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"Rise and Fall of Teutonic Order"

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  • "Rise and Fall of Teutonic Order"

    Hello everybody!
    I'm very happy to see that someone still enjoy the old CIV!
    i do ! as a fever that comes and go.. and seem i got it again now.
    So, after i spent years just modding around quite any scenario i downloaded.. i would love to try to build my first one

    "Rise and Fall of Teutonic Order"

    It will be on the Teutonic order saga, from 1200 to 1500. from wikipedia

    I ll post here soon some pics with maps and units.

    And surely i will need any help/ideas that you may have ( from tech trees .. to graphics.. tricks.. and so on )

    But 1st of all.. i see that people here seem to use mainly TOT..
    i just "bought" MGE, i do have TOT... but i dunno wich one to use..
    seem that TOT has some major feature for events.. and graphics ?? what do u suggest me ?

    I already have a map.. and terrain.bmp ( a "dark one"..much brown and kaki.. as in the Eisenstein movie "battle on the frozen lake" ) .. and some ideas..
    but feel free to post here.. and we ll see what ll come out

    - teutonic (1 town at start)
    - poland
    - lithuania
    - prussian tribes
    - russian
    - danemark/sweden (or german empire ? )
    - golden horde/tartar
    Last edited by Von Bert; February 13, 2007, 10:07.

  • #2
    Well, I've got MGE, so I'd recommend that, though given that I *might* be getting ToT soon...

    I looks like Poland will be a playable civ, from what you've written. As someone of Polish descent, I'm glad. What are you going to do with the Polish-Lithuanian Union (which I shall expand from the Volga to the Rhine! )

    Looking forward to your work...
    The Ghost of the Disco is ... your mastermind, your mastermind!
    2013: A Union Divided|John III Sobieski|Red Storm


    • #3
      Hi GhostD ... MGE or TOT ? well i found out last night that my Italian copy of "scenedit.exe" for TOT seem to be screwed up ..give an error of stacking :S
      I suppose the italian translation was made in a bad way!
      But.. im confused maybe there is no scen-editor ?...
      is there any official SCENARIO EDITOR for TOT?

      So.. i dunno..
      someone can tell me if i can do all the job for a TOT scenario just working text-editing the RULES and EVENTS file and only using the features in the game exe (tricks) ?

      Whatever.. is so long i have the idea of this scenario that i will do it anyway.. MGE or TOT ..

      POLAND ? sure..its role is central.. ( i love poland too.. got many friends there.. and still remember the amazing castle of Marienburg.. home of the Teutonic .. impressive! )
      I suppose i ll use a trigger that force POLAND/LITHUANIAN to ally together when/If the german has exapanded "too much"..
      other ideas ?

      The scenario will focus mainly on Teutonic as human player..but sure i would love make it playbale with other civ too.. if not multiplayer... but i suppose this will need different version of the scenario..with different events.

      UNITS : i will try to use Historical units..i mean.. im gonna try to give each nations the kind of troops they are gived in DBM , a popular set of table-wargame rules.

      - Colonist/worker : much land to be worked in the wild batlic region that time.. so the teutonic knight will be followed by german-burgers-colonist to work it up..and colonize it..

      - Food: growing of cities will be slow.. and food will be crucial.

      - German-nobles will boost up the Teutonic in "un-official-crusades"..But.. after the Polish will be (gain) Christianity.. this "crusades" will cause much more reaction from the neighbours..

      - Guard-Towers... mmhh.. maybe use the airfield ? and make it a base for short-range-(air)-patrol ..

      - Mercenary: some english longbowmen will show up.. as they really did as mercenary soldiers
      Last edited by Von Bert; January 30, 2007, 05:22.


      • #4
        From the neighbors, maybe. But the Teutonic Order's military actions (called crusades or not) lasted after their neighbors became Christian, and the West sympathized with them over the Poles.

        Should be a fun scenario if you can figure out how to make it.

        I like that idea of "air" for the short range patrols.

        Trying to think of what would be a good text message..."Your patrol has been ambushed!" being the current thought, someone surely can come up with something better.


