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Freeciv Events

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  • Freeciv Events

    So, haven't seen Cap around in a bit so I thought I'd inquire about our favorite free game and see how that event language is coming along. The Freeciv team released the last version in November but I haven't seen much since then. Any progress on a civ converter?

  • #2

    I've been active in the Freeciv community since last fall, and there haven't been any major updates on the event language since then I'm afraid. It's supposed to be implemented though, and the development source is shipped with a "Tutorial" scenario that's utilizing events...

    Anyway, the branch for a 2.1 release is in place and is very stable. I believe we're waiting for pubserver and/or metaserver to be compatible with that branch before releasing a beta. At that point you may all try out the wonders of Freeciv's event language!


    • #3
      Oh, and here's the wiki entry for events. I don't know how up to date it is though.


      • #4
        Thanks for the info. I looked into the 2.1 unfinished tasks and events were not included. I'm looking forward to what the 2.1 release will hold.


        • #5
          An event language is in, and will ship with 2.1. It is used to power a simple tutorial. It should be possible to do a number of rather interesting things with it. I think further development of the event language will to a large extent depend on people asking for specific new features that they need for their projects.

          We also just added the first touches on an in-game map editor, which is shaping up to be really neat, IMHO. This will be the major feature for release 2.2.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Per
            An event language is in, and will ship with 2.1. It is used to power a simple tutorial. It should be possible to do a number of rather interesting things with it. I think further development of the event language will to a large extent depend on people asking for specific new features that they need for their projects.

            We also just added the first touches on an in-game map editor, which is shaping up to be really neat, IMHO. This will be the major feature for release 2.2.
            That's good to hear Per. These additions will add a lot of value to the game and make it a lot easier for players to open up Freeciv to modifications. Modifications are what has kept Civ2 and ToT alive for so long.

            Can't wait to try it out


            • #7
              Keep us posted. At some point, this could be a ToT successor!
              El Aurens v2 Beta!


              • #8
                Can't wait to see what this community can do with Freeciv!


                • #9
                  Knowing these guys, they'll break it. And you'll look at what they did, scratch your heads, and ask..."Who in their right minds would even THINK of doing something like that?"
                  To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                  From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                  • #10
                    Knowing these guys, they'll break it.
                    Awww, c'mon. We're all kids at heart. Kids will take anything apart just to see what makes it tick. It's curiosity, not malice.
                    Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :

                    Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
                    Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.


                    • #11
                      Freeciv 2.1 will also include the new Amplio tileset, which features among other things Smileys excellent cities and a nice new unit set compiled by CapTVK from the work of many in this community.

                      In that regard we do actually lack the gfx for one unit: a "king" unit which represents your civilizations leader (which is an option to play with in Freeciv). If anyone can think of anything suitable and would be willing to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated.
                      We are the apt, you will be packaged.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Yog-Sothoth
                        Freeciv 2.1 will also include the new Amplio tileset, which features among other things Smileys excellent cities and a nice new unit set compiled by CapTVK from the work of many in this community.

                        In that regard we do actually lack the gfx for one unit: a "king" unit which represents your civilizations leader (which is an option to play with in Freeciv). If anyone can think of anything suitable and would be willing to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated.
                        Also, we could very well be needing a "horse archer" unit as well. It will possibly be a barbarian-only shock unit, so something 'Mongolesque' would be nice.


                        • #13
                          Freeciv 2.1-beta1 released! See the Freeciv subforum for details.

