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Problem with Civ-Stack!

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  • Problem with Civ-Stack!

    I am trying to run the civstack utility on one the Ditator ToT
    saves, to prevent the unfair defeats of vast unit stacks...

    But when run the exe in the Dictator folder and direct the
    program to the D4.sav file, I get this rude message!

    What gives?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Any chance the dashes in or length of the path string are causing problems? Either that or it is a personal attack!
    El Aurens v2 Beta!


    • #3
      I will rename the file and give it a shot!


      • #4

        No luck!

        Has anyone done a working conversion with this program,
        and can perhaps do the stacks on the dictator save for me?

        Attached Files


        • #5
          I'll just have to assume that civstack does not work with ToT...

          Oh well!


          • #6
            I thought Merc might have time, so I kept mum. If you still need help, I'll try to give it a shot. My record with CivStack is not impressive, though. Which terrains do you want stackable? Be patient with my ignorance, but are there multiple maps or many airbases?
            El Aurens v2 Beta!


            • #7
              Cheers, man!

              I need everything to be stackable...Which makes me wonder:
              If a tranport full of units is killed on a civstacked tile:

              What becomes of the units?
              Do they die as normal, or do they end up stranded?



              • #8
                I haven't been online, sorry (and I'm on the wrong computer now too, without CivStack or ToT)...

                When a transport full of units is killed on an ocean tile with a fortress, the units will indeed end up stranded. I'm not sure if that's also the case when the attacker dies though.

                But as for the original question. Do you by any chance have that savegame open in any other program (e.g. ToT or some hex editor)? Or is the file set to be read-only?

                Oh, and you said D4.sav in your post, while the screenshot says DICTA-MAP4.SAV. Were you just conveniently abbreviating the file name or is there more to it than that? How did you locate the file? By typing in the file name ( not sure if that's even possible) or by using the browse button?

                Whatever the case may be, CivStack definitely supports ToT! All my utilities work for all versions of Civ2. This certainly has nothing to do with the file not being for ToT or not. That error indicates that it goes wrong before CivStack could ever even find out it was a ToT file.

                Sorry if that sounds even ruder than the message you already got.
                Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                • #9
                  No sweat!

                  We have a mystery to solve!

                  *I only renamed the file after Boco advise that the nature of the filename may be a root cause.

                  *I also used the browse button, and did not have the file in use anywhere at the time.
                  (except for in Explorer...)

                  *The file is also not read-only.

                  For the conversion, I will avoid the whole naval ballgame and keep the sea squares as normal.

                  It is the land warfare I am more concerned with.
                  The massed losses are really flinging the invasions by AI units...
                  I want to make Barbarossa and Normandy real nightmares to face!



                  • #10
                    good news, bad news

                    File opened okay.

                    Sorry cs, all I could get either CivStack or CivEngineer to do is remove the city present flag from all your cities! I haven't figured out how to use these utilities reproducibly yet.

                    El Aurens v2 Beta!


                    • #11
                      Aha! I'm getting it too... There does seem to be something going on. But you already uncovered a bug in that dialog box. It should have said "saving" rather than "loading". So that caused some confusion... You're getting the error when you try to save the file, right? I.e. clicking the OK/Apply button?

                      I found the bug. And it was a ToT thing indeed.
                      Not something specifically related to ToT, but just a stupid programming error that only played up with ToT files.

                      So thanks

                      Try this...
                      Attached Files
                      Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)


                      • #12
                        Re: good news, bad news

                        Originally posted by Boco
                        File opened okay.

                        Sorry cs, all I could get either CivStack or CivEngineer to do is remove the city present flag from all your cities! I haven't figured out how to use these utilities reproducibly yet.
                        No problem - Perhaps Merc can shed some light on it for us!

                        Originally posted by Boco Please-do-not-exterminate!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mercator
                          Aha! I'm getting it too... There does seem to be something going on. But you already uncovered a bug in that dialog box. It should have said "saving" rather than "loading". So that caused some confusion... You're getting the error when you try to save the file, right? I.e. clicking the OK/Apply button?

                          I found the bug. And it was a ToT thing indeed.
                          Not something specifically related to ToT, but just a stupid programming error that only played up with ToT files.

                          So thanks

                          Try this...
                          Merc, you would make a good Dalek!

                          It worked!

                          This will make things far better for the scenario...

                          Now it is time to IN-VEST-I-GATE!



                          • #14
                            Well, it works a treat, but sadly it ignores my commands to not put forts on the ocean tiles...

                            Any reason for this, great Merc?



                            • #15
                              I'll have to investigate at a later date.

                              ToT started crashing on me so I can't see what's going on.

                              On a side note: I've only seen one episode of Dr Who... The only other things I know about Dr Who is from Dead Ringers.
                              Civilization II: maps, guides, links, scenarios, patches and utilities (+ Civ2Tech and CivEngineer)

