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OCC 2005 Game 2

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  • #31
    hey, just learned that if you only have one city, barbarians are defeated by any unit defending the city? This would explain my warriors saving the city against archers and even legions, but I spent a lot of time and money rushing better defense units...

    Anyway, I've been saving and reloading at different decision points, so might just go back a few.

    RJM, I admit that I am much more nervous about the next 1000 years than the previous. It's not many turns, and I feel like a lot has to happen.

    let's civ on
    Ants. An MGE scenario


    • #32
      Yes, this is another peculiar safeguard the game provides to protect your first city!


      • #33

        Yes take what time you need. I know I am not in a terrible rush to move this game along, and it seems like solo is willing to be patient as well. I have many other projects that I need to be working on besides playing OCC and some extra time would do them good. Some extra time to think about my next turnset is also welcome. I think that things are set up for a very good landing date in this game, should I play well.

        Yes, bribing the two settlers is probably the best move I have made in this game so far. I have already reaped some benefits from this move, and am set up to get even more over the rest of the game. I really enjoy these settlers being unsupported. Once I start growing, Madrid can pop out a settler or two and allow for even faster terrain development. I will have to remember this trick for other games where I share a continent with an opposing civ.

        I am not sure how much benefit the road bonus to Ulundi will be. The caravans I delivered to it already were not that much bigger than those to Zimbabwe, and Zimbabwe is likely to overtake Ulundi in payments soon, as the AI avoids using a wine square like the plague.

        biru biru,
        It looks like you have a promising OCC start going. I look forward to seeing how you handle the next 1000 years. Remember this is a best ball game, so feel free to pick up a 1000AD save from solo, RJM, or myself and play through to 500AD. Once completed you can post a log of the turnset and your 500AD save. Continuing your own save is perfectly acceptable as well.

        Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

        StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
        Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


        • #34
          Originally posted by solo
          biru biru,


          We will wait for you to play up to 500 BC if you are busy and need more time.
          Things went well yesterday and I'm hoping that I should be able to play and post over the weekend.

          RJM at Sleeper's
          Fill me with the old familiar juice


          • #35
            It is good to see there are still games going on. I have looked at the nice OCC start, Solo has provided and couldn´t resist. I came a bit late, so I played through to 500 BC. In the beginning I took the risk to tip a second hut while working on my size 1 settler and had a lucky result: Literacy! This set the path for an early republic game. After building MPE I had a few slow turns due to the lack of gifts. But the turns until 500 BC were going very well. In 450 ST will be build and sanitation is allready reseached. Vikings are researching seafaring, which should be ready in time. By far the best start I had in an OCC.

            4000 hut: chariot, Madrid
            3750 Alphabet, hut Writing
            3400 size 1 settler
            3350 size 2, 3
            3300 warrior
            3150 CB
            3000 Sioux destroyed by barbarians
            2800 Library
            2700 Code of Laws
            2500 Temple
            2400 Mongols destroyed by barbarians
            2300 Literacy
            2000 Spanish pathetic
            1900 Republic discovered
            1850 Republic
            1700 size 5
            1600 Currency
            1350 Trade
            1300 MPE, Zulus, give Republic, peace, refuse to trade techs, Celts, Republic for Map Making, techs, alliance, maps, 50g, Persians, peace, maps, no alliance, Indians, give techs, peace, no alliance, maps, Greeks and Vikings are icy and at war with each other,
            1250 Vikings, alliance, maps, give The Wheel, Zulus, maps, alliance, no gift, Greeks, peace maps, without gifts I switch to 70% gold
            1200 dye
            1050 hides
            1000 Persians, alliance, no gift
            950 hides, Greeks make peace with Vikings, alliance, no gift
            900 Celts 25g, Zulus 75g, hides
            875 start on research again
            825 silk
            775 trireme, barbarian leader 150g, Celts, trade for Mystizism, 50g,
            725 Marketplace, we love, Zulu trade for Iron Working, Greeks, trade for Masonry, 100g
            675 Philosophy, Medicine, dye to Ulundi (d) 172g, Vikings 250g, Persians 25g
            650 settler
            575 Construction, hides to Zimbabwe (d) 202g
            525 Engineering, dye to Ulundi (d) 172g, Greeks 150g
            Attached Files


            • #36
              I thought you might show up Zenon! Early Republic was nice after Literacy from a hut and now we have another very competitive 500 BC result.

