I think it is - you can set it's corruption rate, how much settler's eat and how many units it can support for free. Apart from the 'Veteren Spies' and the fact that you can't edit the science rate, it's probably the one government that you could fine tune to represent any form of Government you like.
Fundamentalism is a worthless government, and should only ever be reserved for the AI to use - the only thing that Fundamentalism has going for it is the fact that it has a unique government unit, and that the science rate can be set... THAT'S IT. The new trend in WW2 Scenarios, for example, is slowly starting to abandon Fundamentalism because it takes away an important gameplay factor - city management. Under Fundamentalism, city management becomes nothing more than 'sand box' mode. Communism, on the other hand, still forces the player to build happiness improvements, include martial law, can be customized far more so than Fundamentalism, and above all presents the scenario/modification designer with a set of universal rules that can be modified to have a far greater impact on the overall gameplay.
Fundamentalism is a worthless government, and should only ever be reserved for the AI to use - the only thing that Fundamentalism has going for it is the fact that it has a unique government unit, and that the science rate can be set... THAT'S IT. The new trend in WW2 Scenarios, for example, is slowly starting to abandon Fundamentalism because it takes away an important gameplay factor - city management. Under Fundamentalism, city management becomes nothing more than 'sand box' mode. Communism, on the other hand, still forces the player to build happiness improvements, include martial law, can be customized far more so than Fundamentalism, and above all presents the scenario/modification designer with a set of universal rules that can be modified to have a far greater impact on the overall gameplay.