@AGRICOLA: That's a neat idea, actually, but could make it damn near impossible to win as Japan. Also, I kind of think I might keep things in Europe close to historical canon, if not even right on. Don't get me wrong, it's a great idea, and could make the basis of a whole 'what if' scen itself (jot this down for Chris' 'New and Innovative Scenario Ideas' thread), but I'm aiming at something somewhat more 'historical,' at least as events have it. BTW, I don't think Hitler likely would have died of a coronary; he had among the lowest cholesterol levels of 20th Century world leaders, as he was a strict vegetarian (only the Dalai Llama, back when he was a leader when Tibet was independent before China took over, had lower); assassination is far more likely.
No announcement yet.
Empire of the Rising Sun Almost Done
Another question I'd like advice on, if someone could be so inclined. When EotRS is complete, should I make a separate version of it with the same map, units, techs, and starting setup, but with events text designed to play the US as the intended player? What do you all think?
Originally posted by Patine
I've finished the initial events, and those for '44 onwards where Japan's losing, but I need some solid advice on what to put in the ones where Japan's actually winning.
Sinking of Force Z
Corregidor + Bataan Death March
Battle of Java Sea
Rabaul, the Gibraltar of the Japs + hauling the civilians back to Japan as slaves.
Raids as far as Colombo
Invasion of India and cutting Burma Road
Sinking of Lexington (actually Japs sank CV1,2,5,7,8 in 42, not too bad a job)
Operation IchigoLast edited by kobayashi; July 7, 2005, 05:57.
In a nut shell, a land offensive to capture airbases supporting bombers capable of hitting Japan from China. Even though it took place in 1945, the Chinese with American weapons and training and stuff were still unable to hold back the Japanese.
Originally posted by Patine
Those are great ideas, kobayashi (now that I know what Ichigo is)! I'll be getting to work on those events files right away!
I had plenty of other stuff I cant fit in or fit in properly, resignations of Japanese politicians, lord mountbatten, Australia forced to turn to America, disbandening of ABDA, the Fugo experiment, the indian liberation army, the Lyons saotage missions, the battle in the mountains north of Port Moresby (can't rem the name right now).....
good luck
Thanks all. Fortunately for me all of the good bits were done beforehand by fairline and curt, so I can put off the aforementioned dicksticking.And all things considered, they don't exactly look true to life. Perhaps more tweaks are in order...
Originally posted by Patine
Yes, typhoon, those will do nicely! Thanks a plenty!I'd be happy enough to see this project come to fruition, after all that has happened *cough*crash*cough*
Last edited by typhoon; July 13, 2005, 05:56.
I do intend to finish this scen, certainly, typhoon, but another (I'm hoping the last, knock on wood) cough or crash has occurred. My CD-Rom drive kicked out and it won't be fixed till Tuesday. I can't run ToT to make the finishing touches, and, though I can work on the events files, I often need things like coordinates from the scen. I'd like a working crack, but I know those are illegal, so I won't even ask for one. I don't know why my computer's a piece of crap (I paid $1300CAN for it), but this scen will be finished as soon as is humanly possible.
that's why i keep a backup cd-drive in my drawer,I am not delusional! Now if you'll excuse me, i'm gonna go dance with the purple wombat who's playing show-tunes in my coffee cup!
Rules are like Egg's. They're fun when thrown out the window!
Difference is irrelevant when dosage is higher than recommended!