              You have probably noticed already, but I'll mention that StuporMan's supply and demand calculator works great and makes me want to find another EL start to make more use out of it.


              • #37
                Thanks for the plug solo!


                It is good to see another person join in our OCC fun. It will be interesting to see how getting Republic early will affect the games outcome. It seems like you have had some bad luck already with barbarians killing off two civilizations before 2000BC! Hopefully this will not hurt your attempt too badly.

                If you are interested in the calculator I made, let me recommend that you scroll down to the 1.011 version. Version 0.91 works great for a single city, but version 1.011 lets you track all the cities from all the civs in a single game (up to 255 cities which I believe is the games limitation as well).

                As soon as I get the documentation done for version 1.011 I will go ahead and move that version to the top of the thread.

                Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

                StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
                Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


                • #38
                  Summary of my 1000 bc to 500 bc; Built Marco Polo, changed to Republic, and started wroking on caravans (no trade routes yet though!)

                  4000bc - 2000 bc log:

                  4000: 2 NON settlers; tip hut,
                  NON horse; found city;
                  disband horse for shields;
                  building settler. Using whale,
                  gold 1/turn, science 1/5turns
                  3950: choose alphabet
                  3900: start building roads in grassland
                  3700: mining grapes. change rate to 50%/50% for one extra gold
                  3650: buy settler (save 1 turn) for all
                  8 gold in treasury
                  3600: change to warrior, no loss shields
                  -will be done in 3 turns, just in
                  time for size 2. settler goes to work
                  -tax back to 40%/60%
                  3450: build warriors (police)
                  3400: finish irrigation
                  3350: size 2, settler joins city, unhappy
                  but warrior done next turn
                  3300: size 3 city, no unhappiness,
                  2 police. building warriors
                  3250: finish mines. working silk and mines,
                  no food; move workers to food from silk,
                  will get next tech, finish warior anyway.
                  3200; discover CB, start CofL. build warrior (explore)
                  workers move to silk, mines. no food surplus. tech
                  every 7 turns. start police #3
                  3100: NON settler joins city, size 4. 3 police. try -1 food
                  for a few turns to focus trade. start collossus
                  2900: 1 food left, discover CofL, workers moved from
                  silk to grassland, no growth. start rsrching Monarchy.
                  (in 10 turns)
                  2850: barbs land. first hut
                  2800: tip hut, 50 gold
                  2700: survived archer attack w/ warriors
                  2600: meet zulus. trade CofL for iron working
                  don't trade for warior code.
                  2350: barbs are back.
                  2300: discover monarchy. revolution
                  2250: monarchy established (oedo year)
                  2200: legions land near city. capture leader. 1 entertainer.
                  2150: barbs seem to be going the
                  other way. complete collosus for 220 gold.
                  find Ulundi (Mongols demand withdrawl.)
                  2100: explorer withdrawn. warrior field
                  sacrifice to slow down legions.
                  warrior disbands and 41 gold for phalanx.
                  2050: start legion
                  2000: monarchy. 10 shields per turn. collossus built.
                  legion. income 6, discoveries 6.
                  hostile barbarians in the area.
                  city size 4. no improvements.
                  using special resource squares, no surplus food.

                  2000 bc - 1000 bc log

                  1850: dscvr writing.
                  1800: leader captured. disband warrior. buy library
                  1700: hut, 50 gold, buy temple
                  1650: zulus declare war
                  1350: hut, NON settlers. buy marketplace
                  1250: dscvr trade
                  1100: love king day

                  1000 bc - 500 bc log

                  975: learn literacy

                  875: peace, allianc w/ zulus. no gold., no maps. trade for horse and warrior code
                  750: build third caravan. no triremes yet.
                  use them to build marco polo
                  700: disband units, buy marco for 60 gold
                  675: celts trade for republic, wheel, allianc, 50 gold, maps
                  chinese trade for mystisism. alliance. no gold/maps
                  suix trade for map making. alliance. no gold. maps
                  vikings; I pay 50 tribute, peace, trade for masonry
                  greeks; trade myst, math. alliance, maps, 150 gold.
                  650: science dropped to 21 turns! power moderate, no tech gifting possible
                  r EP. we love king day. sioux out of game, indians take their place
                  trireme w/ diplo set out. start caravans
                  550: rush caravan w/ all money
                  525: cancel love king at size 7. 20% luxuries.