        • #5
          My vote is for MGE.
          Lost in America.
          "a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
          "or a very good liar." --Stefu
          "Jesus" avatars created by Mercator and Laszlo.


          • #6
            I love the idea of this scenario. My vote would be for MGE if is is your first scenario as it seems easier to edit than ToT. You do not need to use Fantastic Worlds editor to make the game and in my experience using it caused more problems (jumbled rules files!!!). All the editing can be done with paint (graphics), the rules and other files and the in game cheat menu.
            Have you got a map in mind? Will you use the whole of Europe or just the East? If you are using the whole of europe you could use my map from the WWII game if you want, I like it! (BIGHEAD). If you want advise on building a map let me know as I have technique that creates fairly accurate ones, alternatively you can download Tecumseh's MapEdit utility and convert a Bitmap image into a map!

            Good luck VB!


            • #7
              You can always make the scenario for MGE using the in-game editor and convert to ToT when you've finished.


              • #8
                Quick question? When you convert from MGE to ToT can you carry across saved games/scenarios or do you have to start placing cities and units from scratch?


                • #9
                  I think the Angelo Scotto converter only works with scn files. I'm far from being an expert here, but I assume there's nothing stopping you from renaming a sav file as a scn file, as they're the same format I think (?). Speculating wildly again: I guess you'll probably need a full set of gfx file and text files (rules and events at least) to be present for the converter to do it's thing.

                  You can get civconverter on Mercator's site:

                  It's a fairly simple process to convert a scenario, but make sure you read Catfish's guide for potential pitfalls and problems (click on the 'guides' tab to find it):



                  • #10
                    I like the idea of this scenario.

                    I vote MGE too.


                    • #11
                      So.. 2 vote for MGE... seem i ll use that one then..
                      sure.. i ll miss some "space" for more units..and KBytes for events.. and the FLAG to fordib certain units to some nations.. ( so.. i gotta use the old trick to give a tech to make obsolete the units i wish a nation will not have ???.. so.. tech as "no-teuton" , "no-poland", "no-russian" ...?? :S )


                      here is the idea, coming from an History Atlas it depicts the area i think is mainly involved in Teutonic saga. Then i took an approriate baltic area from other source.. made the little bmp.. and converted it to a .MP file it with of the tools

                      Then worked with the usual mapeditor to make it more "natural".
                      So.. the map is original, and ll be quite detailed, more or less 25 km each square.

                      here's a preview of terrain types/colours.. (already "old" cause i made some changes these days )
                      I wish try to make it... "dark/brown/kaki". as in a winter day on the baltic.. (and this is the "new"one..darker then yesterday..updated 1jan07)

                      (in the picture the masuria-prussia region west of Gdansk/Danzig, the Roman town ll be actualy the 1st teutonic town

                      As there are NO mountains in that area.. i made use of "mountain" terrain to make "light woods". So.. i think there ll be 2 kind of woods.. the light and the deep.
                      Bonus square for plain.. will be a little hut.. and as typical resoruces.. i think to use:
                      - Beer ..
                      - Amber
                      - Buffalo
                      - Pigs
                      - Honey

                      then usual things..
                      any idea for other resources ?? harrings maybe ?

                      Other special terrain will be the "little lake".. as the masuria region of poland is FULL OF LAKES.. some very little..i think to use a terrain on wich units will move.. but that look like a little lake.. (resources for it ? Duck ? )

                      I have no idea now on how to make the "battle over the frozen lake".. (Peipus 1241 ? ) .. were the Teutonic knights..had a very bad day indeed .. beaten.. and also fallen into the lake as the ice break under them...


                      and here's the collection of units on wich im working.. I thanks ANYBODY from whom i stolen/borrowed something..

                      If i can.. (time, testing, my abilities..) i ll try do a Single player version (mainly for teutonic i suppose.. )
                      and a Multiplayer..
                      In the single player.. then i dunno if make a 3 RULES.txt scenario (using batch file to swap ), cause..the scenario script will be:
                      1) rise of the order from a single town. Expanding, colonize and exploring when Riga town will be in Order hands.
                      2) Contrast with Poland, Lithuanian, Russian.. and whoever ll come (tartar ?? )
                      3) The fall: the order on the defensive.. with evrybody against it !

