Tech, check your e-mail. I enclosed some comments I made from my brief playtest. I hope some of it is useful.
No announcement yet.
Warlords of China update
Glad to hear this one will be ready so soon there Tech, along with the upgrade of Mongols for ToT this will be another excellent total war scenario based on the Asian continent.
And congrats on starting Law School Alinestra. Maybe with some of those mighty lawyering skills you can help us wrest control of the Civ II source code away from its captors.
I'm just trying to write the Readme - the last thing on my list. I was hoping to get it done tonight, but something is goofy on my computer. It takes several tries to boot it each time, and my Symantec update flashes a popup every 15 seconds for a fraction of a second. It's very annoying.
There, it did it again.
I don't think it's the virus software. I'm afraid it's my CPU. I had a hard time getting the thing to even boot this morning. Time to upgrade anyway. I can't play Civ4 or Rome Total War on this.
It was apparently my video card. All fixed, can now play Civ4 and Rome-Total War also. Will get down to finishing the Readme and post the sucker.
Yes. It's good. Pretty pictures. Me like.
Originally posted by techumseh
I'm just trying to write the Readme - the last thing on my list.
How is the project coming? I'm itching to try the Fengtien Faction.Excerpts from the Manual of the Civilization Fanatic :
Money can buy happiness, just raise the luxury rate to 50%.
Money is not the root of all evil, it is the root of great empires.
Yes. Was diverted by Korean War. Self discipline restored. Tomorrow night.