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Cold What scenario?

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  • Cold What scenario?

    Without saying too much about what I'm working on, I'd apreciate some help updating this units file with the 'top of the pops' units. The theme is 60s-late 80s.

    I like the units as they are by all means, but I think I've seen some fancy camo versions of some of these units around, and these are the best I've found yet.

    Thanks in advance!
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Eivind IV; December 8, 2005, 17:51.
    Find my civ2 scenarios here

    Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!

  • #2
    m-48a5 and m-60a3,
    i'll see if i can get a t-72 and t-80 in the same style,
    Attached Files
    I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
    Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
    Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!


    • #3
      Cheers, Erika!
      Last edited by Eivind IV; November 6, 2005, 13:44.
      Find my civ2 scenarios here

      Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


      • #4
        Eivind, I notice you have your units file marked up with the proper Wav sounds!

        A good move, to plan the units ahead with their sounds!


        • #5
          It certainly is, Curt!
          Attached Files
          Find my civ2 scenarios here

          Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


          • #6
            Nice one!

            *saves to his archive*

            I think that will be excellent for all MGE scenario makers!



            • #7
              One more file to save in my archives!

              Thanks Eivind!

              PS: I might soon have some request for help, if you can spare some time for me in a few weeks!
              Ankh-Morpork, we have an orangutan...
              Discworld Scenario:
              POMARJ Scenario:
              LOST LEGIONS Scenario:


              • #8
                Looks fine, Eivind! Would you mind sharing some more information about that one? Since I have quite a big database of Cold War era units, I *might* help you out on this or that unit


                • #9
                  First Strike

                  Ok then, since you ask so nice

                  It's a scenario I started two years ago but abondoned as Academia released his Iron Curtain. But now I've blown dust off it and restarted it with a different approach, to justify another cold war giga scenario.

                  Basically there are 4 playable civs. (1)WARPAC, (2)CHINA, (3)NATO and (4)USA. The remaining civs are (5)PRO-SOVIETS, (6)PRO-WESTERN and (7)NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT. Barbarians will be neutrals, allied to everyone by hex editing, efectively making these countries un invadable.

                  The Pro-Soviets and the Pro-Western will be at war, so the human civs will be encouraged to fight different proxy wars by gifting money and units to these civs. I'll try to tweak it so that if one of the human civs attack one of the other ideology's pro civ, there will be danger of ww2.

                  It will start in the late 60s and last until the fall of the berlin wall.

                  What more to say at this point? I'm about 70% done with the scenario. Expect to have it done before Christmas.

                  Any tips, suggestions and help are welcome
                  Attached Files
                  Find my civ2 scenarios here

                  Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                  • #10
                    I'm not absolutely sure about this, but I think by the late 60's Spain had been welcomed in from the cold by the West. I think the Americans had air force bases there by this period. Maybe it might be more appropriate if they were pro-western?
                    STDs are like pokemon... you gotta catch them ALL!!!


                    • #11
                      I thought that Spain was out on a limb until Franco died? (1976?). They joined NATO in the early '80's I think.

                      You're probably right though O-M, the US didn't mind supporting Fascist states as long as they were anti-Soviet during the Cold War. Think Chile for example...

                      @Eivind: this idea of fighting the Cold War by proxy is interesting. You're saying NATO can't openly fight Warpac and vice-verca, but will have to give money to smaller nations to support their wars. Will the AI be able to cope with this, or are you thinking MP only?

                      Why have the US as a separate civ to NATO BTW?
                      Last edited by fairline; November 7, 2005, 12:12.


                      • #12
                        How will US involvement in Vietnam be simulated? This obviously didn't trigger WW3....

                        BTW, shouldn't Angola be pro-Soviet?


                        • #13
                          Oh, that´s good news, comrade

                          I would have some suggestion(s) though ...

                          This map suggests dividing up the world into NATO, countries receiving aid from the U.S., colonial areas (which would be kewl for you could spawn independentist movements via events), Warsaw Pact, nations receiving aid from the USSR; this would make 5 civs (though the colonies could be barbs, whatever ...).

                          What about the units you´d still need?


                          • #14
                            That's correct about Spain. Eisenhower established some bases on the Iberian peninsula, so they should be in the pro-western civ. And why they shouldn't be in the NATO civ is exactly why Gareth points out - they didn't join NATO until 1982.

                            Proxy Wars:
                            I'm not saying NATO can't fight WARPAC openly, I'm just saying that instead of having pro soviet countries in the soviet civ, I chose to have two supporting civs for simplicity, especially for SP games in mind. If it was solely for MP games, cities could be in either the Nato or the Soviet civ, and use limited wars. So instead of fighting an open war against the communists, or vice versa against the capitalists, proxy wars are encouraged to gain your civs goals without having to fight openly. This will be best simulatedt in MP games as I see it now. I've never seen the AI gift money or units to another civ.

                            I'm waiting with the placement of untis until the very end of the scenario development, so issues such as the vietnam war will be considered in time. I'm even thinking of abstracting it entirely, having the pro westerners fighting it alone, or starting the scenario after the vietnam war, just to avoid an all out war between NATO/US and the pro soviet civ. When did the vietnamization start? Maybe starting as the Vietnamese was left to fight alone would be natural sollution.

                            EDIT: according to wikipedia this began as Nixon took over in 1969.

                            Why US not in NATO civ:
                            To better represent the different economic entities. A civ's development, economically and scientifically, will rely heavily on trade. This will not only make the two civs dependent on each other but I hope it will be more fun to play these civs seperately. One large NATO civ would also be harder to handle due to the enourmous size of it.

                            But even that may change in the end.

                            Also, Angola wasn't independent until 1975. So rebel pro-soviet units will be active in ther region.

                            Civs (respond to the map fro Steph)
                            I've seen this map and come to the conclusion that the sollution I have now is what I want. Most colonies were decolonized or within the west or soviet sphere by the late 60s (early 70s) already anyway.

                            I don't really need any units per se, but some of those nice camo units I've seen around would be nice. Not absolutely neccessary though. These units are as good as perfect as they are!
                            Last edited by Eivind IV; November 7, 2005, 13:34.
                            Find my civ2 scenarios here

                            Ave Europa, nostra vera Patria!


                            • #15
                              I actually did a Cold War scen (though it went only from 1979 to 1990) some time ago with Pro-Western and Pro-Soviet States separate from NATO (though including the US, in my case) and the Warsaw Pact, along with China & Allies, the Nonaligned States, and Iran, plus barb 'Volitiles & Insurgents.' I thus think the idea of proxy wars is a good one, though I always ended up in mine with nuclear war between NATO and WARPAC, and both nuking each other's allies. If that could be avoided, it could be great. I'd planned to one day revise my scen, but I'd like to see what you come up with. Here's that very scen if you'd like to have a look.
                              Attached Files

