I need another shot showing whole Ireland, if I think right that you have swinged the paint brush over that island, too.
Things working good at the textfiles-, ingame-, tool- and hexedit fronts. I am pretty proud to have edited two terrain tiles without a visual hexeditor.
First turn money bug is sorted out as well, the Barbarians got rid of their 15000 gold totally. A solution to erase the specials in the open sea I have in theory. If I give all barbairian coast cities to another civ via CivCity temporary I just have to give the hexeditor a command to replace all ocean/fortress/noones/barbarian city radius (there is a hexadecimal number of one byte for each information) to ocean/fortress+no ressource/noones city radius then every ocean special off any city radius gets cleared including those which are potentially part of a city radius if a new city at the coast is founded but this is prevented and forbidden in the scenario. Just want to get sure I don't replace any city before dong that "final solution of the eternal filler special question". Other things don't work, MapEdit does'nt change anything if I activate the "clear specials from filler squares" command (yes, ocean is chosen as filler terrain). Or does anyone enjoy the happy sardines in the deep ocean?
Later this evening I could have fixed everything I wanted for the alpha1.1, just waiting for your graphics now. Hurry up before I do it myself! :P
Nah, I am forced to take a break the next days to move into my new flat.
Oh yes, another important question before the release of a beta version: I want to have either all cities along "normal" and next to ocean rivers onto a river square or none. What is better, tactically? Is a nearby river advantage enough for the city's defense or is the def bonus of 50% still justified? Personally, I don't think so, because rivers often flow directly through a town and don't surround them naturally but maybe artifisually. Though every town in western europe at this age should have had some water source to fill a water moat.
Things working good at the textfiles-, ingame-, tool- and hexedit fronts. I am pretty proud to have edited two terrain tiles without a visual hexeditor.

Later this evening I could have fixed everything I wanted for the alpha1.1, just waiting for your graphics now. Hurry up before I do it myself! :P

Oh yes, another important question before the release of a beta version: I want to have either all cities along "normal" and next to ocean rivers onto a river square or none. What is better, tactically? Is a nearby river advantage enough for the city's defense or is the def bonus of 50% still justified? Personally, I don't think so, because rivers often flow directly through a town and don't surround them naturally but maybe artifisually. Though every town in western europe at this age should have had some water source to fill a water moat.