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unhappy with Shakespeare

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  • unhappy with Shakespeare

    Can anyone explain how I could have an unhappy citizen in a city with Shakespeare’s Theatre? It seems to me that I’ve seen reference to this, but I don’t remember an explanation.

    I couldn't figure out how to put my screenshot directly into my post, so I attached it as a Word file. Isn't there a way to put it directly into the post, though?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    to put a screenshot into your post hit "reply" (or start new thread)
    then scroll down a teeny bit,

    under the box where i am currently typing is another section labelled options,

    below THAT is a section labelled attatch file,

    simply click the browse button and browse to your screenshot,
    the forum software knows what to do with the file and will display most common image types

    (ps - i cannot open word documents on this computer, so an actual image would be handy)

    Do not try and patch the bug. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
    What truth?
    There is no bug. There is no bug?
    Then you'll see, that it is not the bug that is patched, it is only yourself.


    • #3
      I too recall a post on this subject with a vast empire in IIRC Communism - but I recall no explanation

      "Our words are backed by empty wine bottles! - SG(2)
      "One of our Scouse Gits is missing." - -Jrabbit


      • #4
        I also saw it in one of our "Super Deity" games, where unhappiness was "enhanced".

        I think if there is enough unhappiness, some sort of overflow happens causing ST to not function as you would normally expect.

        Sometimes an image file is too large to upload by attachment, so if this happens to you, cut and paste a relevant portion into Paint and save the result into a JPEG file.


        • #5
          Very curious, indeed.

          If you provide another .doc file showing the city with the happiness window ticked, or a jpeg of the save, perhaps something on that screen will suggest a cause.

          Also, what about the game details- map size, scen??

          so long and thanks for all the fish


          • #6
            I don't remember an unhappy citizen in a city with ST.
            But as I used to rehome my vessels and aircrafts in my city with ST under democracy, I saw that multiple air units made red face units in my city window.
            Perhaps, when there is too many red face units, there is an unhappy citizen ?
            Paris, FRANCE


            • #7
              I believe it has to do with the number of black faces in the city and the order in which other happiness improvements and wonders upgrade them to unhappy. A screenshot of the happiness window would be useful. Open the city screen, click the Happy button, then hit PrntScr. Then open Paint and hit Edit-Paste. Select the selection box tool and draw a box around the happiness window and hit Edit-Cut. Then hit File-New, and then Edit-Paste. Similar things can be done in PhotoEditor or other graphics editing software (PaintShopPro, PhotoShop,etc).


              • #8
                Isn't that a known quirk with how happiness is calculated? At least, it instantly reminded of something like that (like it seems to have reminded most people of something).

                Here's the thread linked to from the Great Library:
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9
                  It's a good thing computers are useful and fun, because they sure are a pain in the ass. I just wrote a reply post, saved a better screenshot as a .bmp Paint file, and posted it, but the entire post got voided because the Paint file was too big. OK, now I've got it as a .jpg and it'll fit and I'll try to recreate what I said:

                  Thanks, Mercator. SlowThinker's detailed explanation (as usual) contains the answer:

                  "Shakespeare is executed (city size + 1) times (i.e. needn't turn all citizens content)."

                  So the effect of Shakespeare, like the effect of luxuries, is capped by city size. As this screenshot shows, before ST kicked in, all other effects had left me with one blackface and the rest redfaces -- so after ST, I had one redface and the rest content.

                  I love this place.


                  • #10
                    So as soon as you have one blackface, there will be unhappiness even with ST ?


                    • #11
                      If you have one blackface, AFTER all of the other modifiers are taken into account. I just realized, you can't really tell from this screenshot, either, because it doesn't independently show the effect of the two martial law units. The screenshot shows five remaining blackfaces. Martial law converts two to red; JSB converts two more; one blackface remains, and that means that the capped effect of ST will leave one red.


                      • #12
                        It didn't attach! Let's try that again.

                        Jeez! Now it tells me it's still too big, and it has to be no bigger than 800 x 0! Now THAT's gonna be an interesting image!

                        I give up. I think the discussion above suffices.


                        • #13
                          Ah, I understand. Isn't there even such a concept of a double black face?


                          • #14
                            I also have noticed it.I thought:Shakespeare works just once,turns the very unhappy to unhappy,the Wonder doesn't return to "work"with the now unhappy.
                            I don't know.
                            Best regards,


                            • #15
                              I've noticed the limitation of ST a number of times -- so much so I often leave the temple in place (and sell it off much later) while trying to celebrate the city.

                              Sometimes I'll leave the homed military units in cities for the same reason -- the unhappiness level affects the happy/content ratio & and may limit the celebration effect.
                              Those with lower expectations face fewer disappointments

