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  • #16
    Originally posted by Timor_Leste
    As enticing as all those scenario concepts are, how about this? After defeating the Martians in War of the Worlds, the Humans invade Mars. You could have it be Victorian-era, or more modern, like the recent Tom Cruise picture.
    Timothy Fowlkes had that idea, doing it is a sequel to a War of the Worlds scenario (which was based on the original, and FAR better, film)

    From the readme...
    Mars is in turmoil. The water supply is quickly diminishing, much
    of the world has turned into wilderness once more and the great
    civilizations have become decadent. It is time for change and the only
    hope for the Martian civilizations to survive is either to grab the
    resources of other nations by force or to gain the technology to send a
    cylinder to the ripe planet of Earth. But this was accomplished against
    the wishes of the Grand Barsoom Imperium, a landmass of tiny proportions
    was invaded by the Overlords, but for some reason, all contact with their
    invasion force was lost. The Oberlords presumed their fleet dead and the
    natives of the third planet victorious.
    On Earth, the survivors of the "War Of The Worlds" by the Martians
    led the British military to venture on a grand plan to develope a
    launching system that would launch a cylinder back to Mars with an
    expeditionary commando force inside to finish the extermination process
    that the human microbes did to the Martians invasion.


    • #17
      I have to agree with Gareth's first point Curt, that in the end scenario making is your pasion and its best served by making the scenario's you want to make and then play. If that should be Dictator, Empereur, Grand Moff or whatever your heart tells you I say go for it.

      (Even though personally I'm still pulling for a Grand Moff epic )


      • #18
        Originally posted by curtsibling
        If I was going for a SW scenario, it would be set in the outer sectors, in the Lucas-limbo between New Hope and Jedi...
        You would be in command of a series of planets and would be charged with bringing imperial order to the entire sector.
        Planetary defence, building imperial economy, upgrading of your space fleets, and fending off the evil Rebel Alliance terrorists!
        Well, when you put it that way...

        And yes, scenario-making is all about the designer, but there's nothing wrong with giving an opinion. :shrug: It can always be ignored.
        My Cepha scenario
        The Solar Revolution
        Soon-to-be-updated collection of Civ2 artists' signatures. If you know one that's not listed, feel free to drop me a PM.


        • #19
          I voted for fantasy, however a "Soviet Steel" in the 80's or a new "Vendetta" would be extremely nice too.
          "Whoever thinks freely, thinks well"
          -Rigas Velestinlis (Ferraios)
          "...êáé ô' üíïìá ôçò, ôï ãëõêý, ôï ëÝãáíå Áñåôïýóá..."
          "I have a cunning plan..." (Baldric)


          • #20
            Another hypothetical question here Curt, IF in the event you were to decide to travel the path of the force and do a Star Wars scenario, would this be entirely based in outer space? On planetary surfaces like Extermination? Or possibly both?

            In regards to Tanelorn's question about Vendetta, have you considered a Vendetta sequel? Maybe one that takes place twenty years after the first Vendetta making it "Vendetta: Millenium"?
            Last edited by Sarsstock; July 18, 2006, 16:09.


            • #21
              The Star Wars scenario would most likely take place in space, this would be in tune with my most fond memories of games classics like 'TIE-Fighter' and 'X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter'...It would be geared to recreate the Imperial campaign to civilise the Outer sectors and your character would be an admiral in charge of one such effort...Promotion would come of course! With the Statue of Liberty wonder and government techs awarded via events, you could simulate Imperial advancement through the ranks...With a house rule that you had to accept the government change (rank increase) when offered...

              Also, the Vendetta sequel would be set in a post-atomic setting...
              Where the remnants of world powers try to rebuild, surrounded by harsh foes and a doomed world.

              Cheery stuff!



              • #22
                I voted for Star Wars because damn, should somebody make a scenario for that!

                My second vote would be for a fantasy scenario because we don't have enough of those.
                "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                • #23
                  I think I voted for the Star Wars scenario, just because I think we need something a little less terrestial. Earth maps are fun, but the terrain is so similar.


                  • #24
                    Hmm.. Bitterfrost rocks I voted for that, but a Star Wars scen wouldn't be a bad idea either...
                    Indifference is Bliss


                    • #25
                      SW and Bitterfrost are the ones that interest me most too...


                      • #26
                        I voted for the Napoleonic era, but Star wars would be welcome too!
                        Georgi Nikolai Anzyakov, Commander Grand Northern Front, Red Front Democracy Game


                        • #27
                          If you want any of the gifs or other files I have for SW, give me a PM and I can share them with you. May your progress be even speedier than mine!
                          "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


                          • #28
                            Cheers, Alinestra!



                            • #29
                              something byzantine. But eventually, if I really have to chose from the given propositions, a good Napoleon scn would be fine.
                              "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                              I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                              Middle East!


                              • #30
                                Well nearly 30 opinions have been placed so far, any thoguhts on which way you might be leaning at this point Curt?

