Well, i´d like to start a pbem of the version 1.1 of this scenario.
This time, i have to specially thanx Eurisko and Eivind for their ideas and suggestions in the previous discussion topic

In a few words, the main change from previous version is the replacement of the Arab civ for a Pro-east civ.
That new civ will work as the rogues or western allies in the NWO scenario.
This civ will receive (via events) all the left-wing guerrillas in order to recreate proxy-wars in the third world.
On the other hand, i decided not to create a Pro-west civ... why not? because i´m interested in a mixture...
A minor communist civ (supported by the big guys) versus the most powerful western civ (USA).
Lets see how that works...
Another important issue is the inclusion of India as the 7th civ. They are in the middle of this mess... hehe. They could change tha balance of power... use that civ wisely.
I also added more generic units, created a more complex tech tree and increased buildings and units costs.
The scenario now plays from 1964 to 1975.
The scenario starts with three ongoing conflicts:
1) Vietnam war: USA vs. Pro-east
2) Second Indo-pakistani war: India vs. SEATO
3) Congo: USA vs. Pro-east
WORLD 1964

1. No tech trading.
2. No reloading.
3. No terraforming.
4. No rehoming of trade units.
5. No 'square stealing' from the AI.
6. No air protected land/sea stacks.
7. No "freezing" of airplanes.
8. No ship chains.
9. No building of new cities. Only re-creating razed ones alowed.
10. No airbases in adjecent to each other or a city.
11. No artificial creating of ZOC with units.
12. No bribing of units/cities.
13. No Long Range Bombers (like B-52 or Tu-95) nor ICBMs on carriers
14. Only SSBN submarines can carry only MRBMs (just one per sub)
15. Every civ may sneak attack, but only with conventional weapons. Nuclear weapons may first be used on the second war turn.
The idea is to fight "minor wars" in third world countries.
Players must establish the zone war and victory conditions. I strongly suggest to post a map with the demarked limits.
1) War in Congo
2) Participants: Pro-east/USSR vs. USA
3) Cities involved: Leopodville and Stanleyville
4) Victory conditions: Hold both cities for 3 consecutive turns / total surrender of one side
5) Established zone of war:

6) Special rules: can attack anything inside the war zone; can carry air attacks from carriers/airbases outside the war zone; etc.
I´m going to copy Eivind´s system here. I consider that its a great way to avoid ww3 in cold war scenarios.
However, i´m going to change it a little bit... in this victory points system, i wanna encourage limited wars all over the world.
so, take a look at my system...
The civ with most victory points upon ended game wins. All the civs compete with each other. Score is to be kept in full honesty between the players during the game, with updates on the respective players' point situation after each played turn. Everyone start at zero points.
1) +1 point for every trade route established
2) +5 points for every civil tech discovered.
3) +3 points for every military tech discovered.
4) +10 points for every wonder of the world built.
5) -10 points for every nuke used
6) +5 points for every city won through limited wars.
7) -5 points for every city lost through limited wars.
8) +10 points for winning a limited war.
9) -10 points for losing a limited war.