                  Ants. An MGE scenario


                  • #39
                    Alright, I payed mine way all the way through. definitely not a record, and maybe not even respectable, but I learned a lot with it and I'm sure that I can do better next time. Launched a 15/4/3 spaceship in 1818, to arrive in 1837.

                    Spent the middle game as a republic, trading for a xome techs, but mostly tech gifting to keep my own rate down, and using caravans for extra beakers and cash.

                    In the late game I used engineers to build farmland and railroads to max city growth, and changed to democracy. At times the 100% option is what let me keep my advances comming every two turns.

                    When it was time to start building my ship, I had a few innefficient turns (took two turns each for a couple of structurals), but then switched to freight and used engineers to change farmland to forests. When I was really ready, I was able to use gold (tax rate 100% gold, a few specialist scientists working on fusion power) and caravans to rush components and modules every turn, then just as they were finished, and I was broke, I was getting 80 shields per turn to bust out structurals. Did get some starvation unfortunately.

                    Things to do better next time:
                    - sanitation earlier
                    - better job w/ caravans and freight, especially keeping supply unlocked
                    - know which advances I need, and holding off trading
                    until I really need another civs tech.
                    - never broke the 'advance every 2 turns', although I did use caravans to get an advance every turn for a while.

                    Tricks I learned from you guys, or really used for the first time:
                    - tech gifting! I had read about this, but never really tried it.
                    -Oedeo Years! perfect revolutions at Monarchy, Republic, and Democracy
                    - incremental rushing; although I've done this, I used it obsesively this game
                    - Size one settler trick. cool head start and learned it here. Thanks!

                    Had a lot of fun, and looking forward to seeing how some of you vets do. Thanks for the help!
                    Ants. An MGE scenario


                    • #40
                      Here's my effort through to 500 BC. Not very inspired, but chugging along.

                      1000 BC Everything looks OK, so hit enter; complete market
                      975 BC increase taxation to 70%; Zulus discover writing
                      950 BC we swap for writing which we give to Vikinmgs, but no alliance
                      925 BC tip hut for barbarian horseman.
                      800 BC 25 from Persians allows completion of caravan
                      750 BC Dye->Ulundi (d) 128
                      650 BC complete 4th van for collosus
                      625 BC complete Collosus
                      575 BC Hides->Ulundi (d) 132; we give writing to Celts who give us 150. Literacy->Astronomy
                      550 BC we give literacy to the Zulus who give us 50; swap with Vikings for construction
                      Attached Files
                      Fill me with the old familiar juice


                      • #41
                        Solo and StuporMan,

                        thanks for the welcome. It was fun to start an OCC again. At the moment I am traveling, so I will probably come late for the next turns.

                        I will certainly try the calculator when I am back. My respect for taking on this tricky issue, StuporMan. I am sure this will become a very useful tool for all OCC and ELG players.



                        • #42
                          Due to some time restrictions this week I went ahead and played through to 1AD a little early. Here is the log.

                          500: Greek: 100g, Viking 150g
                          475: Food
                          450: Food, Celts: 50g, Persians 50g, Sioux 50g
                          425: Food, hut->Archer, barbs land
                          400: Food
                          375: Astronomy, Food, barb leader 150g, hut->Archer (none)
                          350: Food, Sioux 50g, Hides to Zimbabwe(d) 228g, Vikings: Trade for Seafaring, gift Horseback Riding.
                          325: Shakespeare's Theatre
                          300: Aqueduct, size 8, Zulu 50g, Celts 100g
                          275: Food, size 9, Sioux 50g
                          250: Food, size 10, University, Silk(d) to Little Bighorn 352g, Hides to Ulundi 260g
                          225: Food, size 11, The Wheel, Hides to Ulundi 292g, Hides to Zimbabwe 312g
                          200: Food, size 12 (changed from Moderate to strong and missed Engineering by 10 beakers )
                          175: Food, Engineering, Celts land, Zulus get Iron Working ,
                          Trade with Zulus for Iron Working,
                          give Persians tech,
                          Hides to Zimbabwe 312g, Hides to Ulundi 308g
                          150: Food, Sanitation, Celts: 50g,
                          125: Copernicus' Observatory, Greeks -> Give Techs, share maps
                          100: Sewer System, Zulu -> give techs, share maps, Hides to Ulundi 308g
                          75: Bank, Bridge Building, size 13
                          50: University, size 14
                          25: Harbor,
                          size 15
                          AD1: Dye, Theory of Gravity, size 16

