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Windows doesn't like Civ 2

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  • Windows doesn't like Civ 2

    I'vehad civ 2 for a couple of years now.. and we got my computer upgraded about a year ago and i never got round to put ing Civ back on it until now... As far as i can tell it wont work because it is a windows 95/8 game... is there a patch or do i need to get a new version? I really liked the game and really want to be able to play it

  • #2
    In order for it to work on Windows XP, the operating system I assume you have, you need to drop into your civ2 directory a file called "". It's been recently posted in this thread. I swear this needs to be stickied.


    • #3
      thank you umm I've downloaded that but it tells you to put it in a folder with something and I dont have those files on my computer


      • #4
        Funny - mine works fine without this. I'm using 2.42 and MGE on an XPPro SP2 Toshiba. I got some error messages the first time when I did not upgrade the Indeo video drivers to version 5, but nothing since. I did not set any compatibility mode either, it just seemed to work fine without it. I did a clean install from the CD.


        • #5
          thats what im trying to do put it back on my computer from the CD... I'm running windows XP home edition on an E-machines tower...


          • #6
            I'm confused


            • #7
              I just read the explanation from the zip. It's talking about scenario folders. Try just putting it in your main directory and see what happens.

              Oh, and have you upgraded to MGE MP Gold yet? There's a patch on the CivFanatics website.


              • #8
                Ummm okay I havent ever downloaded patches or anything like that before.. so umm no i guess i havent.. I shall go look for it now thanks


                • #9
                  okay is now even more confused then I was last time... on the civfanatics site it says:
                  "Then unzip (using an unzipping utility such as WinZip) the files to the directory in which your version of Civ II resides (by default usually C:\MPS\Civ2). "
                  refering to the patch I've just downloaded to upgrade to pro but I don't have any of these folders on my computer... the CD won't even run in the drive. It just comes up with an error message...


                  • #10
                    You can install the patch after you have installed Civ2. Don't worry about the patch until you have vanilla Civ2 up and running.

                    Other than that, I have no suggestions... except that Harry T's first post looked promising.
                    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

                    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
                    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)


                    • #11
                      Woah, woah, woah. You haven't installed the game yet? If the CD won't run in the drive, and you haven't installed the game yet, then you might have a serious problem with your cd. Is it scratched?


                      • #12
                        No there isn't a scratch I've checked that already Basically I've put the disk in the drive, it doesn't auto run or come up with anything at all it just whirs a bit. And when i open the folder it comes up with all of the files etc like it always has. but when I click install it comes up with a small message window that says:
                        (in the blue bar at the top) 16 bit wondows subsystem
                        (undereath) C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\AUTOEXEC.NT. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose close to terminate the application.

                        and then it has a choice of Close or Ignore...

                        It did it on another of my games but because they are both ones that say 'windows 95/8 on the back i assumed that was why which is why I came in search of a patch to make it all better


                        • #13
                          Civ2 worked straight away on this XP.

                          The batch files for complex scenarios don't, because of the choice program. Is that the one Harry Tuttle is on about?


                          • #14
                            I believe that Civ II will install on early versions of XP, but not on the most recent versions. I suspect it may be something to do with service pack 2, but I'm not sure. Certainly there are other examples of early software that will no longer install under XP2 - Office 95 for example.

                            RJM at Sleepers
                            Fill me with the old familiar juice


                            • #15
                              If I remember rightly my step dad being all I knwo everything about computers which he doesnt put service pack 2 on here and it messed up the whole computer... but i dont remember if it ended up being put on here or not

