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  • #46
    Yes, ignore him. I tried to take him up on his challange and leave HG for him, but his response was that he wouldn't play on my type of small world. There's always an excuse not to play. I've given up wasting my time.
    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


    • #47
      A 35X35 map is not a valid map. I told you I would play you on a standard small map. I also told you Deity I would play you if you think you can win without HG. If you can't win without HG I see no point in playing you.

      I still see no one has addressed the HG that because it is an opinion too? Basically you can't deny anything I've said so you say it is all opinion. You're a bunch of ****ing idiots.


      • #48
        We didn't address the HG bug because I thought everyone knew about it.

        for the rest of your post, all I see is excuses not to play.

        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #49
          Originally posted by StarLightDeath
          I also told you Deity I would play you if you think you can win without HG. If you can't win without HG I see no point in playing you.
          First of all I am not Deity. He is another highly respected 1x1x deity player.

          Second, I don't want to play you in a game that only you can have HG. Somehow that doesn't seem fair. I guess the only way you feel comfortable playing me is with a built-in advantage. That's interesting seeing as you are the best.

          I also find it interesting that you totally exxagerate RAH's settings. They aren't my favorite, but I play them. And they certainly aren't a 35 x 35 world.

          I repeat my offer. 1x1x deity no city bribe. I think I would feel more comfortable hosting though. If you care to respond to this specific offer I would be interested. I am not interested in a game where you change the rules (only Eyes can have HG LOL) to suit your strategy.

          Have fun with you name-calling and game-ducking.


          • #50
            I've seen this guy Eyes (not to mention many others of you) in the hall of fame here. I mentioned this on a different thread, but I suspect that someone with this many years experience should beat me even if they didn't have HG.

            Scientific process/learning through experience requires testing you're theory for negatives. If the theory is that HG is unbeatable, the man should be trying to beat it (aka playing without it).

            Anyway, I've seen temples and Oracle work for a while, and if you can make it to Monotheism there is still time for an expansion push, right?
            Ants. An MGE scenario


            • #51
              I'm not doing anything until you answer the arguments I put forth. I said that Deity level can't be won without HG, you haven't answered that yet...none of you. Yes or no, can Deity level be won without HG? Players much better than you thought they could do it and failed. What have you done to disprove my argument? You haven't even ****ing answered it yet. It's simple numbers and they can't be called opinion. This game has always been numbers.

              Playing on a piece of **** rah map is nothing more than playing on little tiny areas of grassland and then building on mountains slowing the game down to a ****ing crawl. As if Deity didn't constrain strategy and thought enough we now need to remove even the remotest possibility of expansion? How nice.

              Fact: I have played all the best players on THEIR settings. They even challenged me to games saying that HG doesn't win games...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM LOST. The games weren't even close. I've played this game for 6 ****ing years MP at the highest levels of competitive play this game has offered...and you two have done what? We've got Rah with his Rah rules that involves a small numbers of barely known players and we've got Deity Dick who couldn't break the top 50 on the ladders and now plays on a Deity league with a bunch of washed up 2x2x players and newbies who have decided to play a dead game about 4 years too late.

              Fact: I have never lost a game when I have HG. I have never won a game without HG. Every "good Deity" player I have played has said Deity is almost impossible to win without HG.

              Fact: Games that come down to wonder races are based on hut luck and resources. On 1x1x this is exacerbated by the arguments I put forth (which y ou still haven't answered and have brushed off as simple opinion).

              Either tell me why my arguments are wrong or shut the **** up and go back to the mediocre existence the scum of apolyton seem to thrive in. The simple fact is I have the arguments, I have the experience, and I have the writings and evidence of everything I've on the other hand have done nothing more than to meekly brush everything off as opinion. You're a bunch of ****ing idiots.


              • #52
                I've seen this guy Eyes (not to mention many others of you) in the hall of fame here. I mentioned this on a different thread, but I suspect that someone with this many years experience should beat me even if they didn't have HG.

                Scientific process/learning through experience requires testing you're theory for negatives. If the theory is that HG is unbeatable, the man should be trying to beat it (aka playing without it).

                Anyway, I've seen temples and Oracle work for a while, and if you can make it to Monotheism there is still time for an expansion push, right?
                No amount of experience can win on Deity because there aren't enough options to do something the other guy doesn't know about. Why can't you ****ing idiots understand this? What is so hard to understand? You can't ****ing win on Deity without HG, I've tried it. Every single time I didn't get HG first I lost because the riot factor ****ed me over and the other guy just expands because the riot factor is completely negated due to the HG bug. Not to mention that HG in itself gives a 50% happiness advantage...again, when you are dealing with numbers that big it's impossible to overcome them. Kind of how I explained how whales give huge advantages becuase you are dealing with smaller numbers on 1x1x and therefore you increase the percentages? Can I make this anymore ****ing clear? HG means infinite expansion which means they will then get Monotheism first and they can even go republic once they have HG which means you are really ****ed because again...republic gives a 100% increase in science. 2x2x you don't have a 100% increase and therefore Monarchy is a viable strategy even if the other guy is in Republic as long as you play your strategy right. Government type on 2x2x King comes down to map shape, resources, huts, and opponent distance. Government type on Deity comes down to happiness and riot factor. Which one has more strategy? Again, try disproving me.


                • #53
                  If you were so good... why did you cheat all the time then
                  Keep on Civin'
                  RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #54
                    I guess I'll take both of your long winded posts as a "no" to my question of whether or not you would care to play an honest 1x1x deity game.

                    I thought that would be the answer. It's alot easier to talk about how great your are than it is to actually prove it.


                    • #55
                      Ok, **** you. You're obviously just trying to piss me off now because I'm writing ****ing books on why I'm right and you're wrong and all you're doing is writing one line regurgitations of your previously written bull**** in an attempt to continue to goad me. You obviously can't disprove anything I've said so this is no longer worth my time.


                      • #56
                        Mostly because most of what you say is rants, insults and opinions. People have asked you to play, and you make up some excuse... it seems like you only want to play your way or no way... fine... but then don't say how great you are no matter what the settings
                        Keep on Civin'
                        RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                        • #57
                          Bull**** and you know it. Go back and look at my first post. Not one person made any attempt to challenge what I said. Deity can't be won without HG due to the overpowered nature of HG on 1x1x Deity and due to the bug that makes martial law unnecessary and completely negates the riot factor. Disprove it or shut up, end of story.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by StarLightDeath Deity can't be won without HG due to the overpowered nature of HG on 1x1x Deity and due to the bug that makes martial law unnecessary and completely negates the riot factor.
                            I'm now in a duel with DD to prove you wrong. Although I agree its overpowered in 1x1x deity I'm not doing bad untill now. Although I only have Col + LH to his HG and ST, its a 69x49 map and pretty even right now.

                            This game can be won if I can send in enough caravans and steal enough techs so I can get the good wonders.

                            After all, 1x1x deity duels is nothing more then a wonderrace


                            • #59
                              I always thought the best way to beat somebody with HG was to just go and take the city for them
                              Keep on Civin'
                              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                              • #60
                                Now if only DD would coöperate.....

