Just wanted to share something..
I was experimenting with Kobayashi's nice tips on uses for terrain2.gif, but found out that the conventional way of laying squares next to each other is not exactly correct. Normally, this is not very serious, as a few points more or less don't matter, but in these matters of fitting images next to each other in order to create a larger picture, it is of vital importance.
It turns out that the pink-purple lines in all of the gif files are not exactly right. The lowest line of pink points are NOT shown on the map, whatever it is (unit, terrain, etc..). In addition, one single (assymetrical) point on the right is also not shown (to be very perfectionist).
Here it is drawn in a "big" square, for units, but the same is also true for all other "small" squares.
In green is the line of points that are not shows.
Here it shows how it will appear on the map. The green single points clearly point out the single assymetric pixel.
This picture can be handy when creating such combined squares, so that you can copy it on top of it, and copy paste the parts to terrainx.gif
A big picture of something such as this:
should therefore be cut like this:
to make a perfect fit. (of course, the red part should still be replaced by pink, but that's just to make it clear)
This all may appear very perfectionistic, but it does explain why railroads never fitted perfectly, or why some parts of the feet of a units sometimes get removed.
So, the best you could do, is make the parts of the pink part purple in all of the gif files, so that there can be no more mistakes in the future.
[This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited April 10, 2001).]
I was experimenting with Kobayashi's nice tips on uses for terrain2.gif, but found out that the conventional way of laying squares next to each other is not exactly correct. Normally, this is not very serious, as a few points more or less don't matter, but in these matters of fitting images next to each other in order to create a larger picture, it is of vital importance.
It turns out that the pink-purple lines in all of the gif files are not exactly right. The lowest line of pink points are NOT shown on the map, whatever it is (unit, terrain, etc..). In addition, one single (assymetrical) point on the right is also not shown (to be very perfectionist).
Here it is drawn in a "big" square, for units, but the same is also true for all other "small" squares.
In green is the line of points that are not shows.
Here it shows how it will appear on the map. The green single points clearly point out the single assymetric pixel.
This picture can be handy when creating such combined squares, so that you can copy it on top of it, and copy paste the parts to terrainx.gif
A big picture of something such as this:
should therefore be cut like this:
to make a perfect fit. (of course, the red part should still be replaced by pink, but that's just to make it clear)
This all may appear very perfectionistic, but it does explain why railroads never fitted perfectly, or why some parts of the feet of a units sometimes get removed.
So, the best you could do, is make the parts of the pink part purple in all of the gif files, so that there can be no more mistakes in the future.
[This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited April 10, 2001).]