Speed chess was popular long before there was an internet. I have played it for years with my german built chess clock.
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why dbl production?
I've played many games. Some of them I've lost, some of them I've won. I may have cheated once or thrice, though I like to think not. Of the above, winning or losing were not what made the game great.
Same can be said by every sportsman, of every game, who loves the game, of course.
My favorite games are the close ones, where each player is giving their best, and the win/loss is secondary to the intricacies of the game itself. A close second favorite, of course, is the game where a clear winner gains something themselves while a challenger appreciates the game and learns from it.
No doubt 'cheating' exists. Maybe a shame that I missed this games golden years playing solo.
The games I have played so far multi-player have only enthused me. The people I have played have been teachers, whether winning or losing.
I have no complaints so far
just some arguments, mostly for fun, about a game that we all (and I do too) PLAY. (Please Lets Avoid YhgjkfLOVEjkglh)
Ants. An MGE scenario
Also, I'm very drunk, just got home from climbing Mt. Fuji at the peak of a great vacation, facing a long and horrible week at at work.
cheers guys,Ants. An MGE scenario
I have given many arguments why the settings I play are more balanced for MP. I have given arguments on why my settings reduce the luck in a game that already has a high amount. I have written tons of strategies and I have played all the best players on their settings. I have discovered all the bugs for this game before anyone else did. The bribe bug for example...that was my doing. The use of ctrl+N in ladder games to end your turn when you come up on an empty city. The spacebar with trade trick I just recently revealed to you. The list goes on and on, and there are still more that I haven't revealed. It's not the bugs or the tricks though that made me so good. It was the ability to defend the entire map with a few horsemen while I forced the other guy to use more units. I was able to feel when it was safe to build cities and when I felt weak in other areas. I constantly redefined the way people played this game. I set the standards people used in competitive play and I still do even today as I create better ways to play. It is obvious that I know more about this game than any of you. If you want to say you play the settings you like most, fine. Do not say, however, that your settings are more challenging or are good MP settings because you have yet to refute any of my arguments and I could write a book on it...literally. I can't wait for civ4. I hope I will be able to buy a computer that I can play it on.
Most of your arguements are OPINIONS.
Just like you ignore anybody else's opinion, some treat your's the same.
Different strokes for different folks.
Some tricks should be discussed to see if they would be classified cheats and not useable. But then, I'm not going to hold my breath.
I can honestly say I don't use any tricks that haven't been discussed and ruled to be allowed or not.
You keep talking about a level playing field but you're not willing to offer a true one to your oponents. Tricks aren't skill.It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
Originally posted by StarLightDeath
I have given many arguments why the settings I play are more balanced for MP.
I have given arguments on why my settings reduce the luck in a game that already has a high amount.
I have written tons of strategies and I have played all the best players on their settings.
I have discovered all the bugs for this game before anyone else did.
The list goes on and on, and there are still more that I haven't revealed.
It's not the bugs or the tricks though that made me so good.
It was the ability to defend the entire map with a few horsemen while I forced the other guy to use more units. I was able to feel when it was safe to build cities and when I felt weak in other areas.
I constantly redefined the way people played this game. I set the standards people used in competitive play and I still do even today as I create better ways to play.
It is obvious that I know more about this game than any of you.
If you want to say you play the settings you like most, fine. Do not say, however, that your settings are more challenging or are good MP settings because you have yet to refute any of my arguments and I could write a book on it...literally.
I can't wait for civ4. I hope I will be able to buy a computer that I can play it on.
Keep on Civin'Keep on Civin'
RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O
Sorry for the 2nd post:
He says he has played all these games against all these people but for some reason I know of alot of people who would love to play him in 1x1x deity and he always refuses the game.
I do not doubt that Eyes can beat me in speed civ (2x2x king).
I do doubt that he could beat me in a 1x1x deity game. Strategicking used to come in here with the same self promoting talk. When he finally played me in a 1x1x deity game he lost. Then he blamed it on bad hut luck.
I certainly know I am not "the best" at 1x1x deity so he should have no trouble beating me. But I bet he refuses to play.
Now, before he responds to this post please vote on what his resposne will be. (I should have set up a poll)
A. "Deity Dude is a rookie and not worth my time"
B. "1x1x deity is a rookie setting and not worth my time. If you doubt this please read my many strategies and posts. If I say it, it must be true."
C. "This game is dead and only @$#%@ #$#$% play it anymore, thus it is not worth my time."
D. "It is not worth my time to explain why it is not worth my time. I am too busy writing strategies and bragging about my many different cheats that you useless #$)%*)$%* dont know about"
E. All of the above with alot of childish insults and expletives thrown in.
We've already played before Deity, many years ago. It was 1x1x Deity on a small map and I killed you with elephants. Actually I think it was 2x1x Deity, but it was definitely deity because I remember calling you a ****ing rookie and telling you how much you sucked as my cities were revolting at -1 and -2 (I know, that just adds so much to the game and makes you such a challenging opponent). I will end this discussion right now. Post a strategy for deity 1x1x that can't be done on any other setting. Post something that makes Deity special and that allows for a unique way of playing and enriches the strategy of the game. I expect it to have a title and I expect it to be original and out of the ordinary. I've written tons of these for 2x2x King, so lets see if you can write just one for Deity.
By the way, I don't have a computer right now or a reliable internet connection. I'm writing this from my brother's laptop right now on AOL dial up. The only time I could possibly play is when I go home which is from time to time so I'd have to post here and let you know in advance exactly when I'd be home.
You have not addressed my main reason for not playing Deity...HG is overpowered. I have never lost a game on 1x1x Deity where I got HG first. The only games I've lost on Deity were to Markus when I couldn't get HG first and that game I had only grassland and forest while his first 3 cities had whales. Again, you haven't addressed the FACTUAL NUMBERS (numbers aren't opinions if you didn't know) that bring Deity down to a race for HG. Don't tell me you can win without HG because Markus, Woke23, Jes, SmartFart, and a bunch of others thought they could and the game was over the minute I got HG. Why? Because HG allows me to build unlimited cities that only get mad at size 2 and I don't even have to defend them either because of the HG bug that actually makes your cities get anarchists if you put defenders on it. With HG and no defenders you get no anarchists and you will infinitely get mad at size 2. So you can have pyramids, you can have lighthouse, you can have everything you want but your 10 cities isn't going to out-do my 30+ cities. If you don't believe this, I'll dig up the post where smartfart actually AGREES with EVERYTHING I'VE SAID. I can prove beyond a doubt that the game can't be won without HG so all that's left is whether or not you are stupid and think you can with without it. You've already said that it is almost impossible to win without it so I won't hold my breath. Against me with it...there is no hope.
Actually we played twice. once 2x2x king and somehow you were in my capital around 3500bc.
The other time we played - it was 2x1x deity. You were on an island and said the game was BS and quit in about 2500bc.
I really dont care about your other games against other people and I never said I was better at, or wanted to write a bunch of strategies. I just want to play the game.
I just challenge you to an honest 1x1x deity game. Thats all. Your response about me writing strategies and your past victories against other players is just a way of not playng the game without admitting you arent playing the game.
Could you imagine this:
Its Saturday and its time for Michigan to play Mcihigan State in football. Michigan is a heavy favorite. Michigan declines the game. Their reason is twofold:
- They beat alot of other good football teams in the past.
- They have written strategies about football and Michigan State hasn't.
Hmmmmm.... I wonder how that would fly?