore staging city with event-spawned ground forces to be airlifted into the Green Zone;
-Plus additional units affected by tech advances. Tech advnaces include the possibility of differing outcomes to the 2004 election, as well as other events.
I can't tell if it's a scenario worth making. Plus I'm too lazy to do a map."You give a guy a crown and it goes straight to his head."
It sounds alright from what I see, but I wouldn't bother with a 2004 election tech. Remember that Kerry at the time of the election didn't specifically promise to end the war; in fact he implied it may have continued. Risking a political debate here, I noticed few actual differences in Bush and Kerry's platforms, the only big ones being the free sale of assault rifles, stem cell research, and gay civil unions (not marriage). And, one must remember, they both belonged to the same Yale fraternity (the Skull and Bones).
Yeah it was me who tried to build an Iraqi scen about a year ago, I can't tell you the difficulties I had in creating a credible scenario, because of the amount of state and none state actors involved in the conflict, made it difficult to coordinate. I recommend though a large map so there's enough space to show the vast distances of Iraq.
The country is twice the size of France with half the population.
I would agree that a big map is essential.
How about splitting the US and British with the Brits in or arond Basra?
This is an interesting choice for a scenario as it is history still in the progress of being written with no end in sight.
I have been reading about the new US plan 2-35 (or something like that), the US strategy of gated communities and systematic clearing/securing of areas. Can't really see it working as it has failed in the past (Vietnam/Israel/Algeria) but it could be used in the game I suppose.
Originally posted by communism
The country is twice the size of France with half the population.Iraq's only about 4/5 the size of France.
You may be right, I'm certainly no expert on the subject. This is just what I read in one newspaper. I'm not really qualified or willing to get into a debate on this subject.
I agree that this is a very complex and sensative subject. Certainly something I would shy away from attempting to make! Good luck Michael.