Originally posted by -Jrabbit
Hm, I thought we were discussing business travel. And hitting half a bucket on the range is how I deal with rental clubs.
I didn't know your oh-so-superior-through-decades-of-experience golf skills were relevant to that discussion.
Hm, I thought we were discussing business travel. And hitting half a bucket on the range is how I deal with rental clubs.
I didn't know your oh-so-superior-through-decades-of-experience golf skills were relevant to that discussion.

and yes my oh-so-superior-yadda-yadda allows me to play better with less practice

But really, traditionally the better I hit the ball on the range before a round the worse I hit it on the course, and visa versa. So I've always thought it was kind of silly to take the extra time to go to the range just to hope I hit the ball like crap there.

And yes I'll be playing tonight DD>