Originally posted by AGRICOLA
I have 2 comments on these changes.
Unless the size of the Commie "Area" cities is increased to 2, it will be be impossible to capture them. The cities will be razed when a warlord unit enters them.
I have 2 comments on these changes.
Unless the size of the Commie "Area" cities is increased to 2, it will be be impossible to capture them. The cities will be razed when a warlord unit enters them.
The caravan payoffs are pretty slim as it is. The best that I've seen or tested while playing Kuomintang and the League is around 170 gold. That's not very much for a unit requiring 70 scarce shields (1 to 1.5 years for the most productive cities) to build. Playing the League, I've given up on merchants as a cost-effective way to raise cash and cash flow. There are better ways.