With Bitterfrost complete, I felt it was high time I got the next project
for ToT underway. The upgraded version of Dictator has long been in
my mind, but now with the completion of my university work it is
necessary to get various CIV promises to myself and others underway!
Curt will now get busy and back into full CIV2 mania again! Huzzah!
This will be my most ambitious CIV project so far, in terms of attempting
to 'get it right'. There are as much of the ToT trimmings as I could include.
I have made WW2 Improvement pedia images, plenty of new sounds, a totally new
and grand Mercator map, and as for the units, I can only say one word...Fairline!
There are some who argue that the WW2 scenario situation is a little stale, but
ToT offers new territories to explore, and the potential to make this traditional
area of CIV2 really rock. Anyone who has seen the epic Operation Market Garden will
know what I mean! Tech's CIV 'magnum opus' and the huge Red Front ToT were my main
inspiration here...So please prepare for some delicious war-megalomania!
This version is quite similar to the MGE Dictator, only with more units, fun
and strategic terrain, new cities, new sounds, extended events that include
various extra WW2 happenings, and an improved tech tree.
The goal is the same as all previous versions, pick a faction from the
Axis or Allies, and replicate or surpass their historical WW2 performance!
Where are we at?
The map and cities are placed.
The terrain and unit graphics are done.
The events are done. (maybe some tuning neeeded)
All the text files are tuned and done.
New sounds might be added.
Improvement images are being tweaked.
Unit placement and fine tuning are underway.
My own gameplay tests will begin in a week or so.
I fully expect the odd glitch, etc - And this is where you
chaps will be able to help out, we shall hunt the bugs!
Of course, the prototype will be available soon, so keep watching!
Just as a little sneaky peek, here is what to expect...
Shaving Private Ryan.