                      I hope i ll be able to do it.. is such a longtime i got this in mind ( along with many other scenarios.. )

                      What i need.. is a good middle age TECH TREE from wich i can start (changing some tech obviosuly ) and a set of middle age BUILDINGS/WONDERS too.. and all the various ideas you may have !! tx !
                      (.. how to make the "Grand-Master" of the order unit ? it must be 1 at time.. and when killed .. make a new one.. or .. other ideas ?)
                      Last edited by Von Bert; February 1, 2007, 03:24.


                      • #12
                        Von Bert:

                        I like that terrain

                        I think gearing the scenario to be playable as one civ (the Teutonic Order) is the best idea.

                        Also, if you haven't seen it yet, here is a thread with lots of medieval units:


                        • #13
                          Here's my basic unit list suggestions (you appear to have the graphics)

                          Farmers (Settlers)
                          Ships? (more than one type if desired)

                          Teutonic Knights
                          Teutonic Sergeants (infantry)
                          Polish Cavalry
                          Other Nation-specific Elites
                          Heroes (Individual kings, grandmasters, etc.)
                          Mercenaries (various?)
                          Mongols (various?)

                          My main suggestion is to not use the idea in "Each nation has its own infantry, archers, cavalry, settlers, etc.". Sure, give each nation its own specialty units, and focus (since this about them, after all) the Teutons a fully Teutonic set, but the difference between Polish men-at-arms and Lithuian (sp) men-at-arms is not worth spending two unit slots.

                          Good graphics, although some may look out of place next to the others.

                          Remember, you can have wonders just to look amazingly cool, and don't need game effects.

                          Special Resources
                          "Boars" sounds better than "Pigs", imo, and Buffalo should be what I don't know.
                          I'd use Mead or Honey instead of Vodka.

                          Regarding the Battle: Honestly, I don't think Civ can represent this other than as a major Teutonic unit-loss.

                          Tie an event to it allowing the Novgorodians to build "Celebration of (Battle name)", functioning as...Cure for Cancer, which becomes out of date with a tech recieved if the main city falls to the Teutons. Not too hard to trigger.

                          That's all that comes to mind at the moment, I'm sure other ideas will later.


                          • #14
                            thanks Billybud and Elensar!

                            Units? i was about to try make each nations his units... but .. u r right Elensar .. some of them r too much similar maybe to worth 2 slots..
                            I ll post the list/image ASAP.

                            Buffalo ? well.. in Poland there are til now the last living European Buffalo.. so.. i think to make it "live" .. (at least in the scenario)
                            Boar ? yeah.. better..
                            and maybe some units/animal (if i got space) can run that player may hunt them ..bears..eagle..
                            receiving money huntin was the sport of the era..

                            Battle of the lake? very good idea.. will be a party/wonder fro the Russian

                            Honey ? i forgot.. i had it already..

                            please.. feel free to post any idea about this scenario !

                            Teutonic player only ? mmmhh... yeah.. sure.. i like their flavour too..BUT.. they were a little "nazi" ante-litteram.. so.. i would love give some players who wish..the chance to beat them also !
                            (and i got some polish friends.. dont wanna loose their esteem..)


                            • #15
                              I'm an American, so I didn't know Europe ever had Buffalo. If it did, go for it. Change the graphic, maybe.

                              Didn't mean "Teutonic Player only", its just that this is about what the Order was up to, so they should get a full line up. There's not enough space or purpose in giving each nation individual Spearmen, Men-at-Arms, etc (though if you can fit it in, by all means do so).

                              As far as I can tell, the Teutonic Knights weren't exactly..."Nazi" (you'd know better than I do, but this is my impression), but they were pro-German, anti-Slav, and/or Catholic fanatics.

                              That's a thought. Make Poland (and?) Lithuiana (sp) playable, as well as the Teutons. To the best of what's again, limited knowledge, they were the main other force.

                              The only problem with having other factions playable is that the computer won't do (as) well at expanding them.

                              By the way: Objectives victory probably fits what you're aiming for, rather than standard. Teutons as protagonists, of course.

