Originally posted by duke o' york
Be aware that you get a bonus to trade routes if the two cities between which are linked by road (and later, railway). Now they have to be linked directly, according to the AI definition of the best route, so you can't have a road to the other city going via another city of yours and get the trade bonus for both cities. The AI definition is the most tricky bit, though, because while it is often the most direct route, this isn't always the case, and you may have to build a road across a mountain rather than the more sensible route of over plains instead.
But if done early enough, then you'll get a decent boost to income for the entire game. 
Be aware that you get a bonus to trade routes if the two cities between which are linked by road (and later, railway). Now they have to be linked directly, according to the AI definition of the best route, so you can't have a road to the other city going via another city of yours and get the trade bonus for both cities. The AI definition is the most tricky bit, though, because while it is often the most direct route, this isn't always the case, and you may have to build a road across a mountain rather than the more sensible route of over plains instead.

Good luck,