I know that it's best to work on one project at a time, and US Civil War 2013 has a way to go before it's complete, but I was thinking of several potential Civ II scenarios I might make...
So, vote now (and, preferably, explain why you voted that way!
- Alternate 1920s/30s (A): An alternate past where the US entered World War I on the Allied side, as historically happened, but Germany still managed to win. As part of the victory (in some way or another), Mexico gets what Germany promised it in the "Zimmerman telegram" - the US states of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico (and maybe a good chunk of California.) There may or may not be a Mormon buffer state in between Meixco and the Union (capitaled, of course, in Salt Lake City.) The scenario, which would take place sometime after World War I (somewhere in the '20s or '30s) would be in North America and would be about the goings-on in the place, including, of course, the possibility of a US campaign to tkae its old territories by force.
- Alternate 1920s/30s (B): The same as above, but on a global scale, including a defeated France and Britain, Communist Russia, a large colonial German Empire (including many British and French territories taken), and so forth.
- Venezuela/Guiana, 1896: In 1895-96, Venezuela and Britain (who owned the colony of British Guiana) nearly engaged in war over a territorial dispute in Guiana. Had war broken out, the United States would probably have entered the war on the Venezuelans' side. As it turned out, the US and Britain came to terms, and war was averted. The scenario would be about what if it the war happened.
- Israel, 1948: The Israeli War for Independence. One Jewish nation against all its Arab neighbors. Historical scenario.
- Crusades: Several centuries after Islamic forces take Jerusalem, Western Christendom decides to take it back.
So, vote now (and, preferably, explain why you voted that way!