                          Overall a very good turnset, I had 3 1 turn techs from trade, and managed to get Iron Working from the Zulus. I was afraid I was going to have to research Warrior code first! I wished I had been a little more careful with my tech path so I could have got Sanitation in time to keep We Love Growth going up to size 20. I was also dissapointed to have to take on the carrying cost of Horseback riding, but no one else was interested in researching the Wheel. I also probably wasted my time mining the Wine for the Zulus, I would probably have the road to Zimbabwe completed by now otherwise. I do not know whether or not it was smarter to go for the delivery bonus route over the persistent bonus, I might have time to complete both before I launch, but first I must complete updating Madrid.


                          Thanks for the compliment! I hope you find the calculator to be a useful tool.

                          Not a bad turnset at all. It was an interesting move to wrap around the island to pick up the hut! It was most unfortunate that it ended up being a barbarian.

                          biru biru,
                          A very good landing date for your first OCC. It looks like you already have some ideas for your next attempt.

                          I look forward to seeing where everyone is at 1AD!

                          Attached Files
                          Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons.

                          StuporMan's Supply and Demand Calculator
                          Supply and Demand Calculator 2.0.1 Beta Now loading savegames!


                          • #43
                            Here is my own log up to 1 AD:

                            475 Sanitation, size 12

                            Zulus – trade for Mathematics & Astronomy, trade maps
                            Persians – trade for Banking, share maps
                            Vikings – give tech, 50g

                            With Sanitation just in time, I can relax research a bit and also pick up some techs the AI have researched in the meantime. With all the trade routes I’ve given their cities, the Zulus have become my best research assistant.

                            450 sewer system, size 13
                            425 beads, Celts – give tech, size 14
                            400 size 15, Vikings – give tech, share maps
                            375 size 16, barb leader, 150g
                            350 bank, size 17
                            325 size 18
                            300 coal, size 19, beads(d) to Ulundi, 256g
                            Greeks – trade for University, give tech

                            275 hides, size 20

                            Now who said hides have to stop at size 7?

                            250 hides, size 21

                            About the quickest I’ve grown to size 21 in OCC.

                            225 hides, we love cancelled
                            200 hides
                            175 Economics,

                            Zulus – trade for Bridge Building and Iron Working, share maps
                            Celts – give tech, 50g
                            Sioux – 100g

                            150 stock exchange
                            125 wool
                            100 food
                            75 food, hut – legion
                            50 settlers, hides(d) to Zimbabwe, 320g

                            Another settler is needed as I am still behind a bit on development.

                            25 food, hides(d) to Ulundi, 280g
                            1 Colossus, Theory of Gravity, Zulus – give tech, share maps

                            A good turn set, and I think I should have all scientific improvements and wonders in place by 200 AD. This game is still ahead of last game’s pace, though I’m making a lot less gold.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              I played through to AD 1 - nothing very much happened. I am way behind Solo and StuporMan, but getting there slowly.

                              500 BC hit enter
                              350 BC Zulus discover philosophy and medicine
                              325 BC we swap with Zulus for philosophy and medicine
                              275 BC Hides-Zimbabwe (d) 164; Hides-Ulundi (d) 160 astronomy->engineering
                              150 BC Hides-Ulundi (d) 160; Hides-Ulundi (d) 160 engineering->navigation
                              125 BC Hides supply has reapeared in Apolyton - I expect I should understand why, but I don't.
                              75 BC Hides-Ulundi (d) 160; Hides-Ulundi (d) 160
                              AD 1 save

                              RJM at Sleeper's

                              PS I have two AD 1 saves on this machine (I suspect the other is from our previous game.) I hope I've attached the correct one (I can't check as I don't have Civ II on this machine.)
                              Attached Files
                              Fill me with the old familiar juice


                              • #45

                                I very much like what you were able to do with this turn set. That delivery bonus and the extra hides caravans certainly paid off. You already have Copernicus and a university, both of which I still lack. (I should have built Copernicus in 1 AD before building the Colossus, but two caravans close to being delivered made me pick the Colossus).

                                I am just starting my road to the Zulus, and leaving Zulu settlers alone has left me a lot to do, as they have only mined the wine and have only completed a few useful roads. I am ahead a bit on population and have worked the swamp and jungle in time to make them productive, but I have to congratulate you on doing a better job during this phase of the game. You may grab a tech lead shortly that might be hard to overcome.

