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South Atlantic Conflict v1.0
ok, these are the changes made in the update:
1) 10 shields per row
2) Reduced the number of harrier reinforcements in Argentina SP
3) Oerlikon hit points increased to 3
4) Barracks buidable
5) Oerlikons added in SP England.
6) I finally decided to delete the british fortresses in the cities of English Base and South Base. As Agricola said in his last post, there´s no good reason for the argentine player to waste units in taking those cities. Obviously, we´re talking about Argentina SP.
7) Regarding the british vessels attacks on argentine coastal cities in Argentine SP, i decided to test this solution proposed by nestor:
I'd experiment with lines of impassable/high defense units (a la minefields in Red Front) to limit the area in which each civ can operate...
One comment... i checked the argentine scenario, and after the AI finishes its turn, it comes the argentine turn. But i can´t move any unit. However, i press enter, and the turn 6 comes... and i have all my units active; so there are no "double shots" for england. are you sure about this agricola?? i´m not having that problem
1. Hexedit the final versions of the 3 .scn files before you post them. I'll can either PM you my e-mail so you can send them or you can attach them to a post. It is a trivial editing job.Attached Files
One comment... i checked the argentine scenario, and after the AI finishes its turn, it comes the argentine turn. But i can´t move any unit. However, i press enter, and the turn 6 comes... and i have all my units active; so there are no "double shots" for england. are you sure about this agricola?? i´m not having that problem
I'm getting slight differences from your observations. After the AI finishes its turn, some Argentine units are active. One Dagger on the carrier and some of the surviving aircraft in Port Stanley seem to be quite lively. Go figure.
The attached zip contains the edited .zip files. I've unzipped and checked them but, as I seem to suffer from an inability to repeat observations, I would recommend that you double check that there are no casualties at startup.
Attached FilesExcerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
The attached zip contains the edited .zip files. I've unzipped and checked them but, as I seem to suffer from an inability to repeat observations, I would recommend that you double check that there are no casualties at startup.
Originally posted by AGRICOLA
Embarrasingly, I don't seem to be able to duplicate it nor do I have a rational explanation.
I'm getting slight differences from your observations. After the AI finishes its turn, some Argentine units are active. One Dagger on the carrier and some of the surviving aircraft in Port Stanley seem to be quite lively. Go figure.
try the new 1.2 version posted here:
please, let me know if you still experience the same problem.
Originally posted by AGRICOLA
I can help with this in one of 2 ways
1. Hexedit the final versions of the 3 .scn files before you post them. I'll can either PM you my e-mail so you can send them or you can attach them to a post. It is a trivial editing job.
2. If you want to do it yourself, frhed is a good freeware hexeditor that you can download and I can send you screen shots of the two sections in each .scn file where a few numbers have to be changed to zero.
Please let me know which you prefer., meaning that the casualties page now displays some losses that I'd rather it didn't. I have attached a .sav file. Is it possible to Hexedit ALL the casualties out of a .sav file, or can it only be done with .scn files? If you can't do it yourself, could you (or someone else) point me in the direction of how to do it myself, ie: if a tutorial has been written already, etc... Thanks in advance...
Attached Files
No problem. One can remove any unwanted casualties from both .scn and .sav files.
I'll have the edited file back to you in an hour.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
@Tigey: The no casualties file is attached.
@academia: Apologies for hijacking your thread.
The latest version of the Falklands war opens perfectly.
EDIT: Aw s**t, forgot to attachExcerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
Originally posted by AGRICOLA
@Tigey: The no casualties file is attached.
@academia: Apologies for hijacking your thread.
The latest version of the Falklands war opens perfectly.